A New Approach to Astrology

Astrology DataBase: celebrities and events

Astrology DataBase on December 13, 2024 at 7:05 PM, CEST
70,892 people and events, 34,758 of which with a known time of birth
Horoscopes clicked on in real-time: 969,206,556 times

This public astrology database is made available to our visitors for free since 2002. It mainly comprises personal research from our team of astrologers. It also includes many thousands of birth certificates, data from French city halls, exchanges with numerous astrologers, press articles, biographies, and since the creation of Astrotheme, from celebrities themselves, or from their entourage. In 2023, all files were reviewed and verified one by one. This work is finished. The Astrotheme base is now one of the most reliable bases that exist for astrology.

Collecting data is an endless task. The database is enhanced every day, thanks to our visitors and correspondents' suggestions, exchanges, and information, in addition to our daily research and latest breaking news.

We are glad to put the result of our laborious task at the disposal of as much people as possible, particularly the community of professional and amateur astrologers, and we make every effort to ensure that our entries cover a large variety of personalities.

The celebrity charts now also display the source of birth times, their reliability index (AA, birth certificates or official registers, A, memory data, cited by the person, the parent, friend or partner, B, biographies or autobiographies, C, data to be taken with caution because the original source cannot be found or the time of birth is approximate, DD, the sources are in conflict with each other, but can nevertheless serve as a starting point for new ones research to improve reliability), as well as contributors.

We have progressively added many options to our charts, several domification systems (Placidus by default), dominants computing, excerpts of interpretation, etc. It is possible to use your favourite celebrities in all our applications, for example with the transits and ephemerides application.

Here are some of the sources quoted in our biography pages: Marc Brun, Didier Geslain, Didier Excoffon, André Dekoster, Jacques de Lescaut, Franck C. Clifford, Sy Scholfield, Michel Gauquelin, Grazia Bordoni, Michaël Mandl, and so many other astrologers. We also get our information from Internet sites, as well from Twitter, Instagram, TikTok or Facebook. We always update our entries as fast as we can.

In some cases, the sources request us not protect their anonymity. Several people famous in politics, in the media, the film, music or arts industry, do not want us to disclose that they themselves provided us with their birth time. We keep their mails, and we are prepared to answer individual enquiries by email, on a case-by-case basis, when we are entitled to do so.

As indicated in the disclaimer posted on every page of our celebrities' chart, our data are a starting point from which to conduct more advanced research. We develop astrology programmes, we write texts, and our database in only one activity among many others. We do not claim that we possess the truth, and we invite our visitors to do their own verification whenever there is doubt about a time, a location, or a date.

The database is in English and in French, like our biographies, and deals with all categories of celebrities. The Search function - the red window - works in both languages, from the name, surname, and also the biography content. Therefore, you can type up the name, the surname of a given celebrity, or the title of a song, a film, a location, or any relevant information. In case of different name spelling, both spellings are available. For instance, for the Queen of the United Kingdom, you can type up Elisabeth II or Elizabeth II. The research will be carried out in both languages, and the result will be given in the language you chose.

It is also possible to use the Search function based on planets' positions, on houses, or on signs. With this application, you can select up to three astrological criteria at the same time, including the orb. It is also possible to search horoscopes by astrological aspects.

Moreover, you can use filters: the year of birth, year interval, country of birth, socio-professional category, gender, known or unknown birth time. You can also have the results sorted in popularity or alphabetical order.

Celebrities viewed by visitors can be displayed in real time.

Numerous improvements will be accomplished progressively, in particular those suggested by our visitors from all countries, such as for instance additional options for the style of charts (especially planets inside), a full page zoom, more secondary bodies, etc.

We spare no effort in our endeavour to offer you a convivial and user-friendly site, and we hope that our research work will be helpful to anyone interested in astrology. Our applications are enhanced continuously. We do as best as we can, at our own rhythm.

We extend our warmest thanks to our contacts and to all the astrologers who, for more than ten years and on a daily basis, send us valuable suggestions and information to enrich Astrotheme's astrological database.