The Sun and Uranus in Opposition with Pluto: a Challenge
It is always interesting to analyze the chart of a genius or of an outstanding person. Indeed, the astrologer has every reason to wonder whether this type of case may be spotted in the sky map. Let us quickly dispel this doubt. The answer is no. We can see the person's potential and interesting features; however, practice has proved that some leeway must be properly used if one is willing to get the most of one's earthly journey. Most importantly, what one observes in the chart correlates with the person's social, cultural, and family background.
We are tempted to say that in astrology, one of the things barely perceptible is "the caliber", whether it is of an intellectual or sports nature, or any other peculiarity, including fame, although it is less obvious perhaps.
This broad topic will not be discussed here. Nevertheless, let us keep in mind that what is displayed in a natal chart concerns the abilities or challenges of a person, at his level. A good illustration is the well-known story about the identical charts of King George III of England and the ironmonger Samuel Hennings, born in the same district on 4 June 1738 at 7:30 a.m.: identical destinies, wedding on the same day, same number of children, illnesses, and accidents at the same time, death on the same date, with an interval of one hour, but with several huge differences.
While nothing seemed to indicate that the Sagittarius Walt Disney was meant for the 7th Art, he did win 22 Oscars and became the artist who earned the largest number of awards in the history of the cinema.
Those unfamiliar with the life of this American of Irish descent may be surprised to learn that his childhood had nothing to do with the fairy tales which brought him success. His family was poor, a victim of the crisis in the construction industry, and decided to run a farm. Until the age of 8, Disney spent his time in the fields and not in the classroom. We can imagine that this did not trouble a Sagittarius fond of movement and freedom, with Uranus in conjunction with the Sun.
Disney suffered mainly from the sternness of his father, against whom he rebelled at adolescence, according to his own memories. All this matches the influence of Pluto in opposition with the Sun in conjunction with Uranus in the 3rd House.
For some people, this configuration could have resulted in severe inhibition. Yet, Disney managed to get away from this oppressive atmosphere through drawing. He gave free rein to his curiosity, encouraged in this by his well-aspected Mercury in the 3rd House and in the sign of Scorpio.
In brief, the inadequate context did not prevent him from fully devoting himself to what was to become the amazing life we have all heard of.
A generous man, he envisaged to enroll in the military when WWI broke out; much to his regret, he was turned down because he was too young. He found some comfort in travelling by train across the country – one of a typical fidgety Sagittarius' great passions – as a salesman, which corresponds to the trio of planets in the 3rd House, i.e. the Sun, Uranus, and as mentioned, Mercury.
Neptune: Inspiration and Public Success
It was as if he knew unconsciously since he was very young that he would find a way out through his imagination. This leads us to underline Neptune's prominence; here, this planet is in the 10th House, in the first degree of Cancer, on the Midheaven angle, right at the beginning of Cancer.
Neptune rules artists. He is often highlighted in the chart of singers or of those who live through images: cinema, photography, as well as writings and sometimes music. In the 10th, he gives a predisposition such a career. It is mainly interesting to note that in Cancer, Disney's Neptune is deeply associated with childhood.
This is why, right as he started out, Disney's animated movies enabled him to meet with success. He made a big splash when he drew Mickey Mouse – nothing less – during a travel by train (again). In those days, he was not aware that the little mouse would give him power.
The great Disney Studios years began, from 1937 to 1954. He directed full-length movies: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, next Pinocchio, Dumbo, and adaptations of many other tales: Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty.
All of them were animated cartoons that almost all children in the world have watched, the fascinating power of which remains intact. Bear in mind that the director-producer had made real-life footages too, and that all were based on themes popular among children and adolescents (natal Sun in the 3rd House) like for example Treasure Planet, or 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Stellium in Capricorn: Ambition, Dynamism, and Tenacity
In addition to the Neptunian prominence and the idealistic bend of his Sagittarius ego, Disney is characterized by the steadiness of his path.
For this purpose, he had to use the assets of the four natal planets in Capricorn, namely, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus at the end of the sign.
Several months after his birth, in 1901, Jupiter and Saturn formed an exact conjunction in this sign, setting off a 20-year cycle. The fact that Mars was also in Capricorn, and applied to Saturn and Jupiter, is very interesting. This means that Disney's actions mirrored the values of the time, especially the principle that work and efforts always yield good results. Such a Mars forbids complaints and helps to sublimate emotions like anger or impatience through self-control, the mark of Capricorn.
Moon in Libra: Kindness and Benevolence. Excessively?
The trio Mars-Jupiter-Saturn in Capricorn is in square with the Moon in Libra. Despite Disney's yearning for a perfect world like what he marvelously described to the public in his films, Disney probably carried in his luggage the weight of his origins (the three planets in Capricorn is in the 4th House, a house fitting him).
As for the Moon, she might have prompted Disney to say "yes" when he thought "no" in order not to hurt or to upset. Fortunately, the Moon is in the 1st House, and above all, in sextile with the Sun. As we know, a favorable major aspect between the luminaries offers strong protection in a natal chart. A Sun-Moon sextile or trine creates opportunities and forges an armor against bad twists of fate.
Dominant and Supportive Mercury: Business Skills
Lastly, let us underline that such a creator could not have become what he was without the assistance of Mercury. Ruler of the Ascendant, in sextile with the latter and with Venus, Mercury provided Disney with the talent to understand how to put words on images.
This auspicious configuration has allowed him to brilliantly go through the transition from silent to talking pictures, which has not been the case of many other directors in those days.
With a similar success, he experienced the change to Technicolor in 1932, when he produced the cartoon Flowers and Trees, from the series Silly Symphonies, directed by Burt Gillet. It was followed by Snow White.
This Mercury endows with the adaptation abilities specific to Sagittarius, and strengthens those abilities in Disney's case. He has been astute enough to sign a 5-year exclusivity contract with the supplier of this technology. This had enabled him to get ahead of his competitors.
Moreover, he was a good negotiator who managed to bounce back in case of failure, and who always found a back-up plan. His biography abounds with anecdotes where the power of Mercury helped him to discover a solution whenever a problem occurred.
Even better, Disney ended up building an empire outliving him. As he made the most of Neptune's inspiration, the sense of opportunities of his solar sign and of the Moon in the 1st House, he envisioned the future. Starting with amusement parks, he opened up the way to the numerous manners to create simultaneously pleasure and income in leisure activities.
Walt Disney

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Walt Disney.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Walt Disney:
Sun 12°27' Sagittarius, in House III
Moon 9°10' Libra, in House I
Mercury 27°26' Scorpio, in House III
Venus 29°42' Capricorn, in House V
Mars 8°27' Capricorn, in House IV
Jupiter 15°23' Capricorn, in House IV
Saturn 14°41' Capricorn, in House IV
Uranus 16°50' Sagittarius, in House III
Neptune 0°34' Я Cancer, in House X
Pluto 17°47' Я Gemini, in House IX
North Node 13°20' Scorpio, in House II
Lilith 12°32' Scorpio, in House II
Fortune 28°56' Scorpio, in House III
Vertex 18°22' Pisces, in House VI
East Point 23°58' Virgo, in House I
Ascendant 25°39' Virgo
House II 21°06' Libra
House III 21°14' Scorpio
House IV 24°55' Sagittarius
House V 28°49' Capricorn
House VI 29°27' Aquarius
House VII 25°39' Pisces
House VIII 21°06' Aries
House IX 21°14' Taurus
Midheaven 24°55' Gemini
House XI 28°49' Cancer
House XII 29°27' Leo
Ascendant 25°39' Virgo
Midheaven 24°55' Gemini
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved