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Sat. 15 Feb., 01:06 PM UT
Sun 27°06'   Aquarius
Moon  0°41'   Libra
Mercury  1°55'   Pisces
Venus  7°01'   Aries
Mars 17°29'  Я Cancer
Jupiter 11°29'   Gemini
Saturn 19°04'   Pisces
Uranus 23°22'   Taurus
Neptune 28°25'   Pisces
Pluto  2°30'   Aquarius
Chiron 20°01'   Aries
True Node 27°34'   Pisces
True Lilith  1°59'  Я Scorpio
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Moon Phase
Waning Moon, 91.53%
Waning Gibbous
Fri. 28 Feb., 12:46 AM UT
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Born:Friday, June 21, 1985
In:New York (NY) (United States)
Sun: 0°24' CancerAS: 15°28' Scorpio
Moon:10°34' Leo MC: 25°28' Leo
Orb 0°32'
14°55' Taurus 15°28' Scorpio
House VII 
Born:Friday, February 16, 1990
In:Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
Sun: 27°53' AquariusAS: 23°34' Cancer
Moon:17°26' Scorpio MC: 3°43' Aries
Orb 1°16'
22°17' Capricorn 23°34' Cancer
House VI 
Author: DOD photo by D. Myles Cullen
Credits: http://www.defense.gov/dodcmsshare/newsphoto/2014-04/hires_140417-D-VO565-002c.jpg
Licence: Public domain
Born:Sunday, February 17, 1963
In:Brooklyn, New York (NY) (United States)
Sun: 28°23' AquariusAS: 13°06' Cancer
Moon:10°01' Sagittarius MC: 22°28' Pisces
Orb 0°05'
13°12' Capricorn 13°06' Cancer
House VII 
Author: Ira Rosenberg
Credits: This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division
under the digital ID cph.3c15435.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.
Licence: Public domain
Born:Saturday, January 17, 1942
In:Louisville (KY) (United States)
Sun: 27°18' CapricornAS: 19°32' Leo
Moon:12°26' Aquarius MC: 12°13' Taurus
Orb 1°08'
20°40' Aquarius 19°32' Leo
House VII 
Born:Wednesday, June 4, 1975
In:Orsett, Essex (United Kingdom)
Sun: 12°44' GeminiAS: 28°13' Capricorn
Moon:4°31' Aries MC: 0°33' Sagittarius
Orb 0°47'
27°25' Cancer 28°13' Capricorn
House VII 
Born:Thursday, July 18, 1918
In:Mvezo (South Africa)
Sun: 25°04' CancerAS: 23°41' Sagittarius
Moon:20°15' Scorpio MC: 5°44' Virgo
Orb 1°05'
22°35' Gemini 23°41' Sagittarius
House VI 
Born:Thursday, September 19, 1974
In:Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York (NY) (United States)
Sun: 26°36' VirgoAS: 12°42' Pisces
Moon:17°10' Scorpio MC: 20°44' Sagittarius
Orb 1°32'
14°14' Virgo 12°42' Pisces
House VII 
Author: David Shankbone
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Born:Tuesday, September 9, 1980
In:Kalispell (MT) (United States)
Sun: 17°27' VirgoAS: 3°01' Aquarius
Moon:23°59' Virgo MC: 0°47' Sagittarius
Orb 0°38'
2°23' Leo 3°01' Aquarius
House VII 
Born:Thursday, December 9, 1976
In:Sčvres (92) (France)
Sun: 17°51' SagittariusAS: 29°47' Cancer
Moon:22°04' Cancer MC: 7°43' Aries
Orb 0°31'
0°18' Aquarius 29°47' Cancer
House VII 
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Sunday, January 2, 1983
In:Van Nuys (CA) (United States)
Sun: 12°07' CapricornAS: 25°36' Cancer
Moon:2°29' Virgo MC: 13°31' Aries
Orb 1°03'
26°39' Capricorn 25°36' Cancer
House VII 
Author: Antho158
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Born:Monday, July 22, 1946
In:Avignon (84) (France)
Sun: 29°25' CancerAS: 11°13' Pisces
Moon:13°08' Taurus MC: 20°39' Sagittarius
Orb 0°48'
10°24' Virgo 11°13' Pisces
House VII 
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Tuesday, November 15, 1983
In:Neuilly-sur-Seine (92) (France)
Sun: 22°39' ScorpioAS: 8°23' Aries
Moon:24°52' Pisces MC: 3°34' Capricorn
Orb 1°54'
6°29' Libra 8°23' Aries
House VI 
Author: Roger Pic
Credits: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Licence: Public domain
Born:Friday, April 13, 1906
In:Dublin (Ireland)
Sun: 23°00' AriesAS: 7°35' Scorpio
Moon:27°12' Sagittarius MC: 22°31' Leo
Orb 0°02'
7°33' Taurus 7°35' Scorpio
House VII 
Born:Sunday, February 2, 1986
In:Gravesend, Kent (United Kingdom)
Sun: 13°33' AquariusAS: 16°29' Leo
Moon:20°16' Scorpio MC: 0°05' Taurus
Orb 0°26'
16°56' Aquarius 16°29' Leo
House VII 
Born:Thursday, October 4, 1956
In:Vienna (Austria)
Sun: 11°21' LibraAS: 28°56' Aquarius
Moon:17°08' Libra MC: 15°51' Sagittarius
Orb 0°38'
28°17' Leo 28°56' Aquarius
House VII 
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Monday, July 1, 1991
In:Paris 16e (France)
Sun: 8°37' CancerAS: 22°06' Aquarius
Moon:20°00' Aquarius MC: 12°41' Sagittarius
Orb 0°36'
22°43' Leo 22°06' Aquarius
House VII 
Born:Monday, May 12, 2003
In:Leicester (United Kingdom)
Sun: 21°34' TaurusAS: 25°56' Libra
Moon:3°21' Libra MC: 5°05' Leo
Orb 0°28'
25°28' Aries 25°56' Libra
House VII 
Born:Friday, December 31, 1869
In:Le Cateau-Cambrésis (59) (France)
Sun: 10°15' CapricornAS: 24°31' Leo
Moon:25°20' Sagittarius MC: 12°46' Taurus
Orb 1°40'
26°12' Aquarius 24°31' Leo
House VII 
Born:Wednesday, March 29, 1939
In:Venice (Italy)
Sun: 8°00' AriesAS: 29°37' Leo
Moon:22°08' Cancer MC: 22°05' Taurus
Orb 1°41'
27°55' Aquarius 29°37' Leo
House VI 
Author: Tyler J. Clements
Credits: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sam_Shepard_Stealth.jpg
Licence: Public domain
Born:Friday, November 5, 1943
In:Fort Sheridan (IL) (United States)
Sun: 12°34' ScorpioAS: 25°30' Pisces
Moon:22°03' Aquarius MC: 27°42' Sagittarius
Orb 0°51'
26°21' Virgo 25°30' Pisces
House VII 
Author: Heinrich Hoffmann
Logo Bundesarchiv This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 de
Born:Monday, March 7, 1904
In:Halle (Sachsen-Anhalt) (Germany)
Sun: 16°35' PiscesAS: 15°41' Leo
Moon:29°17' Scorpio MC: 28°52' Aries
Orb 0°28'
15°12' Aquarius 15°41' Leo
House VII 
Born:Friday, March 15, 1985
In:Digne-les-Bains (04) (France)
Sun: 25°11' PiscesAS: 22°39' Libra
Moon:20°50' Capricorn MC: 27°32' Cancer
Orb 0°26'
22°13' Aries 22°39' Libra
House VII 
Born:Friday, May 16, 1919
In:West Allis (WI) (United States)
Sun: 25°13' TaurusAS: 5°21' Capricorn
Moon:18°32' Sagittarius MC: 1°44' Scorpio
Orb 0°17'
5°03' Cancer 5°21' Capricorn
House VII 
Author: Author and location unknown.
Bettina Stangneth's caption for the image says: "Unknown photographer, undated (1941), AKG Images, 4217270".[3] The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library) website used to attribute the image to Heinrich Hoffmann (1885–1957) ("image: hoff-895; negative: Hoffmann 8841"), a German photographer who was known as Hitler's personal photographer. The library obtained the negative and a copy of the image as part of a collection purchased from Hoffmann's son in 1993. Following an inquiry from a Wikipedian in 2014, the library checked the negative and confirmed "with certainty" that this is not one of Hoffmann's images. His negatives were made of glass and had identifying numbers etched onto them. The library said they cannot determine the authorship of the Eichmann negative.
Credits: Immediate source Blic.rs. Also Yad Vashem and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The latter credits DIZ Muenchen GMBH, Sueddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst. Image ID: 00126367.
Licence: Public domain
Born:Monday, March 19, 1906
In:Solingen (Germany)
Sun: 28°15' PiscesAS: 7°46' Libra
Moon:26°54' Capricorn MC: 10°05' Cancer
Orb 1°18'
6°28' Aries 7°46' Libra
House VI 
Author: New York World-Telegram and the Sun staff photographer: Al Ravenna
Credits: This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division
under the digital ID cph.3c16657.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.
Licence: Public domain
Born:Saturday, June 8, 1867
In:Richland Center (WI) (United States)
Sun: 17°37' GeminiAS: 17°35' Scorpio
Moon:13°43' Virgo MC: 29°52' Leo
Orb 1°20'
18°56' Taurus 17°35' Scorpio
House VII 
Author: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America
Credits: Lorraine Warren
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Monday, January 31, 1927
In:Bridgeport (CT) (United States)
Sun: 11°07' AquariusAS: 0°06' Virgo
Moon:22°23' Capricorn MC: 24°22' Taurus
Orb 1°55'
28°11' Aquarius 0°06' Virgo
House VI 
Posse, Edith

Logo Bundesarchiv This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 de
Born:Sunday, April 5, 1908
In:Salzburg (Austria)
Sun: 15°41' AriesAS: 28°13' Scorpio
Moon:14°26' Gemini MC: 18°23' Virgo
Orb 1°48'
0°02' Gemini 28°13' Scorpio
House VII 
Born:Saturday, December 27, 1969
In:Rochester (NY) (United States)
Sun: 5°58' CapricornAS: 1°11' Cancer
Moon:21°06' Leo MC: 5°30' Pisces
Orb 1°54'
29°17' Sagittarius 1°11' Cancer
House VI 
Born:Monday, October 17, 1960
In:Madison (WI) (United States)
Sun: 24°38' LibraAS: 26°38' Taurus
Moon:24°03' Virgo MC: 2°49' Aquarius
Orb 1°09'
25°29' Scorpio 26°38' Taurus
House VI 
Author: Alice Attie
Credits: The Gersh Agency
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Monday, May 16, 1955
In:Columbus (OH) (United States)
Sun: 25°16' TaurusAS: 27°33' Libra
Moon:17°53' Pisces MC: 2°19' Leo
Orb 0°43'
26°49' Aries 27°33' Libra
House VII 
Author: Unknown authorUnknown author
Credits: Wikipedia.it (Giovanni Falcone: per non dimenticare!)
Licence: Public domain
Born:Thursday, May 18, 1939
In:Palermo (Italy)
Sun: 26°48' TaurusAS: 26°21' Libra
Moon:20°01' Taurus MC: 0°20' Leo
Orb 1°18'
27°40' Aries 26°21' Libra
House VII 
Born:Saturday, August 7, 1982
In:Lochinvar, New South Wales (Australia)
Sun: 14°23' LeoAS: 20°11' Capricorn
Moon:10°22' Pisces MC: 7°28' Libra
Orb 1°00'
21°11' Cancer 20°11' Capricorn
House VII 
Born:Thursday, January 5, 1961
In:Paris 10e (France)
Sun: 15°16' CapricornAS: 0°06' Virgo
Moon:27°10' Leo MC: 21°13' Taurus
Orb 0°40'
0°47' Pisces 0°06' Virgo
House VII 
Author: LecomteB
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Monday, July 9, 1934
In:Castelsarrasin (82) (France)
Sun: 16°46' CancerAS: 11°24' Sagittarius
Moon:24°51' Gemini MC: 3°19' Libra
Orb 1°54'
13°18' Gemini 11°24' Sagittarius
House VII 
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Thursday, November 24, 1988
In:Lyon 2e (69) (France)
Sun: 2°32' SagittariusAS: 29°29' Aries
Moon:14°45' Gemini MC: 14°22' Capricorn
Orb 1°47'
1°17' Scorpio 29°29' Aries
House VII 
Author: Eduardo Correa
Credits: Own work
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, April 19, 1949
In:Paris (France)
Sun: 29°22' AriesAS: 29°50' Libra
Moon:25°10' Capricorn MC: 8°41' Leo
Orb 0°16'
0°06' Taurus 29°50' Libra
House VII 

Eric Koch for Anefo

Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Rijksfotoarchief: Fotocollectie Algemeen Nederlands Fotopersbureau (ANEFO), 1945-1989 - negatiefstroken zwart/wit, nummer toegang, bestanddeelnummer 914-6437
Credits: http://hdl.handle.net/10648/aa23b48e-d0b4-102d-bcf8-003048976d84
Licence: Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedication
Born:Sunday, January 26, 1936
In:Paris 6e (France)
Sun: 5°26' AquariusAS: 29°19' Gemini
Moon:6°05' Pisces MC: 27°18' Aquarius
Orb 1°46'
27°33' Sagittarius 29°19' Gemini
House VI 
Born:Monday, May 13, 1957
In:Le Creusot (71) (France)
Sun: 22°45' TaurusAS: 28°58' Scorpio
Moon:21°11' Scorpio MC: 18°32' Virgo
Orb 1°28'
0°26' Gemini 28°58' Scorpio
House VII 
Licence: Public domain
Born:Sunday, December 13, 1818
In:Lexington (KY) (United States)
Sun: 21°27' SagittariusAS: 10°34' Cancer
Moon:5°40' Cancer MC: 21°21' Pisces
Orb 0°13'
10°47' Capricorn 10°34' Cancer
House VII 
Author: Engelbert Reineke
Logo Bundesarchiv This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 de
Born:Saturday, May 26, 1923
In:Wuppertal (Germany)
Sun: 4°24' GeminiAS: 6°22' Scorpio
Moon:15°19' Libra MC: 19°14' Leo
Orb 0°15'
6°07' Taurus 6°22' Scorpio
House VII 
Author: Unknown photographer, Reproduction by Lear 21 at English Wikipedia.
Credits: Original photo by unknown author. Reproduction from public documentation/memorial by Lear 21 at English Wikipedia.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Event:Thursday, November 9, 1989
In:Berlin (Germany)
Sun: 17°19' ScorpioAS: 5°12' Cancer
Moon:28°04' Pisces MC: 29°22' Aquarius
Orb 0°50'
4°22' Capricorn 5°12' Cancer
House VII 
Born:Sunday, November 17, 1974
In:Lille (59) (France)
Sun: 24°56' ScorpioAS: 27°21' Taurus
Moon:7°55' Capricorn MC: 27°20' Capricorn
Orb 0°21'
27°42' Scorpio 27°21' Taurus
House VII 
Born:Monday, April 24, 1922
In:Turin (Italy)
Sun: 3°50' TaurusAS: 22°38' Scorpio
Moon:7°09' Aries MC: 8°04' Virgo
Orb 0°15'
22°22' Taurus 22°38' Scorpio
House VII 
Born:Tuesday, January 30, 1962
In:Orange (CA) (United States)
Sun: 10°41' AquariusAS: 10°30' Leo
Moon:5°04' Sagittarius MC: 2°54' Taurus
Orb 1°03'
11°33' Aquarius 10°30' Leo
House VII 
Born:Saturday, January 19, 1980
In:Frome, Somerset (United Kingdom)
Sun: 28°54' CapricornAS: 6°02' Virgo
Moon:25°23' Aquarius MC: 28°17' Taurus
Orb 1°32'
4°30' Pisces 6°02' Virgo
House VI 
Author: German Film & Comic Con
Credits: YouTube – View/save archived versions on archive.org and archive.today
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Born:Tuesday, March 15, 1983
In:Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Sun: 24°44' PiscesAS: 26°26' Libra
Moon:8°09' Aries MC: 7°30' Leo
Orb 0°42'
25°44' Aries 26°26' Libra
House VII 
Born:Wednesday, July 1, 1931
In:Prague (Czech Republic)
Sun: 8°55' CancerAS: 20°51' Sagittarius
Moon:29°25' Capricorn MC: 22°26' Libra
Orb 0°29'
20°22' Gemini 20°51' Sagittarius
House VII 
Author: Arthur from Westchester County north of NYC, USA, at Arthur@NYCArthur.com
Credits: Cropped from the original, Sydney Pollack
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Sunday, July 1, 1934
In:Lafayette (IN) (United States)
Sun: 9°22' CancerAS: 3°05' Sagittarius
Moon:14°50' Pisces MC: 19°00' Virgo
Orb 1°03'
4°09' Gemini 3°05' Sagittarius
House VII 
Peter de Hooch

Credits: 1. www.secc.es
2. Unknown sourceUnknown source
3. Museo del Prado
Licence: Public domain
Born:Thursday, April 22, 1451 (Julian cal.)
In:Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Spain)
Sun: 10°29' TaurusAS: 14°56' Libra
Moon:22°55' Capricorn MC: 17°27' Cancer
Orb 0°17'
15°14' Aries 14°56' Libra
House VII 
Author: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center from Greenbelt, MD, USA
Credits: Grímsvötn Volcano Showing Plume - May 22
Licence: Public domain
Event:Saturday, May 21, 2011
In:Grímsvötn (Iceland)
Sun: 0°24' GeminiAS: 6°14' Scorpio
Moon:26°14' Capricorn MC: 2°17' Virgo
Orb 0°54'
7°09' Taurus 6°14' Scorpio
House VII 
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