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Tue. 18 Feb., 12:20 AM UT
Sun 29°35'   Aquarius
Moon  0°01'   Scorpio
Mercury  6°28'   Pisces
Venus  8°09'   Aries
Mars 17°15'  Я Cancer
Jupiter 11°35'   Gemini
Saturn 19°22'   Pisces
Uranus 23°25'   Taurus
Neptune 28°30'   Pisces
Pluto  2°35'   Aquarius
Chiron 20°07'   Aries
True Node 27°38'   Pisces
True Lilith  0°26'  Я Scorpio
Horoscope for now
Moon Phase
Waning Moon, 74.39%
Waning Gibbous
Fri. 28 Feb., 12:46 AM UT
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Born:Monday, November 23, 1992
In:Nashville (TN) (United States)
Sun: 1°53' SagittariusAS: 28°38' Taurus
Moon:26°13' Scorpio MC: 8°40' Aquarius
Orb 0°59'
26°13' Scorpio 27°12' Scorpio
House VI House VI
Author: Gage Skidmore
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Sunday, August 14, 1966
In:Cleveland (OH) (United States)
Sun: 21°53' LeoAS: 20°05' Taurus
Moon:3°11' Leo MC: 29°02' Capricorn
Orb 0°06'
3°11' Leo 3°17' Leo
House IV House IV
Author: Ira Rosenberg
Credits: This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division
under the digital ID cph.3c15435.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.
Licence: Public domain
Born:Saturday, January 17, 1942
In:Louisville (KY) (United States)
Sun: 27°18' CapricornAS: 19°32' Leo
Moon:12°26' Aquarius MC: 12°13' Taurus
Orb 1°04'
12°26' Aquarius 13°31' Aquarius
House VI House VI
Author: U.S. Embassy photographer JP Evans
Credits: https://www.flickr.com/photos/usembassylondon/7115289955/in/set-72157629539238726
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, August 18, 1936
In:Santa Monica (CA) (United States)
Sun: 25°59' LeoAS: 28°59' Pisces
Moon:19°14' Virgo MC: 29°24' Sagittarius
Orb 1°00'
19°14' Virgo 18°14' Virgo
House VI House VI
Born:Thursday, January 17, 1980
In:Santa Monica (CA) (United States)
Sun: 26°39' CapricornAS: 24°53' Capricorn
Moon:23°05' Capricorn MC: 14°26' Scorpio
Orb 1°08'
23°05' Capricorn 24°14' Capricorn
House I House I
Born:Monday, January 9, 1989
In:Sofia (Bulgaria)
Sun: 18°52' CapricornAS: 14°57' Sagittarius
Moon:6°38' Aquarius MC: 6°48' Libra
Orb 1°20'
6°38' Aquarius 7°58' Aquarius
House II House II
Author: [lounajenifan]]
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Born:Monday, November 15, 1982
In:Nice (06) (France)
Sun: 22°39' ScorpioAS: 17°27' Sagittarius
Moon:19°30' Scorpio MC: 11°00' Libra
Orb 0°34'
19°30' Scorpio 20°04' Scorpio
House XI House XI
Born:Monday, November 22, 1976
In:Helsinki (Finland)
Sun: 0°05' SagittariusAS: 27°19' Scorpio
Moon:9°06' Sagittarius MC: 3°38' Libra
Orb 0°35'
9°06' Sagittarius 8°30' Sagittarius
House I House I
Author: dearMoon
Credits: YouTube: ARTIST INTERVIEW - Ringo Starr (Former the Beatles) exclusive interview (Time: 0:17) – View/save archived versions on archive.org and archive.today
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Born:Sunday, July 7, 1940
In:Liverpool (United Kingdom)
Sun: 14°41' CancerAS: 25°02' Pisces
Moon:4°03' Leo MC: 28°16' Sagittarius
Orb 1°08'
4°03' Leo 5°12' Leo
House V House V
Author: Mario De Biasi (1923–2013)
Credits: "Jeanne Moreau At The Venice International Film Festival" on GettyImages.fr
Licence: Public domain
Born:Monday, January 23, 1928
In:Paris 10e (France)
Sun: 2°13' AquariusAS: 14°35' Taurus
Moon:9°57' Aquarius MC: 20°57' Capricorn
Orb 1°50'
9°57' Aquarius 11°47' Aquarius
House X House X
Born:Sunday, June 18, 1939
In:Saigon (Vietnam)
Sun: 26°14' GeminiAS: 27°03' Scorpio
Moon:7°18' Cancer MC: 26°23' Leo
Orb 1°45'
7°18' Cancer 9°03' Cancer
House VIII House VIII
Author: Gage Skidmore
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Wednesday, December 11, 1996
In:Tarzana, Los Angeles (CA) (United States)
Sun: 20°18' SagittariusAS: 1°00' Cancer
Moon:8°40' Capricorn MC: 12°37' Pisces
Orb 1°31'
8°40' Capricorn 10°12' Capricorn
House VII House VII
Author: Office of the President of Brazil
Credits: Flickr: Brasília - DF
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Wednesday, July 28, 1954
In:Sabaneta (Venezuela)
Sun: 4°39' LeoAS: 8°13' Gemini
Moon:13°44' Cancer MC: 0°54' Pisces
Orb 1°13'
13°44' Cancer 14°58' Cancer
House II House II
Author: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America
Credits: Lili Reinhart & Cole Sprouse
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Friday, September 13, 1996
In:Cleveland (OH) (United States)
Sun: 21°06' VirgoAS: 9°05' Scorpio
Moon:28°40' Virgo MC: 17°30' Leo
Orb 0°13'
28°40' Virgo 28°54' Virgo
House XI House XI
Author: Studio Harcourt
Credits: Studio Harcourt Paris (http://studio-harcourt.eu/)
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Born:Friday, April 18, 1958
In:Montreuil (93) (France)
Sun: 28°16' AriesAS: 12°37' Scorpio
Moon:24°55' Aries MC: 26°38' Leo
Orb 0°07'
24°55' Aries 24°47' Aries
House VI House VI
Author: Arnold Newman, White House Press Office (WHPO)
Credits: Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Muesuem - Archived link
Licence: Public domain
Born:Thursday, August 27, 1908
In:Stonewall (TX) (United States)
Sun: 3°46' VirgoAS: 26°53' Leo
Moon:9°32' Virgo MC: 24°01' Taurus
Orb 0°50'
9°32' Virgo 10°23' Virgo
House I House I
Author: Photo portrait credited to "Talbot" (though not on original dust jacket). Published by the Bobbs-Merrill Company.
Credits: Scan via rohrbachlibrary.wordpress.com (direct link to jpg). The portrait as originally published on the dust jacket of The Fountainhead can be seen at this listing on Worthpoint.
Licence: Public domain
Born:Thursday, February 2, 1905
In:Saint Petersburg (Russia)
Sun: 13°04' AquariusAS: 7°21' Leo
Moon:21°15' Capricorn MC: 5°02' Aries
Orb 0°37'
21°15' Capricorn 20°37' Capricorn
House VI House VI
Author: Prworms
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Saturday, January 14, 1956
In:Oran (Algeria)
Sun: 23°39' CapricornAS: 29°07' Leo
Moon:12°21' Aquarius MC: 24°58' Taurus
Orb 0°12'
12°21' Aquarius 12°09' Aquarius
House VI House VI
Born:Monday, May 10, 1948
In:Milan (Italy)
Sun: 19°20' TaurusAS: 8°45' Aries
Moon:1°47' Gemini MC: 4°08' Capricorn
Orb 0°02'
1°47' Gemini 1°50' Gemini
House II House II
Author: Eva Rinaldi from Sydney Australia
Credits: This file has been extracted from another file
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Born:Wednesday, October 20, 1971
In:Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)
Sun: 25°48' LibraAS: 16°00' Scorpio
Moon:1°29' Scorpio MC: 28°02' Cancer
Orb 1°55'
1°29' Scorpio 3°25' Scorpio
House XII House XII
Author: Nightshooter. Attribution: Photo Credit: Larry Philpot of www.soundstagephotography.com .
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Tuesday, March 26, 1968
In:Knoxville (TN) (United States)
Sun: 6°16' AriesAS: 0°28' Virgo
Moon:12°32' Pisces MC: 26°30' Taurus
Orb 0°17'
12°32' Pisces 12°15' Pisces
House VII House VII
Born:Saturday, January 12, 1929
In:La-Celle-St-Cloud (78) (France)
Sun: 21°31' CapricornAS: 8°04' Sagittarius
Moon:4°40' Aquarius MC: 3°38' Libra
Orb 1°34'
4°40' Aquarius 6°14' Aquarius
House II House II
Credits: This file was derived from: Guy Pearce Cannes 2012.jpgGuy Pearce Cannes 2012.jpg

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Thursday, October 5, 1967
In:Ely, Cambridgeshire (United Kingdom)
Sun: 11°42' LibraAS: 2°58' Aquarius
Moon:6°55' Scorpio MC: 4°36' Sagittarius
Orb 0°14'
6°55' Scorpio 6°40' Scorpio
House VIII House VIII
Author: Steno
Credits: https://port.hu/adatlap/film/tv/piedone-a-zsaru-piedone-lo-sbirro/movie-11012 (screenshot)
Licence: Public domain
Born:Thursday, October 31, 1929
In:Naples (Italy)
Sun: 7°11' ScorpioAS: 28°34' Virgo
Moon:20°22' Libra MC: 28°20' Gemini
Orb 0°42'
20°22' Libra 21°05' Libra
House I House I
Born:Wednesday, February 13, 1991
In:Pau (64) (France)
Sun: 24°25' AquariusAS: 1°38' Leo
Moon:11°52' Aquarius MC: 15°15' Aries
Orb 0°16'
11°52' Aquarius 12°09' Aquarius
House VII House VII
Author: Georges Biard
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Friday, April 25, 1941
In:Lyon 6e (69) (France)
Sun: 4°41' TaurusAS: 19°34' Gemini
Moon:20°58' Aries MC: 20°21' Aquarius
Orb 1°46'
20°58' Aries 22°44' Aries
House XI House XI
Born:Sunday, September 29, 1935
In:Nice (06) (France)
Sun: 5°47' LibraAS: 24°46' Gemini
Moon:29°27' Libra MC: 27°45' Aquarius
Orb 1°20'
29°27' Libra 0°47' Scorpio
House V House V
Author: By photographer:Maurice Seymour, Chicago. (eBay item photo front photo back) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Credits: File:Jerry Lee Lewis 1950s.JPG
Licence: Public domain
Born:Sunday, September 29, 1935
In:Ferriday (LA) (United States)
Sun: 5°47' LibraAS: 6°47' Aquarius
Moon:29°27' Libra MC: 23°31' Scorpio
Orb 1°20'
29°27' Libra 0°47' Scorpio
House IX House IX
Born:Monday, January 15, 2018
In:Los Angeles Cedars Sinai Hospital (CA) (United States)
Sun: 25°09' CapricornAS: 1°56' Scorpio
Moon:6°26' Capricorn MC: 5°45' Leo
Orb 0°45'
6°26' Capricorn 5°41' Capricorn
House III House III
Born:Wednesday, August 21, 1963
In:Rabat (Morocco)
Sun: 27°40' LeoAS: 27°00' Libra
Moon:22°51' Virgo MC: 0°00' Leo
Orb 1°56'
22°51' Virgo 24°47' Virgo
House XI House XI
Born:Saturday, February 7, 1959
In:Châteauroux (36) (France)
Sun: 17°55' AquariusAS: 23°04' Taurus
Moon:13°31' Aquarius MC: 27°40' Capricorn
Orb 0°35'
13°31' Aquarius 12°55' Aquarius
House X House X
Author: Sergei Luvovich Levitsky (Russian, 1819 - 1898, active Paris, France)
Credits: http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/94126/sergei-luvovich-levitsky-l'imperatrice-empress-eugenie-russian-about-1862/
Licence: Public domain
Born:Friday, May 5, 1826
In:Granada (Spain)
Sun: 14°25' TaurusAS: 20°40' Leo
Moon:27°15' Aries MC: 14°07' Taurus
Orb 1°05'
27°15' Aries 28°21' Aries
House IX House IX
Author: David Shankbone
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Born:Saturday, July 15, 1950
In:Athens (Greece)
Sun: 22°28' CancerAS: 19°37' Scorpio
Moon:26°20' Cancer MC: 29°25' Leo
Orb 1°13'
26°20' Cancer 27°34' Cancer
House IX House IX
Born:Tuesday, March 1, 1938
In:Oran (Algeria)
Sun: 10°25' PiscesAS: 17°19' Leo
Moon:3°37' Pisces MC: 10°35' Taurus
Orb 0°54'
3°37' Pisces 4°32' Pisces
House VII House VII
Born:Wednesday, September 16, 1925
In:Berclair (MS) (United States)
Sun: 23°31' VirgoAS: 20°00' Aquarius
Moon:9°25' Virgo MC: 4°27' Sagittarius
Orb 1°57'
9°25' Virgo 7°27' Virgo
House VII House VII
Author: Angela George
Credits: Image e-mailed from author to uploader
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Saturday, April 23, 1960
In:Wilmington (DE) (United States)
Sun: 3°51' TaurusAS: 18°50' Scorpio
Moon:12°09' Aries MC: 29°24' Leo
Orb 0°36'
12°09' Aries 11°32' Aries
House V House V
Author: Studio Publicity
Credits: [1]
Licence: Public domain
Born:Sunday, March 2, 1919
In:Tulsa (OK) (United States)
Sun: 11°20' PiscesAS: 28°04' Leo
Moon:18°08' Pisces MC: 23°34' Taurus
Orb 0°31'
18°08' Pisces 17°37' Pisces
House VII House VII
Author: Marie-Lan Nguyen (User:Jastrow)
Credits: Own work
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
Born:Wednesday, July 27, 1927
In:La Goulette (Tunisia)
Sun: 3°36' LeoAS: 19°29' Sagittarius
Moon:20°29' Cancer MC: 7°45' Libra
Orb 1°43'
20°29' Cancer 22°12' Cancer
House VII House VII
Born:Wednesday, November 25, 1981
In:Dallas (TX) (United States)
Sun: 3°18' SagittariusAS: 12°08' Capricorn
Moon:23°07' Scorpio MC: 1°06' Scorpio
Orb 1°49'
23°07' Scorpio 24°57' Scorpio
House X House X
Notman Studios (photographer)



MS Am 1092 (1185), Series II, 23, Houghton Library, Harvard University

Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, January 11, 1842
In:New York (NY) (United States)
Sun: 20°52' CapricornAS: 20°58' Sagittarius
Moon:18°11' Capricorn MC: 12°47' Libra
Orb 1°09'
18°11' Capricorn 17°01' Capricorn
House I House I
Born:Saturday, December 21, 1946
In:Paris 12e (France)
Sun: 29°21' SagittariusAS: 14°29' Leo
Moon:10°46' Sagittarius MC: 29°13' Aries
Orb 1°02'
10°46' Sagittarius 11°49' Sagittarius
House V House V
Born:Friday, February 5, 1932
In:Trieste (Italy)
Sun: 15°15' AquariusAS: 12°03' Aquarius
Moon:29°12' Capricorn MC: 4°55' Sagittarius
Orb 1°02'
29°12' Capricorn 0°14' Aquarius
House XII House XII
Licence: Public domain
Born:Monday, April 1, 1946
In:Fusignano (Italy)
Sun: 10°57' AriesAS: 29°06' Taurus
Moon:28°37' Pisces MC: 3°41' Aquarius
Orb 1°41'
28°37' Pisces 0°18' Aries
House XI House XI
Born:Tuesday, July 22, 1941
In:Vichy (03) (France)
Sun: 29°34' CancerAS: 1°56' Aquarius
Moon:11°38' Cancer MC: 28°20' Scorpio
Orb 1°50'
11°38' Cancer 9°48' Cancer
House VI House VI
Born:Monday, October 2, 1978
In:Fukuoka (Japan)
Sun: 8°51' LibraAS: 1°40' Taurus
Moon:10°30' Libra MC: 19°44' Capricorn
Orb 0°15'
10°30' Libra 10°15' Libra
House VI House VI
Author: Seanieb1983
Credits: 8/4/2012 - Newcastle 2012, with my iPhone.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Born:Wednesday, August 17, 1977
In:Hillingdon (United Kingdom)
Sun: 24°00' LeoAS: 4°49' Cancer
Moon:19°47' Virgo MC: 0°15' Pisces
Orb 0°21'
19°47' Virgo 19°25' Virgo
House IV House IV
Born:Monday, September 11, 1961
In:Chicago (IL) (United States)
Sun: 19°09' VirgoAS: 16°31' Gemini
Moon:11°50' Libra MC: 20°53' Aquarius
Orb 0°57'
11°50' Libra 10°52' Libra
House V House V
Author: Bulletin municipal de la ville de Toulouse
Credits: Bulletin municipal de la ville de Toulouse, juin 1936, bibliothèque municipale de Toulouse, numérisation 66691/FRAC31555_PO1_1936-06
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, April 9, 1872
In:Paris (France)
Sun: 19°53' AriesAS: 26°50' Cancer
Moon:7°22' Taurus MC: 3°21' Aries
Orb 0°40'
7°22' Taurus 8°02' Taurus
House X House X
Born:Sunday, September 7, 1975
In:Caen (14) (France)
Sun: 14°16' VirgoAS: 0°29' Sagittarius
Moon:8°47' Libra MC: 23°03' Virgo
Orb 1°24'
8°47' Libra 10°12' Libra
House X House X
Author: Manu Rios
Credits: https://www.instagram.com/manurios/
Born:Thursday, December 17, 1998
In:Calzada de Calatrava (Spain)
Sun: 24°54' SagittariusAS: 15°08' Libra
Moon:4°01' Sagittarius MC: 17°17' Cancer
Orb 0°15'
4°01' Sagittarius 3°45' Sagittarius
House II House II
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