Aries and Generosity

With neither premeditation nor road map, you may suddenly make a significant donation. You only need to be touched and moved, and your generosity is triggered. You will not look for your present very far. What matters is that you feel that your gift or any other bounty is appreciated by you as much as by the recipient.
Besides, it is fair to say that your spontaneous approach is charming and proves that your intent is pure. In addition, it is preferable that it does not take too much of your time, because nothing infuriates you more than to wait in line to get want you want.
Aries' favorite gift*
For example, you take pleasure in offering a state-of-the-art sports equipment.
Some Aries Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aries, Aries rising, or Mars dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 1st House.
These texts about the sign of Aries and Mars might interest you.
Taurus and Generosity

You are in a good position to know that life is less beautiful when one does not have all the material comfort at one's disposal. Then, what about the destitute? Most of the time, calling upon your kindness is all it takes for you to go out of your way, not without pragmatism.
You may decide to send a big fat check if necessary. You secretly dream that you are a wise philanthropist able to develop a sound project in a professional manner. As with everything, you never commit yourself thoughtlessly, but always for a long time.
Taurus' favorite gift*
You are second to none when it comes to finding the best bottle of wine or the most gorgeous bunch of flowers.
Some Taurus Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Taurus, Taurus rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 2nd House.
These texts about the sign of Taurus and Venus might interest you.
Gemini and Generosity

Generosity is a cause you are interested in, but not more than many other projects you carry out at the same time. Actually, you are quick to make promises, here and there, before forgetting to whom you committed yourself. Of course, it often happens that all your savings are insufficient to finance them.
Anyway, you tend to be persuaded whenever gift hunting is as interesting as a novel or a theater play. Your big heart is stirred more easily by intellectual mechanisms; it is not necessarily influenced by feelings. The advantage is that you know how to be eloquent if you need to find allies.
Gemini's favorite gift*
You have a knack for finding the book that the recipient wishes to have, or for choosing the perfect cultural subscription.
Some Gemini Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Gemini, Gemini rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 3rd House.
These texts about the sign of Gemini and Mercury might interest you.
Cancer and Generosity

If it is believed that generosity comes from the heart, then it is easy to understand that you possess this quality much more frequently than the average person. You are deeply concerned about fighting for the most vulnerable people, especially children. Although your compassion and your desire to help them are very strong, you do not always have the practical resources to start.
You should perhaps proceed slowly, setting aside your hesitations and your fears. Of course, your contribution may be a drop in the ocean, but do not forget that you are not the only one who has the power to act.
Cancer's favorite gift*
A vintage present, or that which used to belong to the family, and that you pass on with the sincerest emotion.
Some Cancer Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Cancer, Cancer rising, or the Moon dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 4th House.
These texts about the sign of Cancer and the Moon might interest you.
Leo and Generosity

Your sign is generally described as absolutely generous, provided that it is thought that charity begins at home. No, seriously, your high self-esteem helps you be magnanimous when it comes to please the people you like. Nothing is too nice for them, and you look forward to seeing the joy on their face.
You will get out of it a priceless sense of pride. In this sense, if you start some sort of competition, you will have few limits. You will feel secretly important, and this will be exhilarating.
Leo's favorite gift*
You are eager to offer your friends and relatives a touch of luxury worthy of you, ranging from a box of pralines coming from a great confectionery to... a diamond necklace.
Some Leo Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Leo, Leo rising, or the Sun dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 5th House.
These texts about the sign of Leo and the Sun might interest you.
Virgo and Generosity

Owing to your seriousness and your caution, people do not spontaneously think that you are a model of generosity. This is actually quite unfair, because you are almost unrivalled in terms of lending a hand. You are the king or the queen of the little favor which may help out at the right moment.
You are also willing to morally support those who need it, and you have nothing against volunteer work, especially when your knowledge is requested. And you are not sparing with advice. However, it is difficult to convince you to fund something, for your natural distrust makes you see traps when there is none.
Virgo's favorite gift*
You have a soft spot for practical gifts, of course, for instance something you found in a do-it-yourself shop, or which allows to start a nice collection.
Some Virgo Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Virgo, Virgo rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 6th House.
These texts about the sign of Virgo and Mercury might interest you.
Libra and Generosity

Given your loving and gentle nature, you seek harmony and elegance first. In addition, one can rely on your social skills to arouse people's interest in causes dear to your heart. Indeed, you consider that generosity cannot be practiced alone; it is rather an opportunity to meet as a group and to examine what can be done. You firmly believe that if you gather persons of goodwill, the result achieved will be more promising.
You often attend charity events and auction sales. It must be noted that you are not the last to lend a hand, readily putting people's happiness before your own.
Libra's favorite gift*
What is essential is that your present is beautiful and, if possible, wrapped up in a classy and delicate box.
Some Libra Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Libra, Libra rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 7th House.
These texts about the sign of Libra and Venus might interest you.
Scorpio and Generosity

Owing to your complex nature, you may be skeptical when your generosity is appealed to. You tend to believe that you are manipulated, and you may quickly imagine a plot in what is only a harmless intention. In fact, your control over your emotions is so strong that sometimes, you become too suspicious, and you cannot be persuaded to adhere to a cause.
Nevertheless, if your reason and especially your sense of justice are called on, you fully commit yourself. In that case, nobody can be more generous than you. Furthermore, you are the type to operate in silence, by yourself, detesting publicity in this area. Perhaps you should deal more naturally with this topic.
Scorpio's favorite gift*
You appreciate what is bizarre, such as for instance to offer an esoteric session or a weird object which is out of the ordinary.
Some Scorpio Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Scorpio, Scorpio rising, or Pluto dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 8th House.
These texts about the sign of Scorpio and Pluto might interest you.
Sagittarius and Generosity

Since the planet of abundance rules your sign, you are innately generous. You often behave spontaneously and with no ulterior motive. You only need to believe that it is the right thing to do, and you respond as if you received a divine signal. At the same time rooted in the materialistic world and interested in spirituality, you are able to sign big checks or to put in personal efforts. Both approaches suit you.
With you, this is not a matter of self-denial but of sharing good things in life. Besides, your own joie de vivre is a bonus in itself.
Sagittarius' favorite gift*
You prefer to offer a travel at the end of the world, or anything related to trips (suitcase, binoculars, exotic item, etc.).
Some Sagittarius Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, or Jupiter dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 9th House.
These texts about the sign of Sagittarius and Jupiter might interest you.
Capricorn and Generosity

You are more inclined to give your time – all the more so because you are able to be patient – instead of offering material goods. Therefore, you can make a contribution in the form of a life or wisdom lesson. It is true that you are usually distrustful when it comes to opening your wallet.
You also need to have a detailed description of the objectives, preferably with a road map. It is indispensable that you know how the money will be used. Before supporting a cause, you must be sure that the company is efficient, and that the help provided will reach the correct recipient. Otherwise, you will not be involved.
Capricorn's favorite gift*
Professional coaching services or, why not, an internship particularly difficult to get, and therefore all the more valuable, may be a good choice.
Some Capricorn Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Capricorn, Capricorn rising, or Saturn dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 10th House.
These texts about the sign of Capricorn and Saturn might interest you.
Aquarius and Generosity

You are by nature generous and with no hidden agenda. When you decide to give something, you expect nothing in return. Your detachment from material values, and your desire to contribute to the emergence of a fairer world explain your attitude. Anyway, you do deserve praise.
With tact, and with no fuss, you manage to offer to the other one what he/she exactly needs, with no restriction. You open your door to those who are lost, you bring food to homeless shelters, and you relentlessly sign petitions in favor of all the causes you are interested in.
Aquarius' favorite gift*
You readily grant your sponsorship to be admitted in a club difficult to join or an association that you appreciate.
Some Aquarius Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aquarius, Aquarius rising, or Uranus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 11th House.
These texts about the sign of Aquarius and Uranus might interest you.
Pisces and Generosity

Sensitive, emphatic, and helpful, you are often described as very generous. It is simple, you would like to save the world. Your compassion is not limited to humankind. It applies to animals and even to plants. With a heart of gold, you are able to devote yourself body and soul to the defense of the ideals which quickly bring tears to your eyes.
Moreover, you are happy to pamper your friends and relatives and, more simply, to please people. To you, sharing is not an empty word. You loathe thinking that others do not have the same opportunities as you.
Pisces' favorite gift*
To offer a ticket for a dream mega-concert, for instance, is for you a wise choice.
Some Pisces Examples
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Pisces, Pisces rising, or Neptune dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 12th House.
These texts about the sign of Pisces and Neptune might interest you.
*Your favorite gift, but also one of those you would be glad to receive!