A New Approach to Astrology

Planetary dominants for 70,904 horoscopes

On these pages, the horoscopes of 70,904 celebrities of the website Astrotheme are classified by different astrological criteria of distributions and dominant planets.


Eleven criteria are analyzed in these pages: the planets, the elements, the modes, the polarities, the accentuated houses, the esoteric decans, the zodiacal signs, the astrological houses, the North/South hemispheres, the Est/West hemispheres, and the quadrants.

The lists are sorted by descending order for the criterion considered. You will find some explanations about our method for these Dominants.

For each list of these celebrities, it is possible to get access to the horoscopes, charts, excerpts of astrological portraits by clicking on the names.

Astrology DataBase on December 14, 2024 at 8:08 PM, CEST
70,904 people and events, 34,770 of which with a known time of birth
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