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Sun. 9 Feb., 02:05 AM UT
Sun 20°34'   Aquarius
Moon  8°27'   Cancer
Mercury 20°15'   Aquarius
Venus  3°18'   Aries
Mars 18°28'  Я Cancer
Jupiter 11°19'   Gemini
Saturn 18°19'   Pisces
Uranus 23°18'   Taurus
Neptune 28°13'   Pisces
Pluto  2°18'   Aquarius
Chiron 19°46'   Aries
True Node 28°00'  Я Pisces
True Lilith 17°57'   Libra
Horoscope for now
Moon Phase
Waxing Moon, 87.09%
Waxing Gibbous
Wed. 12 Feb., 01:54 PM UT
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Born:Wednesday, June 4, 1975
In:Los Angeles (CA) (United States)
Sun: 13°25' GeminiAS: 28°53' Cancer
Moon:13°05' Aries MC: 17°52' Aries
Orb 0°38'
28°09' Cancer 28°48' Libra
House I House IV
Born:Saturday, July 1, 1961
In:Sandringham (United Kingdom)
Sun: 9°40' CancerAS: 18°24' Sagittarius
Moon:25°02' Aquarius MC: 23°03' Libra
Orb 1°03'
24°24' Taurus 23°20' Leo
House V House VIII
Author: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.
Reproduction Number: LC-USZ6-2067
Location: NYWTS -- BIOG
Credits: The Library of Congress retrieved 3d02067r.jpg from Jailhouse Rock.
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, January 8, 1935
In:Tupelo (MS) (United States)
Sun: 17°14' CapricornAS: 12°22' Sagittarius
Moon:2°01' Pisces MC: 26°50' Virgo
Orb 1°51'
29°22' Capricorn 27°30' Aries
House II House V
Author: Yves Lorson from Kapellen, Belgium
Credits: Prince
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Born:Saturday, June 7, 1958
In:Minneapolis (MN) (United States)
Sun: 16°41' GeminiAS: 16°42' Scorpio
Moon:1°59' Pisces MC: 29°43' Leo
Orb 0°55'
7°50' Taurus 8°46' Leo
House VI House IX
Born:Friday, November 22, 1996
In:Tucson (AZ) (United States)
Sun: 0°36' SagittariusAS: 15°41' Sagittarius
Moon:29°28' Aries MC: 29°42' Virgo
Orb 1°57'
29°28' Libra 1°26' Aquarius
House XI House II
Author: Дмитрий Садовников
Credits: https://www.soccer.ru/galery/1053619/photo/729953
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Wednesday, February 13, 1974
In:Stoke-on-Trent (United Kingdom)
Sun: 24°39' AquariusAS: 29°49' Leo
Moon:21°37' Scorpio MC: 18°40' Taurus
Orb 1°53'
25°48' Capricorn 27°42' Libra
House V House III
Born:Tuesday, December 4, 1973
In:Inglewood (CA) (United States)
Sun: 12°51' SagittariusAS: 18°08' Cancer
Moon:7°19' Aries MC: 4°01' Aries
Orb 1°34'
27°52' Capricorn 26°17' Libra
House VII House IV
Born:Monday, November 16, 1908
In:Brussels (Belgium)
Sun: 23°35' ScorpioAS: 6°17' Sagittarius
Moon:27°28' Leo MC: 3°25' Libra
Orb 1°09'
15°20' Libra 14°10' Capricorn
House X House II
Born:Wednesday, June 4, 1975
In:Orsett, Essex (United Kingdom)
Sun: 12°44' GeminiAS: 28°13' Capricorn
Moon:4°31' Aries MC: 0°33' Sagittarius
Orb 1°24'
27°25' Cancer 28°49' Libra
House VII House VIII
Author: Gage Skidmore
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Saturday, August 20, 1983
In:Los Angeles Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles (CA) (United States)
Sun: 27°32' LeoAS: 23°06' Pisces
Moon:0°37' Aquarius MC: 25°53' Sagittarius
Orb 1°12'
3°53' Virgo 5°05' Sagittarius
House VI House IX
Author: Korea.net / Korean Culture and Information Service (Jeon Han)
Credits: https://www.flickr.com/photos/koreanet/14758513027/ (unwatermarked version supplied via email by Jeon Han)
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Thursday, December 17, 1936
In:Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Sun: 25°54' SagittariusAS: 10°00' Cancer
Moon:12°33' Aquarius MC: 0°04' Taurus
Orb 1°40'
7°36' Aquarius 5°56' Taurus
House VII House X
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Tuesday, October 18, 1960
In:Berchem-Sainte-Agathe (Belgium)
Sun: 24°51' LibraAS: 19°20' Libra
Moon:26°52' Virgo MC: 25°18' Cancer
Orb 0°49'
25°45' Scorpio 24°56' Leo
House II House X
Born:Saturday, May 16, 1953
In:Drogheda, County Louth (Ireland)
Sun: 24°48' TaurusAS: 27°21' Sagittarius
Moon:29°54' Gemini MC: 5°34' Scorpio
Orb 1°39'
17°20' Aries 15°40' Cancer
House III House VII
Born:Wednesday, May 18, 1960
In:Sedan (08) (France)
Sun: 27°31' TaurusAS: 6°31' Virgo
Moon:5°50' Pisces MC: 29°33' Taurus
Orb 0°48'
18°00' Taurus 17°11' Leo
House IX House XII
Born:Thursday, December 8, 1966
In:Dublin (Ireland)
Sun: 15°46' SagittariusAS: 5°12' Sagittarius
Moon:26°02' Libra MC: 5°02' Libra
Orb 1°14'
22°57' Sagittarius 24°12' Virgo
House I House IX
Author: AnonymousUnknown author (see File:Kafka.jpg)
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, July 3, 1883
In:Prague (Czech Republic)
Sun: 10°55' CancerAS: 14°13' Leo
Moon:23°01' Gemini MC: 27°51' Aries
Orb 0°18'
19°30' Gemini 19°48' Virgo
House XI House II
Author: Studio Harcourt
Credits: Studio Harcourt Paris (http://studio-harcourt.eu/)
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Born:Monday, April 27, 1953
In:Hartford (CT) (United States)
Sun: 7°26' TaurusAS: 17°56' Scorpio
Moon:24°11' Libra MC: 29°23' Leo
Orb 0°48'
15°49' Aries 15°00' Cancer
House V House VIII
Author: DCDEB
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Born:Thursday, August 18, 1983
In:Beirut (Lebanon)
Sun: 24°25' LeoAS: 19°59' Gemini
Moon:21°58' Sagittarius MC: 0°25' Pisces
Orb 0°36'
5°41' Virgo 5°05' Sagittarius
House IV House VI
Born:Monday, March 28, 1994
In:Hong Kong (China)
Sun: 6°55' AriesAS: 20°41' Aquarius
Moon:12°09' Libra MC: 1°20' Sagittarius
Orb 1°59'
23°52' Aries 25°52' Capricorn
House II House XII
Author: Toglenn
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Wednesday, February 17, 1971
In:Juliet (IL) (United States)
Sun: 28°22' AquariusAS: 25°22' Taurus
Moon:18°51' Scorpio MC: 2°52' Aquarius
Orb 0°17'
13°27' Capricorn 13°09' Libra
House IX House VI
Author: Studio Harcourt
Credits: Studio Harcourt Paris (http://studio-harcourt.eu/)
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Born:Saturday, December 1, 1956
In:Thiers (63) (France)
Sun: 9°07' SagittariusAS: 18°47' Sagittarius
Moon:27°21' Scorpio MC: 14°53' Libra
Orb 0°18'
7°08' Scorpio 6°50' Leo
House X House VIII
Born:Tuesday, September 16, 1952
In:Schenectady (NY) (United States)
Sun: 24°10' VirgoAS: 25°20' Gemini
Moon:0°18' Virgo MC: 29°12' Aquarius
Orb 0°56'
16°58' Libra 17°55' Cancer
House V House II
Born:Wednesday, January 31, 1973
In:Geelong, Victoria (Australia)
Sun: 10°38' AquariusAS: 24°23' Sagittarius
Moon:28°33' Sagittarius MC: 2°06' Virgo
Orb 0°32'
23°36' Capricorn 23°03' Libra
House II House XI
Author: Bleddyn Butcher
Credits: Nick Cave Management office at ATC / London
Licence: Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedication
Born:Sunday, September 22, 1957
In:Warracknabeal, Victoria (Australia)
Sun: 28°49' VirgoAS: 14°38' Capricorn
Moon:4°30' Virgo MC: 27°55' Virgo
Orb 1°05'
9°12' Scorpio 10°18' Leo
House XI House VIII
Born:Friday, October 6, 2000
In:Lafayette (LA) (United States)
Sun: 14°10' LibraAS: 20°47' Gemini
Moon:2°24' Aquarius MC: 3°40' Pisces
Orb 1°47'
15°15' Scorpio 17°03' Aquarius
House VI House IX
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Tuesday, March 22, 1949
In:Saumur (France)
Sun: 1°30' AriesAS: 10°55' Cancer
Moon:12°15' Capricorn MC: 13°14' Pisces
Orb 1°39'
24°59' Pisces 26°38' Gemini
House X House XII
Author: Pavel Golovkin
Credits: This file has been extracted from another file
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Born:Wednesday, May 6, 1953
In:Edimburgh (United Kingdom)
Sun: 15°22' TaurusAS: 4°50' Gemini
Moon:11°30' Aquarius MC: 26°03' Capricorn
Orb 0°15'
15°01' Aries 15°17' Cancer
House XII House III
Born:Monday, December 3, 1973
In:San Diego (CA) (United States)
Sun: 11°56' SagittariusAS: 19°16' Leo
Moon:25°38' Pisces MC: 14°13' Taurus
Orb 0°54'
27°09' Capricorn 26°15' Libra
House VI House III
Born:Wednesday, March 7, 1956
In:Los Angeles (CA) (United States)
Sun: 17°11' PiscesAS: 17°50' Gemini
Moon:22°49' Capricorn MC: 28°02' Aquarius
Orb 1°17'
29°52' Aries 28°35' Cancer
House XI House II
Born:Thursday, June 21, 1973
In:Los Angeles (CA) (United States)
Sun: 29°57' GeminiAS: 16°25' Gemini
Moon:2°16' Pisces MC: 26°33' Aquarius
Orb 0°13'
19°11' Cancer 18°57' Libra
House II House V
Author: Denis Probst
Credits: Own work, archive Denis Probst
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 lu
Born:Thursday, November 14, 1963
In:Lyon 6e (France)
Sun: 21°14' ScorpioAS: 11°48' Sagittarius
Moon:0°17' Scorpio MC: 5°32' Libra
Orb 1°21'
10°58' Sagittarius 9°36' Virgo
House I House IX
Author: Steve Schapiro
Credits: *Original source: Published as a publicity photo in 1961. A scan of the full original photo can be found via Timely-Atlas-Comics on Blogspot (direct link to image).
  • Instant source: High-res scan via Twitter. Retouched by uploader; see upload history below for unretouched original.

Licence: Public domain
Born:Friday, August 16, 1929
In:Plainfield (NJ) (United States)
Sun: 22°55' LeoAS: 13°54' Cancer
Moon:7°12' Capricorn MC: 23°30' Pisces
Orb 1°25'
12°27' Cancer 11°02' Aries
House I House X
Author: Toglenn
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Thursday, August 25, 1949
In:Haifa (Israel)
Sun: 1°45' VirgoAS: 22°53' Libra
Moon:17°30' Virgo MC: 25°01' Cancer
Orb 1°38'
5°43' Libra 4°05' Cancer
House XII House IX
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Sunday, July 18, 1976
In:Madrid (Spain)
Sun: 25°48' CancerAS: 26°21' Leo
Moon:15°27' Aries MC: 19°56' Taurus
Orb 1°02'
4°06' Leo 3°03' Scorpio
House XII House III
Author: ΛΦΠ
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Born:Saturday, July 9, 1966
In:Etterbeek (Belgium)
Sun: 17°00' CancerAS: 1°47' Sagittarius
Moon:3°31' Aries MC: 26°47' Virgo
Orb 0°48'
15°37' Gemini 16°26' Virgo
House VII House IX
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Wednesday, February 20, 1974
In:Boulogne-Billancourt (92) (France)
Sun: 1°36' PiscesAS: 8°19' Leo
Moon:13°47' Aquarius MC: 20°13' Aries
Orb 0°46'
26°50' Capricorn 27°36' Libra
House VI House IV
Author: Studio Publicity
Credits: [1]
Licence: Public domain
Born:Thursday, November 9, 1922
In:Cleveland (OH) (United States)
Sun: 16°58' ScorpioAS: 5°46' Leo
Moon:19°43' Cancer MC: 22°15' Aries
Orb 0°29'
9°13' Sagittarius 9°43' Pisces
House V House VIII
Author: Hartsook, photographer.
Credits: This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division
under the digital ID cph.3c11278.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.
Licence: Public domain
Born:Thursday, July 30, 1863
In:Greenfield Village (MI) (United States)
Sun: 6°48' LeoAS: 0°57' Virgo
Moon:6°12' Aquarius MC: 25°02' Taurus
Orb 1°26'
22°02' Virgo 23°29' Gemini
House I House X
Born:Saturday, June 15, 1963
In:Culver City (CA) (United States)
Sun: 23°59' GeminiAS: 24°43' Virgo
Moon:6°34' Aries MC: 24°15' Gemini
Orb 1°52'
3°39' Gemini 1°46' Virgo
House IX House XII
Author: The original uploader was Sonne17 at German Wikipedia.
Credits: Transferred from de.wikipedia to Commons.
Born:Wednesday, January 31, 1900
In:Srpci (Macedonia)
Sun: 10°40' AquariusAS: 11°03' Scorpio
Moon:9°31' Aquarius MC: 19°50' Leo
Orb 1°50'
13°25' Pisces 11°34' Sagittarius
House IV House II
Author: Biha
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Born:Wednesday, February 4, 1948
In:Detroit (MI) (United States)
Sun: 15°15' AquariusAS: 11°15' Libra
Moon:21°00' Sagittarius MC: 13°16' Cancer
Orb 0°21'
22°00' Pisces 22°22' Gemini
House VI House IX
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Born:Sunday, December 2, 1973
In:Suresnes (92) (France)
Sun: 9°55' SagittariusAS: 20°16' Scorpio
Moon:0°37' Pisces MC: 7°44' Virgo
Orb 0°38'
25°31' Capricorn 26°09' Libra
House II House XI
Author: no data
Credits: https://ru.pinterest.com/pin/498210777510561923/
Licence: Public domain
Born:Wednesday, November 11, 1885
In:San Gabriel (CA) (United States)
Sun: 19°55' ScorpioAS: 20°26' Gemini
Moon:19°29' Capricorn MC: 0°44' Pisces
Orb 0°47'
5°17' Capricorn 6°05' Libra
House VII House V
Author: Russell Ball (1896–1942)
Credits: https://it.pinterest.com/pin/601652831443039908/
Licence: Public domain
Born:Sunday, January 3, 1897
In:Lipno (Poland)
Sun: 13°39' CapricornAS: 7°14' Leo
Moon:19°24' Capricorn MC: 14°38' Aries
Orb 1°24'
26°08' Aquarius 27°33' Scorpio
House VIII House V
Born:Thursday, February 2, 1978
In:Montevideo (Uruguay)
Sun: 13°24' AquariusAS: 19°51' Aries
Moon:4°19' Sagittarius MC: 21°59' Capricorn
Orb 0°09'
16°07' Aquarius 16°16' Scorpio
House X House VII
Author: tatu43
Credits: Flickr
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Born:Saturday, January 27, 1968
In:Arcata (CA) (United States)
Sun: 6°33' AquariusAS: 24°22' Scorpio
Moon:7°25' Capricorn MC: 7°30' Virgo
Orb 1°53'
0°52' Capricorn 28°58' Virgo
House II House X
Author: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Credits: This file comes from Gallica Digital Library and is available under the digital ID btv1b8538461p
Licence: Public domain
Born:Sunday, September 29, 1912
In:Ferrara (Italy)
Sun: 6°19' LibraAS: 26°51' Gemini
Moon:16°00' Taurus MC: 28°56' Aquarius
Orb 0°09'
29°24' Libra 29°33' Capricorn
House V House VIII
Author: photo personelle
Credits: personnal picture
Licence: Public domain
Born:Saturday, April 4, 1942
In:Sedan (08) (France)
Sun: 13°33' AriesAS: 6°03' Sagittarius
Moon:16°31' Scorpio MC: 1°43' Libra
Orb 0°10'
27°38' Aquarius 27°48' Taurus
House III House VI
Author: Photo by Stephanie Moreno/Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communications for Peabody Awards/University of Georgia
Credits: https://www.flickr.com/photos/peabodyawards/34757033491/in/dateposted-public/
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Wednesday, February 25, 1976
In:Los Angeles Cedars of Lebanon (CA) (United States)
Sun: 6°00' PiscesAS: 12°30' Capricorn
Moon:14°28' Capricorn MC: 2°22' Scorpio
Orb 0°04'
7°07' Aquarius 7°03' Scorpio
House I House X
Author: Christopher Simon from Pasadena CA, USA
Credits: Josh Groban
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Born:Friday, February 27, 1981
In:Los Angeles (CA) (United States)
Sun: 9°19' PiscesAS: 20°31' Leo
Moon:19°58' Sagittarius MC: 15°12' Taurus
Orb 0°24'
29°42' Aquarius 0°06' Sagittarius
House VII House IV
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