Capricorn and Saturn: the Importance of Vocation
A few weeks before his 50th birthday, Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, has won the Federal election although his approval rating was not what it was in the beginning. Nevertheless, this person born with the Sun in Capricorn and the Ascendant in Virgo has very nice assets to win over people, as explained further down in our analysis of the natal Venus and the natal Moon.
First, let us look into the Capricorn facet of this head of State who comes from a real political dynasty. Indeed, his parents, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his mother, Margaret Trudeau, have already impressed their days, which influenced Justin Trudeau and prompted him to do everything to rise on his own merits.
He pursued serious studies and worked (in particular as bouncer in a night club) to earn some pocket money. Born with the Sun in a winter and austere sign, he deliberately shunned privileges, especially because the planet is ruled by Saturn, who has the place of honor on the Midheaven.
Here, the principles of effort and natural acceptance of a life dedicated to a major social or political function are reinforced.
He is not the only leader having Saturn at the highest point of the chart. This feature is among those underlined by many astrologers who have examined this kind of case. We could mention, among a host of other personalities, Elizabeth II, John Kennedy, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Mao Zedong, Abraham Lincoln, or Adolf Hitler. We see that this position leads to the best and the worst, but that it always implies the burden of a huge societal responsibility.
Fortunately, Trudeau's Saturn is involved in an extremely auspicious planetary configuration, a Grand Trine with Pluto and Venus in Air signs. This feature emphasizes the world of ideas and communication. He managed to win his political bet by appearing as a reformer, mainly an opponent of the previous government of Stephen Harper, a conservative who wielded power for a decade.
A Dominant and Very Active Sign of Sagittarius
In Trudeau's chart, the mark of the 9th zodiacal sign is strongly felt. This is where Mercury is found, between Neptune and Jupiter, in the latter's domicile. The trio paints the portrait of an idealist eager to enlarge his horizon, who began in life with a self-financed journey to the four corners of the world.
Incidentally, it must be noted that his numerous intellectual abilities are in line with Mercury highlighted in Sagittarius. Trudeau became a teacher of French, studied engineering, and graduated in environmental geography.
Sagittarius enjoys nothing more than advanced studies, especially those enabling him to travel intellectually as well as physically.
In short, Trudeau has everything required to stand out, all the more so that he looks affable, and he has an aptitude for sports. He appeared as a providential man when he entered politics. His self-confidence pertains to both Capricorn's seriousness and Sagittarius' optimism, the main qualities of these two signs.
Once elected, at the end of 2015, he put into practice the generosity of Sagittarius. His first political decisions illustrated his progressist and multicultural vision. He declared that cannabis would be legalized, and he stood up for the rights of migrants and of minorities. He signed the NAFTA, a key agreement with Mexico and the United States.
To implement his ecological convictions, he put a tax on carbon emissions, and committed his country during the Paris Climate Conference. Then, he kept on increasing the number of his successes, and his popularity skyrocketed. At ease nearly everywhere, he aroused hopes, seeming modern and young in spirit. He proudly upheld the values of Sagittarius, a sign reinforced by the position of Jupiter in domicile, in trine with the Moon (popularity), and in sextile with Uranus (originality).
A Somehow Frustrated Ascendant in Virgo
It may be surprising that a man so blessed by destiny has the Ascendant in a discreet and humble sign like Virgo.
Actually, despite his assets, Trudeau stirs up criticisms, for his Ascendant is in a harsh aspect with the three planets in Sagittarius (with Neptune and the others by capillarity) as well as with Saturn. In other words, the Ascendant is the focal point of a T-Square which brings about tension and challenges to be taken up. It is as if he could not be forgiven because he is unable to fulfil the promises he made, particularly to push Canada to the forefront.
It is as if his attention for detail did not work. With the test of power (and of duty), he realized his limits, and his strategic mistakes were noticed.
On the bright side, we also know that Virgo has true ecological concerns. This sign hates wasting, and is willing to improve things. Anyway, with such an Ascendant, the Prime Minister cannot be accused of opportunism in this regard. He is sincerely committed.
The Moon and Above All Venus Protect the Affective Life
It is quite unusual to observe that the Moon and especially Venus, two planets of emotion, are well-aspected and in distinct signs. As a result, women are a crucial vehicle for Trudeau's image. For instance, in his government, gender parity was respected for the first time.
With Sophie Grégoire, his wife, a television host and a singer, he forms a duet in the media spotlight. "Trudeau even made Angela Merkel smile", the newspaper Le Temps wrote in 2016 as it assessed Trudeau's achievements five months after he took office.
His natal Venus, in the first degrees of Aquarius and in the 5th House, is in good aspect with Saturn (faithfulness), Neptune (romanticism), and Pluto (intensity and passion). Venus provides both sex-appeal power and most often pleasant relationships with females.
More importantly, Trudeau has been making his marriage work for 18 years. Trudeau and his wife are frequently on the cover of magazines, conspicuously happy, and represent the "golden couple".
Of course, they underwent problems in some money matters. However, it seems that good luck was up to the task with this Venusian configuration.
As for the Moon in Aries, she reveals a spontaneous facet enhanced by the Mercury-Jupiter link. This young and ambitious politician is driven by his beliefs. Nevertheless, there is an exact opposition with Uranus in the financial axis of the 2nd and 8th Houses, which probably explains the unexpected difficulties he went through.
Transits Herald a Change in Destiny
Regarding transits, changes should be expected during the second half of the decade.
It will be useful to follow carefully his evolution in the years 2026-2027, when Uranus reaches the Midheaven, then natal Saturn, which points to a sudden modification in destiny.
Will he still stay in office? This is all the more interesting that at that time (in early 2026), Neptune will be transiting natal Mars, perhaps foreshadowing a different kind of commitment, and this, still to defend an ideal (Mars in Pisces, transited by Neptune, in connection with the double sextile of the red planet with Saturn and with Venus). To be continued.
Justin Trudeau

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Justin Trudeau.
You will find below the interactive horoscope of Justin Trudeau:
Sun 3°39' Capricorn, in House V
Moon 17°17' Aries, in House VIII
Mercury 12°44' Sagittarius, in House IV
Venus 3°30' Aquarius, in House V
Mars 29°35' Pisces, in House VIII
Jupiter 21°02' Sagittarius, in House IV
Saturn 0°46' Я Gemini, in House X
Uranus 17°57' Libra, in House II
Neptune 3°54' Sagittarius, in House IV
Pluto 2°02' Libra, in House II
North Node 5°40' Я Aquarius, in House VI
Lilith 18°26' Scorpio, in House III
Fortune 19°57' Taurus, in House IX
Vertex 2°04' Aquarius, in House V
East Point 22°38' Leo, in House XII
Ascendant 3°35' Virgo
House II 25°47' Virgo
House III 23°36' Libra
House IV 27°16' Scorpio
House V 3°22' Capricorn
House VI 6°03' Aquarius
House VII 3°35' Pisces
House VIII 25°47' Pisces
House IX 23°36' Aries
Midheaven 27°16' Taurus
House XI 3°22' Cancer
House XII 6°03' Leo
Ascendant 3°35' Virgo
Midheaven 27°16' Taurus
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved