Prominent Venus and Moon: Utmost Sensitivity
With the portrait of this model who enjoys a high popularity rating, we are stepping directly in the universe of appearance. Indeed, her father is a famous real estate magnate and a former Olympic athlete; her mother too was a model and a TV reality star.
Her sister, Gigi Hadid, even made a name for herself before her. However, there is no rivalry between the two young ladies, who have sometimes participated in the same fashion show.
Logically, given what we just said, not only Bella Hadid's first name was well chosen, but the position of her planets encouraged her to choose a career in fashion and beauty. Born with the Sun in Libra, and Venus, ruler of the Sun, is in conjunction with the Moon and the Ascendant, in the 12th House. Therefore, the planet has everything required to express the qualities pertaining to the sign, though with a downside: Venus will be able to make it, but in a muffled way, since she is posited in a House representing inner life (sometimes ordeals), even though she is in an angle.
Actually, the Moon, in conjunction with Venus, is closer to the angle, and steals the lights from Venus. Anyway, with the two planets of femininity influencing her personality, it is certain that Hadid comes across as the perfect young lady, attractive, glamorous, and sensitive, despite the touch of intellectualism and self-control that Virgo adds to the whole.
In the field of love and emotions, it is necessary to consider the role of the Moon and of Venus. These predominant planets are in conflict with the Midheaven. Hadid may suffer from this excess of fame which results in the fact that her moves are put under close scrutiny and become the target of comments. This may affect her private life, her affairs, as well as her career.
Moreover, natal Venus, in square with Pluto, gives a proneness to passionate relationships which in some cases can become painful. Nevertheless, this danger is mitigated, for there is a nice Jupiter-Venus (and the Moon too) trine in earth signs. This configuration protects Hadid against hardship and also brings about success, as always indicated when a chart displays a propitious aspect between Jupiter, the Great Fortune – Fortuna major – and Venus, the Little Fortune – Fortuna Minor.
Predominant Virgo: Intense Perfectionism
The Ascendant in Virgo, and the fact that the Moon and Venus are posited there, add a touch of perfectionism to Libra. Whereas the motivation of Libra is first and foremost the will to please and to win the approval of people, the influence of modest and critical Virgo (especially of oneself), brings about some lack of self-confidence, whether obvious or not. Owing to this Ascendant, Hadid tends to do more than necessary to deserve her successes. She may not believe that she is worthy of them, but anyway, they do not make her feel proud or arrogant.
Her public image is under tight control. Her perfect face is not enough. She makes it a point to be always photographed from a flattering angle and with a very polished look. Besides, she belongs to the small group of the most stylish women in the world. Definitely, this is mainly explained by the blend of Libra and Virgo.
As mentioned earlier, Hadid is blessed with a terrific Jupiter. In the 4th House, near the 5th, the planet brings sheer luck. It is easy to understand that the background and family atmosphere in which Hadid grew up enabled her not to worry about her material security. In her sky map, concrete values are put forward, since the Earth element is strongly highlighted (approximately half all together, which is considerable). Despite her sensitivity, Hadid fully retains her sense of reality.
Mercury in Libra: Promise of Nice Social Advancement
At the moment of birth, Mercury had just entered Libra. It is indispensable to underline que he rules the chart and that in addition, he forms many significant and exact aspects: opposition with Saturn, trines with Uranus, with the Midheaven, and with Neptune, and sextile with Pluto. Regarding these auspicious features, we observe that Hadid likes to innovate, especially in the field of bold commercial objectives. It would not be surprising if in the future she develops her own line of clothing or of cosmetics.
With such an active Mercury (which partially accounts for his ranking in the main dominants), there may be numerous and varied projects, especially thanks to her impression, encouraged by Neptune.
Mercury being in Libra, Hadid is aware of the importance to become socially integrated and to pay attention to people's opinion. However, the opposition with Saturn in the 7th House, in fall in Aries, may hinder her ambitions, inhibiting her communication skills, and delaying her plans to become a member of an association, whenever challenging transits affect this axis.
Auspicious Transits in 2021 and Later
After the year 2020, during which, since she was born with the Sun in Libra, she was very often impeded by slow-moving planets in Capricorn, Hadid can regain her momentum as soon as 2021 starts, although she probably has limited the damage with the help of her natal Jupiter in this sign. In any case, the setting has just changed for the better as Saturn and Jupiter entered Aquarius.
Both planets are currently stimulating natal Mercury – whose key-role we mentioned – and enable Hadid to sign daring artistic projects.
Since the double conjunction occurred on natal Uranus, she is given unexpected and beneficial opportunities for change (like her contemporaries born in 1996).
Afterwards, in March 2022, Jupiter entering Pisces in her 7th House, in sextile with his position at birth, heralds extremely lucky partnerships, and maybe, who knows, a very happy marriage.
Bella Hadid

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Bella Hadid.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Bella Hadid:
Sun 16°19' Libra, in House II
Moon 9°16' Virgo, in House I
Mercury 0°19' Libra, in House I
Venus 6°03' Virgo, in House XII
Mars 17°59' Leo, in House XII
Jupiter 9°47' Capricorn, in House IV
Saturn 3°00' Я Aries, in House VII
Uranus 0°39' Я Aquarius, in House V
Neptune 24°59' Capricorn, in House V
Pluto 1°18' Sagittarius, in House III
North Node 8°02' Libra, in House II
Lilith 5°48' Я Leo, in House XI
Fortune 17°40' Libra, in House II
Vertex 10°14' Aquarius, in House V
East Point 4°04' Virgo, in House XII
Ascendant 10°37' Virgo
House II 5°15' Libra
House III 4°37' Scorpio
House IV 7°44' Sagittarius
House V 11°36' Capricorn
House VI 12°57' Aquarius
House VII 10°37' Pisces
House VIII 5°15' Aries
House IX 4°37' Taurus
Midheaven 7°44' Gemini
House XI 11°36' Cancer
House XII 12°57' Leo
Ascendant 10°37' Virgo
Midheaven 7°44' Gemini
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved