It is obvious that the chart of Clint Eastwood, who has a strategy for maintaining a veil of mystery around him, reflects his complex personality.
In the horoscope of this person born with the Sun in Gemini, the Ascendant in Scorpio is immediately noticeable. Eastwood often played the part of dark and tormented anti-heroes, while in his private life he is fond of provocation and secrecy precisely.
To begin with, we observe that the strongest planets are even more mighty than the dominant signs. Neptune in early Virgo, culminating and conjunct a brilliant Midheaven (the career) still located in Leo, is the focus of attention. This provides the first interesting indication about his talent, cultivated with modesty, but which nonetheless allowed him to reach the Hollywood firmament. In this position, Neptune helped the artist express his emotions in a convincing and realistic manner, an asset probably offered by Virgo, as Virgoan traits are characterised by worldliness more than by imagination.
However, this wonderful Neptune forms a wide tense aspect (square) with Mercury. Since the latter rules the Sun, the configuration catches our attention. Moreover, Mercury is on an angle, the Descendant, and stamps his hallmark on the way exchanges take place. It is reasonable to think that these two conflicting dominants may give the American director a tendency for confusion or a clumsy communication style. We are referring to some of his political stands, especially those he took during the last election campaign and for which he was given a bashing worldwide.
In any case, owing to his Sun in Gemini and to his very powerful Mercury, Clint Eastwood can easily embody several personages, both literally and figuratively. This innate flexibility enabled him to shift from cow-boy parts to mature men in intellectual works, including his famous incarnations in his thrillers.
As to his first steps, it is worth underlining that his ascent started with Rawhide and was consolidated with Sergio Leone's films, A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, then Dirty Harry and finally Unforgiven, The bridges of Madison County, Mystic river, Million Dollar Baby, and quite recently, American Sniper, which is tremendously successful in movie theatres.
They are as many tokens of the facets that Clint Eastwood leaves in the American scenery thanks to his acting which is referred to as "mineral". As of today, he has participated in over 70 films as a comedian and in some 40 productions as a director, which is just huge. Such longevity may be explained by Pluto who also accentuates his Scorpio features. Indeed, Eastwood is able to regenerate his vital force all the time.
During the first part of his life, even before he started in the cinema, it seems that the spring signs specificities prevailed. He is endowed with the plasticity of the Sun in Gemini but also with the pugnacity of Aries. He did innumerable jobs – a Gemini fickleness – and he made quite manly choices – therefore very Aries. Indeed, he worked in Boeing's factories and earned a diploma as a swimming instructor before he became a military trainer. Besides, the encounters he made in the army opened the path to the cinema. Here again, we detect Aries tendencies coming from a dignified Mars in Aries, which is tenanted by Uranus too. The two planets symbolising speed posited in a sign which suits them may be the reason why Eastwood very quickly pulls the trigger in his films!
Along the same lines, consisting in trying everything – a typically Gemini attribute – Clint Eastwood wears numerous caps instead of limiting himself to acting and taking advantage of his handsome face. As everyone knows, he came to the fore as a director as well as a composer and a producer.
Just as Clint Eastwood has an eclectic career, his real life is full of paradoxes. Since he is loyal to the Republican Party, one may believe that he is conservative. Cancer shelters Venus conjunct Pluto, which suggests deep affective insecurities and perhaps an almost morbid attachment to family values. To this, Saturn, who is just in the opposite sign, adds his weight. Let's mention another facet of his bad temper or some degree of toughness. Like Mars in Aries – mentioned above – Saturn is in domicile in Capricorn. We understand better the wanderings of Clint Eastwood, very close to his parents, a caring father himself, but a womaniser who had six children with four different women. Furthermore, he is a feminist and not at all against abortion!
There is much more to say about this immensely gifted artist, full of finesse and vigour, who practices meditation now.
Clint Eastwood

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Clint Eastwood.
Between 2014 and 2015, he probably experienced the tugs of Pluto-Uranus Grand Cross which recalls the backdrop of his birth, because on 31 May 1930, Saturn formed a square with Uranus in Aries and opposed Pluto in Cancer. The utmost caution is recommended, even though the context will improve in the course of 2015.
Simultaneously, Jupiter transiting the Midheaven may coincide with an emphasis on the career. However, Eastwood must be careful, for when Jupiter enters Virgo after having transited natal Neptune, the planet will undergo the opposition of transiting Neptune in Pisces. During the second part of the year, there may be a few disappointments or some sort of indefinable feeling of nostalgia, since Saturn in Sagittarius will have to be reckoned with.
Sun 9°50' Gemini, in House VII
Moon 1°43' Leo, in House IX
Mercury 23°49' Я Taurus, in House VII
Venus 8°18' Cancer, in House VIII
Mars 28°27' Aries, in House VI
Jupiter 24°05' Gemini, in House VIII
Saturn 10°38' Я Capricorn, in House II
Uranus 14°23' Aries, in House V
Neptune 0°54' Virgo, in House X
Pluto 18°09' Cancer, in House VIII
North Node 2°12' Я Taurus, in House VI
Lilith 18°38' Я Capricorn, in House II
Fortune 10°28' Capricorn, in House II
Vertex 3°44' Cancer, in House VIII
East Point 2°14' Sagittarius, in House I
Ascendant 18°35' Scorpio
House II 18°24' Sagittarius
House III 22°24' Capricorn
House IV 27°59' Aquarius
House V 0°09' Aries
House VI 26°41' Aries
House VII 18°35' Taurus
House VIII 18°24' Gemini
House IX 22°24' Cancer
Midheaven 27°59' Leo
House XI 0°09' Libra
House XII 26°41' Libra
Ascendant 18°35' Scorpio
Midheaven 27°59' Leo
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved