A Jupiterian Leo

Born in Málaga, Antonio Banderas is among those people who have a globally positive chart, in the sense that aspects of conciliation outnumber aspects of tension or of challenge, a more appropriate word.
This characteristic does not absolutely guarantee that their life will be successful or easy, of course, because it may, on the contrary, prompt to rest on one's laurels and to make less efforts than people having many challenging aspects. We shall get back to this further down.
In Banderas' case, the astrologer's eye immediately focuses on a splendid Jupiter. The planet is in dignities in Sagittarius, conjunct the Midheaven, and forms good aspects only.
Therefore, this Leo can rely on the support of the Great Benefic (Jupiter's nickname) trine the Sun, and not far from another trine, this time with the Moon, but the aspect is not taken into account, for the orb is too wide. Nonetheless, Fire values are in harmony. For an Andalusian, this is perfect.
A Helpful Jupiter on the Midheaven
Banderas was born into a middle-class family. Initially, he got interested in football. A fracture of the foot diverted him from this first idea, and he turned to a drama school.
His first steps were as rapid as if he were driven by his destiny, which is quite typical of a Jupiterian help. One may assume that Banderas lacked no self-confidence, even in his youth, and that he managed to impose himself thanks to his great presence.
Besides, since then, he achieved an international, varied, and enviable career, and he will remain for ever the embodiment of Zorro in the mind of the general public. How could anyone think that the personage of the big-hearted righter of wrongs does not fully correspond to what Banderas really is?
The Nonconformism of Uranus Conjunct the Sun
However, one must not be satisfied with this quite easy observation. Indeed, although Banderas is a Leo, he is not as traditional or conformist as out-and-out Leos. The Uranus-Sun conjunction gives an unusual dimension to the true personality.
He was only 22 when he was noticed by the emblematic director of the Movida, Pedro Almodóvar in person. Labyrinth of Passions, Matador, Law of Desire, here are a few titles of the numerous films by Aldomovar in which Banderas acted, and which suit a man full of fire energy!
A nonconformist, Almodóvar allowed him to represent characters which are more ambiguous than a manly pretty boy. For example, he played a frustrated neurotic or a confirmed homosexual. Without the intention to shock, he seems to possess the inner freedom which enables him to distance himself from the typical beliefs of Southern Spain. This is obviously the influence of Uranus.
Venus with Pluto Throw Virgo Into a Panic
One must also mention that Banderas is endowed with an attraction power he may not be conscious of. His Venus conjunct Pluto is in the cerebral sign of Virgo and on the Descendant. It is logical to find such a configuration in the chart of a person who knows how to play hard to get…
Madonna, also born with the Sun in Leo and the Ascendant in Virgo, fell into the trap and became infatuated with him. She wanted him for her film In Bed with Madonna, which contributed to open the doors to an American career for Banderas.
They did not have an affair in real life, and the cooperation between the two stars was fine. Several years later, Banderas was her partner in Evita, a movie which brought him recognition and a Golden Globe, nothing less. Here again, the chances are high that he made the best choice for his social and professional evolution, since between the Midheaven in Sagittarius and Jupiter, his career must definitely be placed under the sign of expansion and foreign matters. In Hollywood, he kept on starring in scores of films in which he could show various facets of his performing skills.
Advantages and Drawbacks of the Pisces Ascendant
We have not yet dealt with the Pisces Ascendant. It leads us to Neptune, inspired in Scorpio and in the 9th House. The connection with large dimension is repeated once more.
Since in addition the ruler of the Midheaven is in good aspect with the Venus-Pluto conjunction, it is easy to understand why some people saw Banderas as the embodiment of romanticism. Almodóvar was the first one to notice this primary quality in Banderas. It was probably the case too for a great number of women who thought that he represented the male ideal.
Despite his successes, Banderas was not a womaniser. He made a life with Melanie Griffith, and his glamourous couple became emblematic in the '90s. They stayed together during 20 years and had a daughter.
After a great decade of achievements, he made less good choices in the 2000s. Indeed, it seems that with the kind of chart he has, despite the Fire element, he is not thinking only of shining and conquering.
The Pisces Ascendant sometimes gives a tendency to be undecisive or disconnected from realities. Furthermore, the vast majority of planets is in the Northern hemisphere, which indicates that private life and the home are given priority.
After all these wonderful qualities, it is now necessary to mention less auspicious features.
The Vulnerability of Mars in a Powerful T-square
The natal chart is not devoid of stressful aspects. As everyone is aware, when a chart is packed with "good aspects", the most interesting is what is upsetting. Rare negative aspects are precisely the only imperfections the astrologer can analyse in order to discover the true personality, at least through its vulnerability.
In this regard, we, astrologers, know that paradoxically, the strongest persons who have a remarkable destiny, sometimes for the better, are often those having a quite "red" chart, with one or two good aspects, and not those having a very "blue" chart. Indeed, the latter are much more fragile with regard to the few aspects of tension of their charts, whereas the former efficiently take advantage of their aspects of conciliation. But let us get back to Banderas, because the subject is vast...
His chart includes a powerful and almost exact T-square tying natal Mars in Gemini in the 3rd House to the Ascendant and to the Pluto-Venus conjunction. Mars square the Ascendant suggests restless actions which sometimes give rise to hostile relationships (Mars is in the 3rd House, in Gemini, and affects the relationship axis as well as Pluto). Physically, this translates into several dangerous situations caused by carelessness which may result in falls or accidents.
The Mars-Pluto square worsens this hypothesis, and it is possible that the actor likes or dislikes someone on a whim. With other people, it works at full capacity... or not at all. In which case, communication may come noisily to a sudden end. Mars in Gemini is not afraid of controversy, and has a sonorous voice.
As for the Mars-Venus square, there is a potential gap between how one shows one's attractiveness and the reality of the situation. Between the spirit of conquest and the sincerity of feelings. This may cause for example excesses of love followed by total lack of interest.
All this is mitigated by several supports, those of Saturn and Neptune who bring to natal Venus assets consisting in permanence and faithfulness for the former, and romanticism for the latter. One must also note that Mars' aggressiveness is lessened or reined in by the sextiles sent by the Moon and Mercury. Therefore, emotions are under control, and reason does prevent possible climbings in the towers of the red planet.
There is also a Saturn-Moon square, rather weak since its orb is wide. This aspect sometimes brings about fears of abandonment or a few disappointments, especially in friendships (Saturn is in the 11th House).
A Jupiterian Transit, an Omen of Getting Back to the Foreground?
Looking at the transits, we observe that the actor has been experiencing Jupiter's return to his natal position for a few months. In his case, the impact can only be outstanding. Therefore, it would not be surprising that he reappears publicly.
After having embodied Picasso in 2018, a role which brought him renewed popularity, he will be again on the bill with his old partner Almodóvar in Pain and Glory, on the occasion of the Cannes Festival.
He can expect various awards throughout the year, even though Neptune will slightly disturb the party.
In addition, it seems that Banderas is brimming with projects. He starred in the sequel of Hitman & Bodyguard and will meet with Robert Downey Jr. again in The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle.
And this is not all! It was for a good reason that the large scale of Jupiter was underlined. Simultaneously, Saturn is also returning to his natal position for the second time. Perhaps Banderas' action is prompted by the awareness of the passing of time. However, this is rather a bonus for him. Indeed, he confessed that he has never been so happy to work with Almodóvar, his lucky director.
Antonio Banderas

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Antonio Banderas.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Antonio Banderas:
Sun 18°09' Leo, in House VI
Moon 7°45' Aries, in House I
Mercury 0°08' Leo, in House V
Venus 1°42' Virgo, in House VI
Mars 5°40' Gemini, in House III
Jupiter 23°56' Я Sagittarius, in House X
Saturn 12°50' Я Capricorn, in House XI
Uranus 21°12' Leo, in House VI
Neptune 6°31' Scorpio, in House VIII
Pluto 5°16' Virgo, in House VII
North Node 15°42' Virgo, in House VII
Lilith 13°34' Я Cancer, in House V
Fortune 16°31' Cancer, in House V
Vertex 19°35' Virgo, in House VII
East Point 13°35' Pisces, in House I
Ascendant 6°07' Pisces
House II 20°27' Aries
House III 22°03' Taurus
House IV 16°05' Gemini
House V 7°57' Cancer
House VI 2°19' Leo
House VII 6°07' Virgo
House VIII 20°27' Libra
House IX 22°03' Scorpio
Midheaven 16°05' Sagittarius
House XI 7°57' Capricorn
House XII 2°19' Aquarius
Ascendant 6°07' Pisces
Midheaven 16°05' Sagittarius
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved