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Fri. 7 Feb., 04:21 AM UT
Sun 18°38'   Aquarius
Moon 12°29'   Gemini
Mercury 16°55'   Aquarius
Venus  2°02'   Aries
Mars 18°52'  Я Cancer
Jupiter 11°17'   Gemini
Saturn 18°06'   Pisces
Uranus 23°17'   Taurus
Neptune 28°09'   Pisces
Pluto  2°15'   Aquarius
Chiron 19°42'   Aries
True Node 28°10'  Я Pisces
True Lilith  6°39'   Libra
Horoscope for now
Moon Phase
Waxing Moon, 70.22%
Waxing Gibbous
Wed. 12 Feb., 01:54 PM UT
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Author: Harald Krichel
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Sunday, June 9, 1963
In:Owensboro (KY) (United States)
Sun: 18°00' GeminiAS: 0°21' Leo
Moon:13°18' Capricorn MC: 17°27' Aries
Orb 0°40'
13°18' Capricorn 13°58' Aries
House VI House IX
Author: David Shankbone
Credits: Own work
Licence: Public domain
Born:Wednesday, June 8, 1977
In:Atlanta (GA) (United States)
Sun: 17°36' GeminiAS: 18°00' Cancer
Moon:16°26' Pisces MC: 3°59' Aries
Orb 1°49'
16°26' Pisces 14°36' Gemini
House IX House XI
Born:Wednesday, December 27, 1995
In:Manhattan, New York (NY) (United States)
Sun: 5°52' CapricornAS: 3°13' Virgo
Moon:27°20' Pisces MC: 28°21' Taurus
Orb 1°15'
27°20' Pisces 28°35' Sagittarius
House VIII House IV
Author: Elliott & Fry (see [1])
Credits: http://philogalichet.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Gandhi_Photo-Alamy.jpg
Licence: Public domain
Born:Saturday, October 2, 1869
In:Porbandar (India)
Sun: 8°56' LibraAS: 25°50' Libra
Moon:19°56' Leo MC: 25°58' Cancer
Orb 0°14'
19°56' Leo 20°10' Taurus
House X House VII
Born:Sunday, July 26, 1964
In:Arlington (VA) (United States)
Sun: 3°19' LeoAS: 26°25' Gemini
Moon:21°58' Aquarius MC: 3°46' Pisces
Orb 0°15'
21°58' Aquarius 22°14' Taurus
House IX House XII
Born:Saturday, February 27, 1932
In:London (United Kingdom)
Sun: 7°18' PiscesAS: 13°16' Sagittarius
Moon:15°45' Scorpio MC: 14°12' Libra
Orb 0°33'
15°45' Scorpio 15°11' Leo
House XI House VIII
Born:Friday, October 3, 1969
In:Fullerton (CA) (United States)
Sun: 10°28' LibraAS: 14°13' Capricorn
Moon:15°03' Cancer MC: 3°58' Scorpio
Orb 0°03'
15°03' Cancer 15°07' Libra
House VII House IX
Born:Friday, October 29, 1971
In:Rochester (MN) (United States)
Sun: 5°34' ScorpioAS: 12°54' Sagittarius
Moon:6°33' Pisces MC: 5°18' Libra
Orb 1°46'
6°33' Pisces 8°20' Sagittarius
House III House XII
Born:Monday, May 20, 1946
In:El Centro (CA) (United States)
Sun: 29°00' TaurusAS: 8°37' Cancer
Moon:18°18' Capricorn MC: 22°47' Pisces
Orb 0°05'
18°18' Capricorn 18°23' Libra
House VII House IV
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Tuesday, October 18, 1960
In:Berchem-Sainte-Agathe (Belgium)
Sun: 24°51' LibraAS: 19°20' Libra
Moon:26°52' Virgo MC: 25°18' Cancer
Orb 1°50'
26°52' Virgo 28°42' Sagittarius
House XII House III
Born:Tuesday, September 28, 1982
In:Saint-Renan (29) (France)
Sun: 5°10' LibraAS: 23°03' Capricorn
Moon:13°00' Aquarius MC: 23°36' Scorpio
Orb 1°53'
13°00' Aquarius 11°06' Scorpio
House I House IX
Born:Monday, March 9, 1964
In:Paris 12e (France)
Sun: 18°55' PiscesAS: 9°14' Cancer
Moon:22°39' Capricorn MC: 9°14' Pisces
Orb 0°29'
22°39' Capricorn 22°09' Aries
House VII House XI
Author: Los Angeles Police Department
Credits: [1]
Licence: Public domain
Born:Sunday, February 28, 1960
In:El Paso (TX) (United States)
Sun: 8°48' PiscesAS: 22°42' Sagittarius
Moon:29°10' Pisces MC: 8°08' Libra
Orb 0°32'
29°10' Pisces 29°42' Sagittarius
House III House I
Author: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America

Tim Burton

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Monday, August 25, 1958
In:Burbank, Los Angeles County (CA) (United States)
Sun: 2°32' VirgoAS: 5°09' Gemini
Moon:28°02' Capricorn MC: 15°30' Aquarius
Orb 0°07'
28°02' Capricorn 27°55' Libra
House IX House VI
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Born:Monday, June 19, 1972
In:Rueil-Malmaison (92) (France)
Sun: 27°58' GeminiAS: 27°10' Gemini
Moon:3°38' Libra MC: 24°53' Aquarius
Orb 0°32'
3°38' Libra 4°10' Capricorn
House V House VII
Born:Friday, September 23, 1949
In:Freehold (NJ) (United States)
Sun: 0°43' LibraAS: 22°50' Gemini
Moon:23°25' Libra MC: 28°42' Aquarius
Orb 1°02'
23°25' Libra 22°23' Capricorn
House V House VIII
Author: Gage Skidmore
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Wednesday, April 2, 1975
In:Santiago (Chile)
Sun: 12°20' AriesAS: 0°06' Cancer
Moon:3°09' Capricorn MC: 18°10' Aries
Orb 0°29'
3°09' Capricorn 3°38' Aries
House VII House IX
Born:Wednesday, June 21, 1905
In:Paris 16e (France)
Sun: 29°40' GeminiAS: 13°41' Sagittarius
Moon:25°41' Aquarius MC: 11°29' Libra
Orb 1°25'
25°41' Aquarius 24°16' Taurus
House II House V
Born:Thursday, February 17, 1972
In:Oakland (CA) (United States)
Sun: 27°56' AquariusAS: 4°48' Capricorn
Moon:1°20' Aries MC: 26°44' Libra
Orb 0°35'
1°20' Aries 1°56' Capricorn
House III House XII
Born:Sunday, June 18, 1939
In:Saigon (Vietnam)
Sun: 26°14' GeminiAS: 27°03' Scorpio
Moon:7°18' Cancer MC: 26°23' Leo
Orb 1°10'
7°18' Cancer 6°08' Aries
House VIII House V
Born:Tuesday, October 30, 1962
In:Clamecy (58) (France)
Sun: 6°57' ScorpioAS: 18°19' Cancer
Moon:2°46' Sagittarius MC: 22°52' Pisces
Orb 0°02'
2°46' Sagittarius 2°49' Pisces
House V House IX
Born:Monday, July 23, 1973
In:San Francisco (CA) (United States)
Sun: 0°46' LeoAS: 15°39' Libra
Moon:9°01' Taurus MC: 17°44' Cancer
Orb 0°56'
9°01' Taurus 8°04' Aquarius
House VII House IV
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Sunday, January 2, 1983
In:Van Nuys (CA) (United States)
Sun: 12°07' CapricornAS: 25°36' Cancer
Moon:2°29' Virgo MC: 13°31' Aries
Orb 0°54'
2°29' Virgo 1°35' Sagittarius
House II House V
Author: Marcos Corrêa/PR
Credits: Palácio do Planalto
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
Born:Friday, March 21, 1980
In:Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
Sun: 0°48' AriesAS: 19°13' Aquarius
Moon:2°39' Gemini MC: 15°09' Scorpio
Orb 0°28'
2°39' Gemini 2°11' Virgo
House IV House VII
Born:Sunday, March 16, 1986
In:New York (NY) (United States)
Sun: 26°05' PiscesAS: 2°11' Libra
Moon:7°27' Gemini MC: 2°32' Cancer
Orb 1°39'
7°27' Gemini 5°47' Pisces
House IX House VI
Author: Toglenn
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Monday, September 22, 1958
In:Wynnewood (PA) (United States)
Sun: 29°18' VirgoAS: 25°02' Capricorn
Moon:2°06' Aquarius MC: 18°22' Scorpio
Orb 0°50'
2°06' Aquarius 2°56' Scorpio
House I House IX
Born:Friday, February 22, 1788
In:Danzig (Poland)
Sun: 3°33' PiscesAS: 7°58' Cancer
Moon:15°50' Virgo MC: 29°49' Aquarius
Orb 0°54'
15°50' Virgo 16°44' Gemini
House IV House XII
Born:Tuesday, August 25, 1981
In:Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles (CA) (United States)
Sun: 2°18' VirgoAS: 21°04' Virgo
Moon:12°01' Cancer MC: 20°16' Gemini
Orb 1°35'
12°01' Cancer 10°26' Libra
House X House I
Author: Heinrich Hoffmann
Logo Bundesarchiv This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 de
Born:Friday, October 29, 1897
In:Rheydt (Germany)
Sun: 6°45' ScorpioAS: 1°41' Leo
Moon:1°31' Capricorn MC: 8°02' Aries
Orb 1°04'
1°31' Capricorn 0°26' Libra
House VI House III
Author: Maurice Quentin de La Tour
Credits: Unknown sourceUnknown source
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, June 28, 1712
In:Geneva (Switzerland)
Sun: 6°36' CancerAS: 12°21' Virgo
Moon:6°06' Taurus MC: 8°13' Gemini
Orb 0°33'
6°06' Taurus 5°33' Aquarius
House IX House V
Author: A.F. Bradley, New York
Credits: steamboattimes.com
Licence: Public domain
Born:Monday, November 30, 1835
In:Florida (MO) (United States)
Sun: 7°34' SagittariusAS: 9°42' Scorpio
Moon:15°37' Aries MC: 17°22' Leo
Orb 0°52'
15°37' Aries 14°44' Cancer
House V House IX
Born:Wednesday, August 17, 1977
In:Les Ulis (91) (France)
Sun: 24°39' LeoAS: 9°29' Capricorn
Moon:28°51' Virgo MC: 11°47' Scorpio
Orb 0°40'
28°51' Virgo 29°31' Gemini
House VIII House VI
Author: Toglenn
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Born:Wednesday, May 7, 1997
In:Largo (MD) (United States)
Sun: 16°43' TaurusAS: 11°10' Aquarius
Moon:21°44' Taurus MC: 0°27' Sagittarius
Orb 1°32'
21°44' Taurus 20°11' Aquarius
House III House I
Born:Sunday, June 28, 1964
In:Rome (Italy)
Sun: 7°07' CancerAS: 29°06' Capricorn
Moon:19°11' Aquarius MC: 23°05' Scorpio
Orb 1°38'
19°11' Aquarius 17°33' Taurus
House I House III
Born:Monday, July 2, 1877
In:Calw (Germany)
Sun: 10°52' CancerAS: 20°10' Sagittarius
Moon:28°12' Pisces MC: 19°53' Libra
Orb 1°03'
28°12' Pisces 27°09' Sagittarius
House III House I
Born:Thursday, March 17, 1977
In:Severn (MD) (United States)
Sun: 26°31' PiscesAS: 15°37' Sagittarius
Moon:26°32' Aquarius MC: 4°37' Libra
Orb 0°16'
26°32' Aquarius 26°49' Taurus
House II House VI
Born:Sunday, March 30, 1986
In:Seville (Spain)
Sun: 9°25' AriesAS: 24°59' Gemini
Moon:7°49' Sagittarius MC: 3°21' Pisces
Orb 1°02'
7°49' Sagittarius 8°51' Pisces
House VI House X
Author: Albrecht Dürer
Credits: Museo Nacional del Prado, Galería online
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, May 21, 1471 (Julian cal.)
In:Nurnberg (Germany)
Sun: 8°14' GeminiAS: 2°56' Virgo
Moon:24°29' Gemini MC: 24°49' Taurus
Orb 0°08'
24°29' Gemini 24°37' Virgo
House X House II
Author: Underwood & Underwood (active 1880 – c. 1950)[1]
Credits: http://amextbg2.wgbhdigital.org/wgbh/americanexperience/media/uploads/special_features/photo_gallery/amelia_gallery_07.jpg
Licence: Public domain
Born:Saturday, July 24, 1897
In:Atchison (KS) (United States)
Sun: 2°29' LeoAS: 3°32' Taurus
Moon:11°54' Gemini MC: 19°00' Capricorn
Orb 1°35'
11°54' Gemini 10°18' Virgo
House II House V
Born:Tuesday, March 30, 1993
In:Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Sun: 10°22' AriesAS: 1°53' Capricorn
Moon:9°07' Cancer MC: 20°45' Virgo
Orb 0°36'
9°07' Cancer 9°43' Libra
House VII House X
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Monday, November 15, 1976
In:Paris 10e (France)
Sun: 23°08' ScorpioAS: 14°48' Sagittarius
Moon:28°27' Leo MC: 12°58' Libra
Orb 1°55'
28°27' Leo 26°32' Taurus
House VIII House V
Born:Sunday, July 16, 1967
In:Honfleur (14) (France)
Sun: 22°48' CancerAS: 22°21' Taurus
Moon:10°34' Scorpio MC: 25°11' Capricorn
Orb 0°13'
10°34' Scorpio 10°21' Leo
House VI House IV
Author: W.carter
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Born:Tuesday, November 6, 1956
In:Ixelles (Belgium)
Sun: 13°50' ScorpioAS: 11°26' Scorpio
Moon:26°00' Sagittarius MC: 26°20' Leo
Orb 1°12'
26°00' Sagittarius 24°48' Virgo
House II House X
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Tuesday, August 30, 1977
In:Cannes (06) (France)
Sun: 7°08' VirgoAS: 13°34' Capricorn
Moon:29°37' Pisces MC: 10°38' Scorpio
Orb 2°00'
29°37' Pisces 1°38' Cancer
House II House VI
Author: Jan Schroeder
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Wednesday, July 11, 1934
In:Piacenza (Italy)
Sun: 18°15' CancerAS: 17°03' Leo
Moon:13°23' Cancer MC: 5°26' Taurus
Orb 1°15'
13°23' Cancer 14°38' Libra
House XI House III
Author: Unknown authorUnknown author
Credits: British Museum
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, February 19, 1630
In:Shivneri Fort (India)
Sun: 0°59' PiscesAS: 7°39' Virgo
Moon:22°12' Taurus MC: 8°03' Gemini
Orb 0°01'
22°12' Taurus 22°11' Aquarius
House IX House VI
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Friday, December 1, 1944
In:Paris 6e (France)
Sun: 8°53' SagittariusAS: 9°40' Scorpio
Moon:24°02' Gemini MC: 22°24' Leo
Orb 0°48'
24°02' Gemini 24°50' Virgo
House VIII House XI
Born:Thursday, December 15, 1949
In:Flat Creek (MO) (United States)
Sun: 23°54' SagittariusAS: 3°51' Virgo
Moon:5°00' Scorpio MC: 0°18' Gemini
Orb 1°56'
5°00' Scorpio 3°04' Aquarius
House III House V
Born:Thursday, April 9, 1981
In:Plattsburgh (NY) (United States)
Sun: 20°09' AriesAS: 26°07' Scorpio
Moon:2°57' Cancer MC: 12°42' Virgo
Orb 0°39'
2°57' Cancer 3°37' Libra
House VIII House X
Born:Monday, October 28, 1957
In:Boulogne-Billancourt (92) (France)
Sun: 5°05' ScorpioAS: 17°44' Gemini
Moon:16°01' Capricorn MC: 15°21' Aquarius
Orb 1°05'
16°01' Capricorn 17°07' Libra
House VIII House V
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