A Model Capricorn
The most beautiful eyes in Hollywood were those of Paul Newman, who nevertheless has never shown narcissism. It is rather the contrary which describes best this modest actor with regard to his iconic status and the richness of his career.
Several astrological features help to lift the veil of the man who remains quite enigmatic, almost 15 years after his death.
First, let us say that as a person born with the Sun in Aquarius – although he is not among the most typical of the sign – but more importantly with Capricorn dictating his law, Newman liked to maintain some reserve.
Indeed, this 10th sign shelters an Ascendant matching his restraint, serious, and discreet behavior.
Born in a family of immigrants of European descent, he did not hesitate to fulfill his patriotic duty. During WWII, he took part in the battle of the Pacific on board a bomber. Throughout his life, even when he was not serving his country, he always behaved as an exemplary citizen concerned about his commitments.
Capricorn also gives Newman a serious way to approach his profession as an actor, he who did not belong to this background. He enrolled in several drama theater schools, including the famous Actors Studio in New York, eager to prove himself. This is how he started in Broadway, where he became famous quite rapidly. Then, without dead time, the cinema caught his interest. He played in films of very various kinds, whether historical, tragic, or action films.
With Mercury and Venus on the cusp of the Ascendant, in conjunction with Jupiter in Capricorn too, Newman managed to adapt himself, not without elegance. Even though the topics were serious, he dealt with them with the composure and the optimism which were instrumental in giving him a strong power of attraction.
It is most likely that he was aware of the benefits it brought him in the cinema, while distinguishing well from real life, in which he didn't need that.
Moreover, Pluto in opposition with the Mercury-Venus duet, quite exact on the Ascendant in Cancer, adds a touch of magnetic tension to this character who has made crowds dream.
The outstanding position of 5 planets near the angles of the sky map must also be underlined. As everyone knows, one planet near an angle, especially on the Ascendant or on the Midheaven, almost always gives strong charisma to the chart's owner. Here, there are 5 planets, which is extremely rare. Newman already had a solar personality which attracted all those watching him, despite the serious facet linked to Capricorn. His fame was written, so to speak.
The Demands of Saturn Having the Place of Honor on the Midheaven
The position of Saturn having the place of honor on the Midheaven is never insignificant, and even less when he is the chart ruler, as it is the case here.
Fortunately for him, Saturn forms several supporting aspects helping to lastingly establish the myth. Indeed, Saturn is in trine with Uranus in Pisces, and with Pluto in Cancer, which prompts Newman to behave with great modesty and natural honesty. He also readily played the role of those who feel any kind of dearth, for example alcohol abusers, tramps, desperate persons, or villains.
Furthermore, Saturn is in sextile with the Jupiter-Ascendant-Mercury-Venus quartet. This harmonious configuration added to his innate attractiveness a – real - impression of sturdiness, confidence, and loyalty that those rubbing shoulders with him would have.
However, owing to a wide square of Saturn, a slow-moving planet, with the Sun, Newman underwent a personal tragedy, the loss of his only son, who died from a drug overdose and to whom he dedicated a film he directed. This painful ordeal was perhaps the result of Pluto in an angle in opposition with Mercury, ruler of the 5th House (children).
The Dynamism of Mars in Aries Gives a Sportsman
In Newman's chart, Mars is strong, in domicile in Aries in the 3rd House (short trips, being on the move among other meanings), in a fairly exact trine with Neptune, and no harsh aspect. This adds a dynamic facet to this portrait.
The planet reinforces Newman's fondness for the physical activities he developed from childhood. Let us recall that his father owned a sports store, and that he himself should have taken over... had he not been caught in the nets of the 7th art.
It was when he was shooting the film Winning in 1968 that the actor discovered more thoroughly the car-racing world, which became a devouring passion. He participated in several races as a professional pilot.
After a modest debut at Le Mans, he won many important victories in prestigious races. His hit list was quite impressive in this area.
Discretion in Romantic Affairs
With Venus in Capricorn in a harmonious aspect with Saturn, the Moon in Pisces, and the 7th House (partners) in Cancer, it is not surprising that the actor always preferred to have quiet love affairs, far from the limelight, and in the saturnian stability, not to say loyalty.
His marriage with Joanne Woodward lasted over 50 years, quite a great feat in Hollywood. Yet, she was "only" his second wife. However, he constantly gave the impression that he had found his soulmate and therefore, had no reason to seek elsewhere.
It must be noted that Uranus, renewal, is in sextile with Venus, like a shield against the boredom or the weariness that time sometimes brings about in a couple.
Besides, Woodward, an actress herself, disclosed the secret of their longevity, i.e. having been friends before being lovers, and therefore, being certain that they could trust one another.
The Sun in Aquarius Has a Voice
To pit a finishing touch to this quick picture, even though the Sun is Newman's only planet in the sign of Aquarius, its influence is definitely felt.
We mentioned how easily Newman played atypical heroes. His support for not necessarily popular causes in those days, such as that of homosexuals, must be added.
He was also ahead of his time regarding gender equality issues. He shared his salary with his partner, Susan Sarandon, as she has revealed since then.
Lastly, in an entirely different style, he showed his Aquarius facet when he sold his image and created a sauce and condiment company. He collected over 500 million dollars for projects for children in distress and families of veterans. This is the best part of the sign too.
Paul Newman

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Paul Newman.
You will find below the interactive horoscope of Paul Newman:
Sun 6°02' Aquarius, in House I
Moon 1°39' Pisces, in House II
Mercury 13°19' Capricorn, in House I
Venus 14°24' Capricorn, in House I
Mars 23°38' Aries, in House III
Jupiter 8°52' Capricorn, in House XII
Saturn 13°42' Scorpio, in House X
Uranus 19°04' Pisces, in House II
Neptune 21°38' Я Leo, in House VII
Pluto 12°01' Я Cancer, in House VI
North Node 13°42' Leo, in House VII
Lilith 12°05' Я Cancer, in House VII
Fortune 17°27' Sagittarius, in House XI
Vertex 20°45' Leo, in House VII
East Point 3°44' Aquarius, in House I
Ascendant 13°04' Capricorn
House II 26°02' Aquarius
House III 7°33' Aries
House IV 8°25' Taurus
House V 1°43' Gemini
House VI 21°54' Gemini
House VII 13°04' Cancer
House VIII 26°02' Leo
House IX 7°33' Libra
Midheaven 8°25' Scorpio
House XI 1°43' Sagittarius
House XII 21°54' Sagittarius
Ascendant 13°04' Capricorn
Midheaven 8°25' Scorpio
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved