Venus and Jupiter in conflicting aspect
What happens when the two planets enjoying the best reputation in the zodiac are bonded by a harsh aspect (also referred to as challenging or, in the past, negative aspect)? For example, does this configuration "cancel" their promising effects? As always, in such cases, we try to give a nuanced answer.
Firstly, it is necessary to examine the nature of the planets involved and to go beyond their usual clichés. Although on the whole their characteristics are pleasant, both Venus and Jupiter also have a few flaws, and not so trivial ones.
Let us start with Venus. She relates to emotional life, sensual pleasure, estheticism, seduction, art, and harmony in general. In a natal chart, she represents the areas which charm us and offer us personal satisfaction. She is referred to as the Lesser Benefic in the traditional literature. However, she is very self-centered and may generate a certain narcissism, some whims, or a certain indolence bordering on laxity, laziness, or passivity depending on the case.
As for Jupiter, he enables us to think big. He enlarges our projects or our outlook, especially in the areas of the chart where he is active. He brings about opportunities, and provides kind authority, optimism, self-confidence, and warm sociability. He was sometimes considered the little Sun of the chart and was called the Greater Benefic. Like Venus, Jupiter has the flaws corresponding to his qualities. He may cause any sort of excesses, trigger conceit, vanity, or megalomania.
Quite logically, the Venus-Jupiter team reinforces the tendencies they have in common. They generally endow with a cheerful and pleasant character. Their main preoccupation is to seek pleasure on a large scale.
When the aspect is considered as harsh, the challenge consists in preventing such penchants gain the upper hand. People concerned attach much (too much?) importance to the impression they give, because they are craving love, and they take great care of their image.
As a result, all love matters gone wrong are too highlighted. Let us not forget that Jupiter symbolizes the law, which may lead to huge expenses made for love or for costly divorces. The legalization or the break-up of emotional ties unfolds with difficulty, sometimes because both partners belong to very different backgrounds.
There is a quest for pleasure at any cost, which gives rise to issues such as an immoderate desire for luxury or some degree of superficiality. The propensity to spend money may even end up in heavy debt and its ensuing problems.
Theoretically, we see that there is nothing really serious. Nevertheless, with this tricky aspect, one realizes rapidly that one does not always possess the truth and does not have all the rights, and that the optimism shown is not based on good reasons.
In order to better explain this aspect, we are mentioning several well-known personalities, here Jennifer Aniston, Tom Selleck, Monica Bellucci, and Morgan Freeman. This article deliberately isolates the aspect (a square or an opposition) so as to better describe them. For this reason, it claims on no account to be a psychological analysis of the celebrity in question, for whom many other articles are available in the "Focus" section.
It is possible to find thousands of other horoscopes having Venus in aspect of square or opposition with Jupiter (or any other aspects), with the online tool search. The planets, positions in sign and in house as well as the orb, are configurable.
Jennifer Aniston

It is tempting to nickname the comedian Jennifer Aniston "The Universal Friend", even though she has gained ground since she was cast as Rachel in Friends.
The passion for the series was worldwide. In the '90s, the public felt that its heroes were their virtual best friends, and imitated them naturally.
Besides, all the women requested their hairdresser to give them the "Rachel haircut". Nobody was jealous of Aniston yet, even when she won the heart of Brad Pitt, the dream man of the time. However, as soon as they got engaged, the media coverage grew as large as the size of the diamond on the actress' finger.
The wedding took place as expected, and all was going well. Except that in 2005, Pitt was acting with Angelina Jolie in Mr. and Mrs. Smith by Doug Liman. What happened next is well known, as it ended up in resounding divorce.
Then the fan club divided into two camps, Team Aniston and Team Jolie. To tell the truth, Aniston's popularity ratings were higher, although this was not a gift, since during many years, people waited to trip her up.
The public hopes that she will find love again if she cannot have Pitt back. This deprecating reputation made her romantic affairs fail. After two divorces and no children, she now relies more on her loyal friends.
In summary, Aniston's chart is a case study on how to interpret this aspect. The will of this person having the Sun in Aquarius, who struggles to preserve her independence while wishing to be in a couple, is strengthened by the dynamic aspect formed by Venus in Aries in opposition with Jupiter in Libra. Not to mention Uranus, who adds to the chaos, but this is a different story.
Jennifer Aniston

You can also read the astrological portrait of Jennifer Aniston.
Below, you will find the horoscope of Jennifer Aniston:
Tom Selleck

Surprisingly, there are several common points in the charts of Jennifer Aniston and Tom Selleck who, by the way, appeared in Friends. Like Aniston, he is known for his part in a successful series, Magnum P.I. Like her, he has the Sun in Aquarius, and like her again, his chart includes a Venus-Jupiter opposition.
In passing, let us mention that the two planets work in perfect unison in the movies world, especially when the comedians embody kind, popular, and inspiring heroes on a grand scale.
Selleck's Venus is in Pisces in the 2nd House, in opposition with Jupiter in Virgo in the 8th House. On this axis, both planets certainly put an emphasis on financial matters. Indeed, the actor has become a reputable producer and was able to invest in a restaurant, "The Black Orchid", in Honolulu.
In addition, in 1998, People magazine ranked him as one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world. The Venus-Jupiter influence is seen in the many accolades Selleck received throughout his career, particularly for his moral qualities.
Of course, this harsh aspect has its drawback. It must be remembered that Selleck's first steps have been rather strenuous with no less than six television pilots which have been finally cancelled.
Let us add that although the director wanted him for Indiana Jones, he had to turn down the offer, because he had committed to play Magnum P.I.
As far as romances are concerned, the actor did not hit the headlines. It is most likely that his harmonious natal chart supported him in various other areas.
It must be underlined that in his case, the Venus-Jupiter opposition matches his Ascendant and his Midheaven, and efficiently protects Selleck from the excesses of the configuration.
Tom Selleck

You can also read the astrological portrait of Tom Selleck.
Below, you will find the horoscope of Tom Selleck:
Monica Bellucci

There are too few superlatives for the Bellissima. In her natal chart, Venus in Leo in the 7th House (marriage, relationships) is caught in a square with Jupiter on the one hand, and with Neptune on the other hand. With Monica Bellucci, the issue is more her royal Venus, who enables her to capture the light and the photographers' flashes, but who exposes the actress to all sorts of risks.
From the sign of Taurus, Jupiter is all grist for the mill. Therefore, we can think that Bellucci is rather fact-oriented and able to bring her projects to a successful conclusion, particularly financially.
She is second to none when it comes to get extraordinary contracts from luxury brands. To be convinced of this, let us mention for instance her role as an ambassador of Cartier, Dior, or Dolce & Gabbana.
She is one of the few women who achieved a career as a model as well as an actress.
Having said that, there is also jealousy in her chart owing to the tension between Venus and Jupiter, especially in Fixed signs like Taurus and Leo. At one time, she formed a glamorous couple with Vincent Cassel the father of her two children. Unfortunately, their hectic schedules finally strained their relationship.
Let us note that Saturn in Aquarius is in opposition with Venus and is involved in a T-square pattern. Saturn brings about his share of complexity and difficulties to romantic matters in the long run. Nevertheless, in this regard, strong protections are provided by the natal Sun in sextile with the Moon-Mars duet, in the 7th House too, and in Leo.
Now, Bellucci manages to strike a fragile balance between her area of excellence, beauty, and the fact that she had become a mature woman.
It does not really matter. Under the influence of Venus, she still plays the femme fatale and remains at the top. At the same time, she keeps an eye on the budding career of her eldest daughter, who happily follows in her footsteps.
Monica Bellucci

You can also read the astrological portrait of Monica Bellucci.
Below, you will find the horoscope of Monica Bellucci:
Morgan Freeman

The actor Morgan Freeman, who earned an Oscar with Million Dollar Baby by Clint Eastwood in 2004, is another significative case of a tense aspect between Venus and Jupiter. He used his charisma to portray numerous very strong-willed characters, which corresponds to Venus in Aries in the 1st House (perceived personality).
Venus is slightly bullied in this dynamic Fire sign and points to strong emotional impulsiveness, especially owing to the conflictual link to Jupiter (law, exaggeration).
In fact, the comedian married twice and divorced twice. Moreover, it is believed that his reputation is somewhat uncontrollable. He has been accused of sexual harassment by several women in the middle of the Weinstein scandal. In a sudden burst of diplomacy triggered by Venus, Freeman rapidly had the good idea to extend his apologies to the plaintiffs, just to calm things down.
Indeed, complaints have been withdrawn. However, such regrettable events have led prestigious companies such as Visa to terminate their contracts.
The astrologer observes that despite the challenging aspect, Jupiter has efficiently protected Freeman's career, Jupiter being in an auspicious position in the 10th House, in Capricorn (durability).
Owing to this influence, Freeman had to wait almost half of his life before he was entrusted with lead roles. When his time had come, he had never missed an opportunity. He has become a producer and a director acknowledged by his pairs and by the public. He has built an enviable filmography while managing to overcome the storms caused by his overly developed sensuality.
Morgan Freeman

You can also read the astrological portrait of Morgan Freeman.
Below, you will find the horoscope of Morgan Freeman: