Dominant Planets
Dominant Elements
Dominant Modes
Dominant Polarities
Accentuated Houses
Esoteric Decans
Accentuated Houses: angular Houses dominantAstrological houses are referred to as being angular, succedent or cadent. Angular houses (Houses 1,4,7,10) are located at the four angles of the natal chart. Succedent houses (Houses 2,5,8,11) are located immediately after the angular houses. Cadent houses (3,6,9,12) are the four following houses. There is an analogy between the principles of quadruplicities (Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable mode), and house accentuations. Associated keywords for this accentuated houses distribution could be for example: energy, faculty to undertake, dynamism. All those celebrities have the angular accentuations dominant:
Dominant Signs
Dominant Houses
North/South Hemispheres
East/West Hemispheres
Dominant Quadrants
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