A Leo Willing to Prevail
Here is one of the protagonists of Friends who became professionally successful after her role in this legendary series, once it was completed. It must be said that, owing to her the Sun in Leo, Lisa Kudrow has probably turned her achievement into a source of pride.
Born in the middle of summer, with a crowded 1st House (her personality), she feels the urge to express what she is. Her character is mainly based on seduction, since her Sun, ruler of the chart, also conjuncts Venus.
Yet, she was not meant for the cinema initially. Her family is Jewish; her father was a medical practitioner, and she first studied biology. Gradually, after having watched a friend acting in a theatre play, she understood that she herself desired to go on stage, and she tackled this challenge seriously.
She took lessons and earned a degree. This proved that, although she was aware of her talents, Kudrow never took things for granted, a flaw Leos are sometimes blamed for.
She set her standards very high in terms of aesthetic demands, which is typical of a person with an assertive Leo Sun. Actually, she was only 16 when she decided to have her nose corrected, because she found it slightly protruding. As she became mature, she honestly acknowledged in the media that she understood that she really needed to smile in public, lest she should appear depressed.
Cancer-leo Combination and Balance Between Private Life and Public Life
Anyway, it seems that Kudrow was not too plagued by self-doubts, and that she rapidly discovered her calling with certainty. Nonetheless, with the Cancer Ascendant, some people did not always trust this. Sometimes, Kudrow looks as though she has her head in the clouds; she declared herself that she was a homebody. In short, she has to deal with various facets of her personality, which leads her to waver between the needs to withdraw in her shell (Cancer) and to make a scene to attract attention (Leo).
Besides, her comic talent enabled her to get her first parts in theater plays. After a few performances which allowed her to assert herself, she was recruited for Friends in 1994. During ten years, she personified the quite naive character of Phoebe Buffay until the last episode in 2004. The series became so popular in the nineties that Kudrow obtained more important roles, even simultaneously. Friends' team and Kudrow's partners were a sort of second family for her.
What came next in her career gave her the opportunity to make several experiences as a scriptwriter, a producer, and cooperation with cable channels.
Dominant Mars Compensates for Timorous Tendencies
Even so, it is likely that, more than once, she had to struggle to cope with the risk to undertake new challenges, Mars being dominant but placed on the Imum Coeli and in Libra. In this position, the planet of action provides a great deal of courage and the determination to roll up one's sleeves, albeit the energy remains stifled by the fact that Mars is in exile (Libra).
This may also account for the great perseverance Kudrow had to show to stay on track despite the possible pressures applied by her family circle, especially when she was younger.
Gorgeous Venus in Trine Is a Major Asset
In the affective area, Kudrow has considerable assets; natal Venus at the end of Cancer is tightly linked to the Moon at the end of Scorpio. Both planets represent feminine energy – that of a lover and of a female – and complement one another perfectly. Kudrow is empathetic and has deep feelings which help her to avoid making mistakes, and to experience a wide range of emotions.
Granted, each planet has issues it must deal with. Venus in Cancer, very confident, may misjudge and be over-optimistic due to a square with Jupiter. On the contrary, the natal Moon in Scorpio, in square with Saturn, echoes childhood wounds and perhaps anxieties caused by the fear to be abandoned. Let us not forget that she had forebears who disappeared in death camps.
Transits Shaking Up Her Cancer Personality
In 2020, it is probable that, like many people, Kudrow underwent tensions stemming from the opposition that the three slow-moving planets - Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter - transiting the end of Capricorn send to her natal Venus. While more information is unavailable, one can assume that the global situation did not spare Kudrow on both the affective and family planes.
Being a Cancer, the actress may have harboured too many worries about her friends and relatives.
Nevertheless, since this summer, Mars entering Aries is changing the situation. The planet of action, which is just beginning to visit its sign and will stay there until next January, will carry out its retrogradation loop in the 10th House (career, social standing). Therefore, the chances are high that Kudrow will be prompted to work extra hard in this regard and to leave her usual cosy cocoon.
Moreover, since Mars will form tense aspects next autumn, there is a risk that this transit may herald a rough ride. Despite these important nuances, Kudrow has the resources to consider the future with serenity and to get prepared for the return of Saturn to his natal position in 2022. This may prove difficult during several months, particularly in the field of emotions and finance; since these matters will be protected by a sextile from natal Jupiter, problems will be alleviated.
Lisa Kudrow

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Lisa Kudrow.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Lisa Kudrow:
Sun 6°36' Leo, in House I
Moon 27°45' Scorpio, in House V
Mercury 23°24' Leo, in House II
Venus 28°12' Cancer, in House I
Mars 2°00' Libra, in House III
Jupiter 19°19' Aries, in House X
Saturn 20°46' Я Aquarius, in House VIII
Uranus 3°49' Virgo, in House III
Neptune 12°54' Scorpio, in House V
Pluto 10°41' Virgo, in House III
North Node 20°21' Cancer, in House I
Lilith 7°59' Я Scorpio, in House V
Fortune 26°38' Pisces, in House IX
Vertex 1°47' Sagittarius, in House V
East Point 2°53' Cancer, in House XII
Ascendant 17°47' Cancer
House II 9°11' Leo
House III 3°34' Virgo
House IV 3°25' Libra
House V 8°54' Scorpio
House VI 15°22' Sagittarius
House VII 17°47' Capricorn
House VIII 9°11' Aquarius
House IX 3°34' Pisces
Midheaven 3°25' Aries
House XI 8°54' Taurus
House XII 15°22' Gemini
Ascendant 17°47' Cancer
Midheaven 3°25' Aries
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved