A Sun in Virgo Prone to Gloominess Owing to Pluto
Tim Burton is a Hollywood director who is capable of gaining the acclaim of critics and the general public at the same time. Finally, a rare feat that he achieved after quite a while. The analysis of his natal chart clearly explains that he is driven by a blend of rooted authority and of originality, or even of eccentricity.
The artist has the Sun in exact conjunction with Pluto in Virgo, and both planets are also in conjunction with Mercury. The latter is still in Leo but must be taken into consideration too, since the planet rules the sign as well as the two other planets.
Therefore, we are dealing with a personality who transcends his anxiety by controlling mentally his destiny. Pluto's dark influence is felt in Burton's tastes, at least in some of them. He is attracted by a deeply gothic world, by horror movies, and he loves to display a ghoulish sense of humor.
Thus, he began to make a name for himself in the late eighties with Beetlejuice, a film resorting to this kind of ropes, with the history of a recently deceased young couple, who decides to employ the services of a bio-exorcist to get rid of the former inhabitants of their home. The result was a huge success.
Then Burton implemented a project which has been dear to his heart during many years, i. e. an adaptation for the big screen of the adventures of the superhero Batman, a saga which impressed the cinema. In this first film, he obtained the assistance of Jack Nicholson, quite convincing as a cynical joker. Afterwards, with Batman Returns, Burton turned Danny de Vito into the chief of penguins. Both of them plunged back into the typically Plutonian realm of the night and of marginals.
However, it must be noted that Burton treats this disturbing genre with the lightness and the distance of an Ascendant in Gemini and of a dominant Mercury. With Burton, there is always an exit door, a way to say that nothing is very important. Even during the most dramatic moments, he is willing to introduce a dash of burlesque.
Gemini's Influence Adds in a Good Dose of Humor
In addition, Gemini's features have prompted him to choose professional diversity. Very precociously, he displayed a talent for drawing and, throughout his career, he shifted easily from one category to another, such as for example the Technicolor kitsch of the fifties, poetry, and the use of off-the-wall characters.
Regarding Burton's planetary dominants, we can observe that there are in his chart two planets in mutual reception; indeed, the Sun is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury, and Mercury is in Leo, a sign ruled by the Sun. The exchange of good services is exceptionally active because both planets are strong, especially Mercury. The fact that they are conjunct – with Pluto, as mentioned above – indicates that they constitute the key to the interpretation of the natal chart.
Undoubtedly, Burton knew how to make the most of all these energies which intermingle to form a personality fascinated by strange depths but caring about public recognition.
He started to work for Disney studios, and whereas he declares that he is keeping an unpleasant memory of them, his first steps were a springboard for the developments of his career. After a more discreet period towards the end of the nineties, the new millennium gave him the opportunity to shine with accessible films, for instance the adaptation of Alice in Wonderland in 2010, or, in 2019, that of Dumbo, which marked his return into the fold of Walt Disney Pictures.
As for Mercury, we remark that, despite the wide orb, the planet is in a tense aspect with Mars in Taurus. Moreover, Pluto sends a square to the Ascendant, and Uranus sends a wide square to Mars also. This reveals a tendency towards a certain verbal aggressiveness, or towards clumsiness in contracts, which may prove harmful.
Venus Conjunct Uranus Describes an Original and Charismatic Artist
Let us discuss another dominant of Burton's chart, Venus, who gives a new interesting facet of his rich personality. In Leo and in conjunction with Uranus, Venus endows with an artistic temperament and with an affectivity made of pride mixed with independence.
We all know the director's tastes for the fantastic. With all his works, he managed to embark us on lyrical tales in which he included glamorous moments which are typical of the sign of Leo. His male characters are often dandies taken into a sort of eccentric as well as enjoyable fable. Charlie and the chocolate factory is a perfect example of this.
As far as heroines are concerned, they are mainly romantic princesses like Kim in Edward Scissorhands, personified by Winona Ryder, or Vicky in Batman, portrayed by Kim Basinger.
In his private life, he is obviously fond of women with outstanding charisma and independence. He lived for quite a long time with Helena Bonham Carter, whom he chose as his muse. In a Uranian style, many of his love relationships were tinged with loyalty and friendship.
Pressing Professional Duties Caused by Saturn?
Presently, it is most likely that Burton is undergoing the emotional consequences of the conjunction of three planets in Capricorn over the natal Moon, in square with Jupiter. Very discreet, even completely silent about his personal life, the filmmaker has never uttered a word about this topic.
Next year in 2021, it is probable that he will feel a few frictions or desires of change in his emotional life, owing to the transits of Jupiter and of Saturn in Aquarius over the natal Venus-Uranus duet.
Saturn in particular, crossing over the House of career, may bring about heavy professional tasks which may have repercussions at the personal level too.
Tim Burton

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Tim Burton.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Tim Burton:
Sun 2°32' Virgo, in House IV
Moon 28°02' Capricorn, in House IX
Mercury 27°45' Я Leo, in House IV
Venus 12°29' Leo, in House III
Mars 20°19' Taurus, in House XII
Jupiter 27°55' Libra, in House VI
Saturn 19°06' Sagittarius, in House VII
Uranus 13°17' Leo, in House III
Neptune 2°30' Scorpio, in House VI
Pluto 2°03' Virgo, in House IV
North Node 23°36' Я Libra, in House VI
Lilith 9°45' Aries, in House XI
Fortune 9°38' Capricorn, in House VIII
Vertex 1°45' Scorpio, in House VI
East Point 20°24' Taurus, in House XII
Ascendant 5°09' Gemini
House II 29°26' Gemini
House III 21°28' Cancer
House IV 15°30' Leo
House V 15°31' Virgo
House VI 24°01' Libra
House VII 5°09' Sagittarius
House VIII 29°26' Sagittarius
House IX 21°28' Capricorn
Midheaven 15°30' Aquarius
House XI 15°31' Pisces
House XII 24°01' Aries
Ascendant 5°09' Gemini
Midheaven 15°30' Aquarius
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved