A New Approach to Astrology
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Wed. 1 May., 10:02 PM UT
Sun 12°00'   Taurus
Moon 17°44'   Aquarius
Mercury 17°36'   Aries
Venus  3°00'   Taurus
Mars  0°59'   Aries
Jupiter 24°20'   Taurus
Saturn 16°43'   Pisces
Uranus 22°26'   Taurus
Neptune 28°57'   Pisces
Pluto  2°06'   Aquarius
Chiron 20°45'   Aries
True Node 15°21'   Aries
True Lilith 21°16'  Я Libra
Horoscope for now
Moon Phase
Waning Moon, 45.38%
Third Quarter Moon
Wed. 8 May., 03:24 AM UT
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Celebrity Horoscopes / Name Starts with 2

You will find below the horoscopes of the celebrities of our database whose name starts with the letter 2.


Astrotheme offers one of the greatest astrology database in the world, with 66,645 horoscopes and interactive charts, excerpts of astrological portrait, and planetary dominants.

This public astrology database is made available to our visitors for free.

Astrology DataBase on May 1, 2024 at 10:39 PM, CEST
66,645 people and events, 31,318 of which with a known time of birth
Search by profession, aspect, position, category, date, or birthday
Horoscopes clicked on in real-time: 915,402,449 times

All these astrological charts can be accessed on these pages: just click on any name of your choice.

[29332]2 Chainz
[31886]2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
[10506]2004 Madrid train bombings
[12313]2009 L'Aquila earthquake
[14373]2010 Haiti earthquake
[22522]2011 eruption in Grímsvötn
[10542]2011 Norway attacks
[7202]2011 Queensland floods
[18805]2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami
[6618]2013 Woolwich attack
[7194]2014 Isla Vista shootings
[6740]2014 Moscow Metro derailment
[6368]2014 Peshawar school attack
[3993]2015 Hajj stampede
[5869]2015 Illapel earthquake
[11615]2015 Nepal earthquake
[5950]2015 San Bernardino shooting
[13400]2015 shooting at Charlie Hebdo
[5100]2015 Thalys attack
[7299]2016 attack in Nice
[6112]2016 Brussels bombings
[16227]2016 Central Italy earthquake
[5268]2016 Ecuador earthquake
[4442]2016 Kumamoto earthquakes
[5079]2016 Normandy church attack
[6812]2016 Orlando nightclub shooting
[597]2016 Summer Olympics, Rio de Janeiro
[2907]2017 Chiapas earthquake
[8277]2017 Las Vegas Strip shooting
[3996]2017 Manchester Arena bombing
[2491]2017 Puebla earthquake
[2819]2018 Strasbourg shooting
[1337]2019 Altamira prison riot
[2083]2019 Dayton shooting
[2212]2019 El Paso shooting
[1740]2019 Ménaka helicopter crash
[4355]2020 Beirut explosions
[1087]2021 Haiti earthquake
[969]2021 Kabul airport suicide bombing
[1018]2021 Mexico City Metro collapse
[1042]2022 Buffalo shooting
[881]2022 Morbi bridge collapse
[15384]2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
[474]2023 Annecy stabbing
[842]2023 Hamburg shooting
[849]2023 Marrakesh-Safi earthquake
[662]2023 Monterey Park shooting
[514]2023 Odisha train collision
[362]2023 Prague shooting
[1552]2023 Turkey Syria earthquakes
[236]2024 Crocus City Hall attack
[820]2024 Sea of Japan earthquake
[253]2024 Taiwan earthquake
[52816]21 Savage