Capricorn Sun and Protected Childhood

Kate Bosworth, an actress and model, is quite typical of the generation of young women willing to control the smallest details of their life, and particularly, the effect they produce on people.
Bosworth has the Sun in Capricorn. She is above all serious, focused on her goals, efficient and down to earth. She started in the cinema as she indulged in horse-riding, her passion. She practiced it diligently when she was an adolescent, which led her to land the role of Scarlett Johansson's best friend in The Horse Whisperer, the roaring success of Robert Redford in 1998.
It was a good start, as we can see. One may say that this person coming from Los Angeles has a good pedigree. Although she grew up in an upper-middle class family, her budding celebrity did not go to her head, and she made sensible choices. She spent a couple of months pondering, and she carried on her studies at Princeton without rushing to Hollywood. Capricorns think long-term and are not tempted by the easy way out.
The Sun and Mars: Two Isolated Planets for Better or for Worse
However, in Bosworth's case, this tendency is slightly ambiguous. Indeed, the natal chart has a distinctive trait which needs to be discussed. It has two isolated planets (in the astrological meaning of the word), i.e. the Sun and Mars. Although this phenomenon is quite common with Mars, it occurs less often with the Sun. Technically, this rarity is due to the fact that Mercury and Venus are usually near the Sun's position, which implies that conjunctions are found more repeatedly.
Regarding interpretation, one must bear in mind that an isolated planet is always challenging. It is overly important or, conversely, its characteristics are difficult to integrate. This amounts more or less to the same result, though the interpretation must be inverted.
When it comes to the Sun, we are facing a problem affecting self-expression, willpower, and social integration. In the chart, the Sun in Capricorn probably points to shyness or clumsiness that Bosworth tries to conceal as best as she can. Since the planet Mars is also isolated, the young lady obviously has trouble accepting what is related to the Yang masculine energy. Bosworth tends to either overdo or to be too reserved.
Venus on the Descendant and Ascendant in Cancer
It must also be underlined that her Ascendant is in Cancer, and her Venus is in Capricorn, strong on the cusp of the Descendant. The former increases her timidity, or even her social phobia. She prefers to withdraw in her bubble in the bosom of her family, driven by an innate desire for security, rather than to force herself to attend functions which, according to her, may endanger her.
Simultaneously, this powerful Venus, ruler of Bosworth's relationships, urges her to do anything to please people. She complies to all demands, even to the detriment of her own longings. The capacity to make decision is not among the qualities of Venus on the Descendant, albeit to a lesser degree than the Moon in the same configuration.
Kevin Spacey recommended Bosworth to the director Bryan Singer for the much sought-after part of Lois Lane, the journalist of Superman Returns. Bosworth achieved worldwide fame.
At about the same time, she met the actor Orlando Bloom. For two years, they formed a much envied couple. She took their split very hardly and lost so much weight that rumours of anorexia started to spread. Whatever the truth may be, as far as the astrologer is concerned, given the planetary influences, it is most likely that Bosworth pandered to the wishes of her partner or of the public. The fact remains that her career then slowed down slightly.
Loaded North-western Quadrant
To add a few astrological features indicating that Bosworth is somehow vulnerable because she is easily influenced, we note that a large majority of planets are in the nocturnal North-Western quadrant. This confirms that her inner life is all-important, and that she refuses any superficiality related to appearances. She clearly needs people to function properly and to blossom.
Actually, she seems to enjoy a life which does not always place her in the spotlight. Regarding her career, she can be seen mainly in a series in streaming. In her private life, she is happily married to the director Michael Polish.
Kate Bosworth

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Kate Bosworth.
Major Transits in 2020
Anyway, the lovely Bosworth has been experiencing powerful planetary transits for several months. They will still last a little bit more. The natal Sun has been visited by the stern Saturn, who forced her to carry out self-analysis.
In 2020 and later, Bosworth will go through the interesting transit of three slow-moving planets in Capricorn, namely Jupiter running after Saturn and Pluto in this sign. The impact on natal Venus on the Descendant remains to be assessed.
No doubt that Bosworth can expect deep or final experiences in the affective area. Since these conjunctions will occur in the 7th House and on the ruler of the 11th and the 4th Houses, the consequences will probably touch the actress' contracts and partnerships, but also her marriage and her home. An absolute earthquake!
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Kate Bosworth:
Sun 12°07' Capricorn, in House VI
Moon 2°29' Virgo, in House II
Mercury 1°09' Aquarius, in House VII
Venus 26°39' Capricorn, in House VII
Mars 18°38' Aquarius, in House VIII
Jupiter 1°35' Sagittarius, in House V
Saturn 3°03' Scorpio, in House IV
Uranus 7°03' Sagittarius, in House V
Neptune 27°19' Sagittarius, in House VI
Pluto 29°16' Libra, in House IV
North Node 4°14' Я Cancer, in House XII
Lilith 8°04' Я Capricorn, in House VI
Fortune 5°13' Sagittarius, in House V
Vertex 8°19' Sagittarius, in House V
East Point 11°26' Cancer, in House XII
Ascendant 25°36' Cancer
House II 17°18' Leo
House III 12°38' Virgo
House IV 13°31' Libra
House V 19°00' Scorpio
House VI 24°18' Sagittarius
House VII 25°36' Capricorn
House VIII 17°18' Aquarius
House IX 12°38' Pisces
Midheaven 13°31' Aries
House XI 19°00' Taurus
House XII 24°18' Gemini
Ascendant 25°36' Cancer
Midheaven 13°31' Aries
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved