Should you notice that the celebrity whose natal chart you would like to examine is not in our database, do not hesitate to let us know, and send us the corresponding Wikipedia link, after you have checked that the city, the date of birth, and a photo if possible are available.
Our team will do its best to include him/her as soon as possible.
Only suggest characters that have an individual Wikipedia page (no bands for example).
Do not suggest more than 3 or 4 names per email (no lists!), and wait for them to be added before proposing others. Indeed, we try to please everyone, thank you for your understanding.
If you want to send us a birth time of a celebrity already present or a new one, send us your source (for example a website address, a birth certificate extract, a page copy of a book, a video indicating the moment of the information, etc.) so that we can verify it.
Please, kindly note that sometimes, the spelling of a name may be different in different languages, such as for instance Prince Harry of Wales, or Duke of Sussex, or Harry de Sussex. Therefore, we would suggest that, when you do a search, you try different possible spellings in order to ensure that the person you are looking for is not in our database. Generally, we use the same names as Wikipedia.
The best method to check if a celebrity is on Astrotheme or not, is to click on the OK button to search by name and biography in the whole astrology database!