We immediately think of her hoarse voice - perhaps caused by excessive cigarette consumption – her freedom of tone, and her unforgettable acting skills. Jeanne Moreau died at 89. She has had the life she deserved, rapidly becoming a legendary figure. As one looks at her natal chart, one can only notice how it deeply reflects the impressions she is leaving, both in real life and on-screen. To begin with, she was an emblematic representative of the Sun in Aquarius. An independent sometimes rebellious woman, who always did as she pleased.
When she was still quite young, it was in secret that she took classes at the Comédie-Française to become an actress, while her father wanted a more serious job for her. When he was informed, he threw her out of their home. What a big mistake! This is not the proper way to "tame" a person having the Sun in Aquarius. Left to her own resources, Moreau mixed with the members of the community of her future profession, crossing paths with many intellectuals. She made a big impression on everyone.
With her, the intellect is tightly linked with emotions, as shown by her Moon-Mercury conjunction. Besides, these planets are in the same sign and the same House as the Sun, in the 10th House, though not in an angle. One might as well say that the 11th sign and this House are prevailing, which, in this chart, brings about a fierce will to achieve social success, if it matches her ideals and her freedom.
The 7th Art being associated with Aquarius, it is logical that the cinema, rather than literature, enabled her to express herself. It can be also noted that her talent was protean. Throughout her career, she played in over 130 movies, not only in France but also in the States, where in those days she was one of the few French comedians to enjoy considerable fame.
Her filmography is eclectic, because she never had prejudices, and includes numerous masterpieces: Lift to the Scaffold, The Bride Wore Black, Mata-Hari, The Lovers, Don't Touch the Loot, Jules and Jim, Bay of Angels, Moderato Cantabile, Dangerous Liaisons (1960). Impossible to provide an exhaustive list. Moreau rubbed shoulders with prestigious directors such as Joseph Losey, Orson Welles, Michelangelo Antonioni, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Louis Malle, or François Truffaut, all strong-minded personalities like her.
In addition, it should be noted that she often played, on-screen and on the stage, scandalous characters with a big heart: prostitutes, spies, wild lovers.
This amazon-like nature can be seen in the chart since Sagittarius too is prominent. It shelters Venus, ruler of the Ascendant, conjunct Saturn, in charge of the Midheaven. This aspect does not really describe the fluttering seductress Moreau was, although Saturn sometimes urges to rush headlong, precisely. Anyway, it is the sign of a rebellious person who never fears to embrace new horizons. Even though she was a tremendously attractive woman, she was above all self-sufficient and probably gained wisdom over time.
However, she was not devoid of contradictions, and it is logical now to deal with the aspects of the chart highlighting facets which are more concrete and pragmatic than those we just delineated. The Ascendant in Taurus explains Moreau's sensuality and a sort of simplicity which make her a woman typical of her time, as if she were the neighbour across the landing, a person appreciated by men, while women feel like confiding in her or identifying with her. The Ascendant in Taurus explains her constant desire for new experiences. Indeed, in addition to the numerous films in which she starred, Moreau showed her talent as a director and a singer, as proved by Le Tourbillon de la vie.
The Midheaven in Capricorn indicates that this Lady Aquarius was not at all a dilettante, as far as her career was concerned. On the contrary, it was with dogged determination that she managed to get the best roles. She was ambitious and spared no effort in order to progress, which resulted in a career which was both long and brilliant (Saturn conjunct Venus again).
Nevertheless, the natal chart includes a fair share of difficulties as well. Let's mention the square between Mars in Capricorn and two major slow-moving planets, Jupiter and Uranus, in early Aries. It is most likely that her behaviour has sometimes shocked the members of her entourage, and that she has undergone its consequences at certain moments of her life.
It is impossible to overlook the mixed influence of Pluto, sextile the Ascendant. He describes the woman of absolute passion Moreau used to be, willing to do anything, though without getting burnt, because she was too clever to do so. On the other hand, Pluto in Cancer and in the 4th House, therefore opposed to the 10th House, suggests that the private life has been often sacrificed – or questioned – for her social and professional engagements. Like Brigitte Bardot, with whom she shot Viva Maria, she was a man-eater, unable to remain quiet, and uninterested in maternity.
Regardless of these drawbacks, Moreau's natal chart depicts an uncompromising, totally committed actress. She experienced happiness (Taurus Ascendant) and always believed that humankind is capable of greatness (strong Aquarius). Never withdrawn, but discreet during these last years, she remains the obvious reference to an epoch and a certain cinema.
Jeanne Moreau

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Jeanne Moreau.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Jeanne Moreau:
Sun 2°13' Aquarius, in House X
Moon 9°57' Aquarius, in House X
Mercury 11°47' Aquarius, in House X
Venus 23°15' Sagittarius, in House VIII
Mars 3°14' Capricorn, in House IX
Jupiter 0°04' Aries, in House XII
Saturn 15°49' Sagittarius, in House VIII
Uranus 0°20' Aries, in House XII
Neptune 28°29' Я Leo, in House V
Pluto 15°45' Я Cancer, in House III
North Node 17°57' Я Gemini, in House II
Lilith 19°49' Libra, in House VI
Fortune 22°18' Taurus, in House I
Vertex 17°53' Libra, in House VI
East Point 24°28' Aries, in House XII
Ascendant 14°35' Taurus
House II 12°49' Gemini
House III 2°22' Cancer
House IV 20°57' Cancer
House V 13°27' Leo
House VI 18°06' Virgo
House VII 14°35' Scorpio
House VIII 12°49' Sagittarius
House IX 2°22' Capricorn
Midheaven 20°57' Capricorn
House XI 13°27' Aquarius
House XII 18°06' Pisces
Ascendant 14°35' Taurus
Midheaven 20°57' Capricorn
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved