Wed. 9 Oct., 07:26 PM UT
Moon Phase
Waxing Moon, 38.27%
Waxing Crescent Thu. 17 Oct., 11:27 AM UT
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Astrological ReportsChild Astrological PortraitSuccessful education often depends on a fair understanding of the child. Indeed, because all individuals are particular, their personal rhythms must be respected. All parents put forward many questions. Should I be more severe? More lenient? Does my child study too much? Or not enough? Those question marks have no absolute answers suiting everyone. A natal chart does not tell what you ought to do. It provides the keys to a new approach to those we never fully comprehend without external reference. And therefore, avenues to a better education, indirectly. This report will be useful until adolescence. From age 11 or 14, depending on the maturity of your child, the comprehensive portrait is well-suited for efficiently taking over from this document. Thanks to the detailed analysis of the natal chart, discover the various facets of your child's personality, and read our advice enabling you to implement the best support toward adulthood. N.B.: if later, you get a more precise time of birth, your new corrected report will be sent to you free of charge, all you have to do is ask for it. Immediate online delivery in your account and by email, round the clock. USD 28.40
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