The Air Sides of Aquarius Propel to Top-level Performances
Michael Jordan, the American basketball star, the NBA greatest player of all time, has an interesting natal chart. Although it is not typical of a sportsman, it definitely contains varied assets.
The planets are quite well spread, which results in a balanced strength of the three modes (cardinal-fixed-mutable). Likewise, all the elements are represented, except that Water is prevailing, as we shall see below.
Nevertheless, credit must be given to the Sun sign, Aquarius, which probably easily explains the nickname given, Air Jordan, or His Airness. Jordan added speed to jumping-jack capacities, and was thus noticed for the characteristic qualities of Aquarius.
Although he held the position of defender, he became known for his swift breakthroughs which often compelled his opponents to make mistakes.
It must be added that his entire career included atypical periods, especially thanks to a lot of marketing as described below, which is very much Aquarius-like.
The Ascendant Supported by a Yod
Let us mention the presence of a Yod, or Finger of God, in the natal chart. Indeed, this pattern resembles a finger "targeted" by two planets, the Moon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Aquarius, toward the Ascendant in Cancer, to which they are linked by quincunxes, while being themselves linked to one another by a sextile.
The reputation of the Yod is that it channels considerable energy into a given point. Based on what we know of the theory, we may surmise that Jordan was a child who lacked self-confidence owing to the Ascendant in Cancer, and that he was tense owing to the Yod.
Actually, in the first part of his life, the Yod was a handicap and produced a slightly wasted energy, since it triggered tension when it was used. But as soon as Jordan understood that the focal point can be loaded with strong energy, he employed it at the service of his will in the area of life indicated by the House in which it is posited.
Fortunately, his father immediately realized that the best thing to do was to encourage him to practice a sport.
At 15, when he started playing basketball, his coaches and the talent-spotters noticed his vertical jump but hesitated to push him to higher levels because he measured 5'11", which is relatively short for this sport.
Luckily, he grew 4" in one year, which allowed him to overcome this first obstacle. He grew 3" more the following year. Perhaps the Yod enabled him to surpass himself, both literally and figuratively.
A Water Grand Trine Synonymous with Abundance
Thanks to Lady Luck, the Ascendant is well-aspected. Indeed, it is part of a Grand Trine involving the Midheaven, on which Jupiter is posited (still in the 9th House, but near the MC), and Neptune, ruler of the MC.
The Grand Trine is a typical pattern pointing to affluence and success. In this chart, it is all the more so that it highlights the Water element, fertility and flexibility. It speaks volumes about Jordan's accomplishments. In his position, Jupiter favors the financial flows generated by a well-established profession and supported by extraordinary popularity.
On the one hand, Jordan harvested a string of honors during his career. His rich record of achievements comprises team victories with Chicago Bulls, awards as Best Player, and Olympic titles, just to mention a few of a long list. On the other hand, he worked toward a collective victory, and all those who attended the 1992 Barcelona Olympics remember the famous Dream Team.
10 out of its 12 players were the best players of the NBA, the most important basketball league in the world. With this group, Michael Jordan and his teammates demonstrated their talents with flying colors.
In those days, all the kids were dreaming of becoming like Jordan. In the eighties, Nike convinced Jordan to sign a partnership with the corporation, and to this aim, proposed to develop basketball shoes bearing his name. It was unheard of. The deal proved to be fruitful for both parties.
Moreover, thanks to the ensuing contracts based on his image, Jordan amassed an outstanding fortune amounting to more than 1.8 billion dollars.
Mars in Leo in the 2nd House: Money and Elite Sport
In the chart, one can see the influence of Mars in Leo in the 2nd House. It is about the money that he earned himself, and particularly thanks to basketball and its glamorous nature. It is interesting to underline that the 2nd - 8th axis is well-tenanted, since Mars is in opposition with Saturn but with Neptune too, although the orb is wide. Both planets being in the House of investments, it is reasonable to believe that there were conflicts, or perhaps certain impediments. Anyway, the fact remains that Jordan managed to handle these difficulties.
It must be borne in mind that a birthtime is seldom exact to the minute, except in families of astrologers or in those interested in this discipline. If Jordan was born five minutes earlier, his Jupiter would be in the 10th House, and his conjunction with the MC would be tighter. This hypothesis seems very probable and may account for his extraordinary professional and financial achievement.
Venus on the Descendant Favours a Rich Affective Life
Let us add a few words regarding Jordan's affective life, since Venus is dominant on the cusp of the 7th House in Capricorn. The planet forms three auspicious aspects with Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto.
It is very likely that the sportsman experienced intense affairs, perhaps torn between his personal obligations and his feeling. He went through numerous setbacks, including a paternity lawsuit which was finally withdrawn. These events may be linked to the natal Moon-Pluto-square. In the end, its effects were insignificant compared to the power of Venus in excellent celestial state.
Incidentally, Venus may have helped to finalize the beneficial partnership agreement mentioned above. The reason is that the Tradition considers that Venus is the Lesser Benefic, and that, here, she is connected with Jupiter, the Greater Benefic.
Current Auspicious Transits
Now a retiree, Jordan remains a very active sporting legend who is involved in numerous projects. Transiting Jupiter recently returned to his natal position – first quarter of 2022 – and certainly brought about nice moments for Jordan.
There is no doubt that the current period is easier than 2020, during the pandemic, when the Cancer-Capricorn axis was impacted. We know that he lost quite a lot of money, even though we can suppose that everything went back to normal thanks to his all-time ally, Jupiter at the highest point of the sky map.
In this regard, in May and June 2022, transiting Jupiter in the 10th House in sextile with natal Mercury in the 8th House should offer Jordan new opportunities in the professional as well as the financial areas.
Michael Jordan

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Michael Jordan.
You will find below the interactive horoscope of Michael Jordan:
Sun 28°23' Aquarius, in House IX
Moon 10°01' Sagittarius, in House VI
Mercury 2°39' Aquarius, in House VIII
Venus 13°12' Capricorn, in House VII
Mars 9°57' Я Leo, in House II
Jupiter 19°06' Pisces, in House IX
Saturn 15°32' Aquarius, in House VIII
Uranus 3°28' Я Virgo, in House III
Neptune 15°40' Я Scorpio, in House V
Pluto 11°12' Я Virgo, in House III
North Node 29°18' Cancer, in House I
Lilith 24°04' Я Libra, in House IV
Fortune 24°43' Aries, in House X
Vertex 29°58' Scorpio, in House V
East Point 23°39' Gemini, in House XII
Ascendant 13°06' Cancer
House II 2°39' Leo
House III 24°42' Leo
House IV 22°28' Virgo
House V 28°15' Libra
House VI 8°08' Sagittarius
House VII 13°06' Capricorn
House VIII 2°39' Aquarius
House IX 24°42' Aquarius
Midheaven 22°28' Pisces
House XI 28°15' Aries
House XII 8°08' Gemini
Ascendant 13°06' Cancer
Midheaven 22°28' Pisces
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved