An Unbridled Aries

During his 50-year long career, Jean-Paul Belmondo has shown almost all of Aries' facets, from the most obvious to the most specific ones.
The general public sees him as a comedian and stuntman who fears nothing. Everybody enjoyed his fights, his wild track races, on roofs, in cars or in airplanes, and even his bare hands combat against a tiger in The Animal by Claude Zidi. Belmondo dared to take the place of the tamer. The big cat even tore his ear!
Belmondo was born in a family of artists. His father is the renowned sculptor Paul Belmondo, and his mother, a painter. Jean-Paul Belmondo grew up as a mouthy young Parisian even though he had no clear idea of what his vocation would be. He was not interested in his studies but in sports, especially in football and in boxing.
Quite early, he felt drawn to acting and planned to enrol at the Conservatoire (CNSAD). At the beginning, his drama teachers were sceptical, for they believed that young Belmondo did not have the look of a young romantic star; at best, he could be a bad boy. They were reluctant to give him a role. Fortunately, Belmondo exuded something strange, some sort of Brando-style magnetism. (Brando was an Aries also.). This special nothing enabled Belmondo to achieve success.
After having tested his skills at the theatre, Belmondo literally made a big splash in a film with a suggestive title, Breathless, by Jean-Luc Godard, released in 1960. This is how Belmondo became one of the favourite actors of the New Wave. It was the beginning of a very interesting period, creatively speaking.
Firstly, let us underline that the characteristics of the first zodiacal sign are expressing their quintessence in Belmondo's chart: the will to live as if each day were the last one, with ardour and passion, regardless of the danger.
Belmondo played a soft-hearted lout unable to control himself. For the youth of those days, the film, which was meant to become a cult film, was a revolution, a different way to free themselves from the proprieties of their time.
A Uranian Aries
In addition to being an archetypical Aries, Belmondo has a chart which highlights Aquarius, Uranus, and the 11th House, i.e. several converging features.
In Aries and in the 11th House, Uranus plays the tune. He is more than swift. Because he is conjunct the Sun and Venus, he influences Belmondo's personality as well as his private life – we shall get back to this topic later. He is still in trine with Mars, who just entered Virgo. Even though the Earth element does mitigate this Fire festival, the Uranus dominant remains extremely feisty.
In line with the House he rules, Uranus turns Belmondo into a nice brat model, the best friend, the resourceful guy. Willing to protect the weak and the defenceless, he is generous and has no hidden agenda. Furthermore, Uranus also rules the Midheaven in Aquarius. This confirms, on the one hand, that Belmondo is gifted for the seventh art, and on the other hand, that he expresses his personality in an innovative way.
As it is often the case with Uranian people, life is not a bed of roses. As far as Belmondo is concerned, the generational square to Pluto gives him the ability to don the big problematics of his time, his drive, but also his efforts to extricate himself from the post-war petit bourgeois background.
A Wild Venus and a Sweet Moon
As far as romance is concerned, Uranus linked to a significant Venus, also conjunct the Sun, indicates that Belmondo tends to fall in love at first sight. For an Aries, this is worth mentioning. Belmondo experienced passionate affairs with famous actresses.
He also sacrificed his first marriage to live with the James Bond girl Ursula Andress. Their relationship lasted seven years...
When he became older, his affair with scandalous Barbara Gondolfi, which caused him many problems, seems to be the result of an attraction against all odds. Incidentally, although the Sun-Venus conjunction did not bless him with a handsome classical look, he was really attractive; the said conjunction enabled him to get beauty through his female partners, all extremely gorgeous.
Thanks to the Moon in Libra, which contrasts sharply with Uranus in Aries's manliness, Belmondo is endowed with a delicate soul yearning for balance and harmony in one-on-one relationships.
The Weight of Saturn
It is necessary to mention an important facet of this actor's very rich personality, namely Saturn's position culminating on the Midheaven. Saturn brings about a touch of seriousness to the career and ensures its longevity, for he sextiles the natal Sun and trines the Ascendant.
Therefore, Belmondo can rely on the promises of the most austere planet of the zodiac. Saturn gives him anchorage, not only in the French public but also worldwide. Having attracted to his films over 130 million spectators throughout his life, not to mention all those who saw him shine on stage, Belmondo is a comedian who will go down in history.
A Mischievous Gemini Ascendant
We shall conclude with the Gemini Ascendant, which, in this case, strengthens Aries and Uranus. At this stage, it is difficult to imagine a blend ensuring more speed and a stronger inclination for acrobatics, like Jean Dujardin, another famous comedian.
Gemini features are expressed through Belmondo's comical skills and through his knack for finding schoolboy pranks to lighten the atmosphere, as well as his capacity for self-derision.
Jean-Paul Belmondo

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Jean-Paul Belmondo.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Jean-Paul Belmondo:
Sun 19°01' Aries, in House XI
Moon 2°22' Libra, in House V
Mercury 25°07' Pisces, in House XI
Venus 15°49' Aries, in House XI
Mars 0°54' Я Virgo, in House IV
Jupiter 14°44' Я Virgo, in House IV
Saturn 14°35' Aquarius, in House IX
Uranus 23°06' Aries, in House XI
Neptune 7°48' Я Virgo, in House IV
Pluto 21°14' Cancer, in House II
North Node 7°10' Я Pisces, in House X
Lilith 24°04' Я Taurus, in House XII
Fortune 2°48' Sagittarius, in House VI
Vertex 8°47' Scorpio, in House VI
East Point 21°48' Taurus, in House XII
Ascendant 19°27' Gemini
House II 8°15' Cancer
House III 26°03' Cancer
House IV 16°56' Leo
House V 16°11' Virgo
House VI 0°39' Scorpio
House VII 19°27' Sagittarius
House VIII 8°15' Capricorn
House IX 26°03' Capricorn
Midheaven 16°56' Aquarius
House XI 16°11' Pisces
House XII 0°39' Taurus
Ascendant 19°27' Gemini
Midheaven 16°56' Aquarius
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved