It may seem strange that Paul Rudd became known first through comedies rather than through action films while being a typical Aries. This sign plays a major role since it shelters the Midheaven (the House of career), Mercury, the Sun, Venus and Saturn. Moreover, there is a strong Sagittarius component, which goes in the same direction. The Moon conjunct Mars also strengthens the Fire element, very predominant in this chart.
Therefore, how is it that the actor is better known for his self-deprecating humour? Let us analyse the power of the Ascendant, the task of which may aim to conceal the real deep nature of a person by providing the mask he chooses to wear.
In our case, the Ascendant in Cancer explains it all. One only needs to examine a few titles of Rudd's successful films to find the links with Cancer: The Object of my Affection, which is the story of a love-friendship characteristic of those who are looking for one another. Or also The 40 Year-Old Virgin, The Ex, Knocked Up. In a word, it is almost a Prévert-like inventory of Cancer's romantic approach, sometimes full of complexes and introversion. But it is so attractive.
Let us add a couple of words about the chart's planetary pattern, a very subtle minor triangle which provides extra nuances. The Ascendant in Cancer trine Neptune points to a charisma endowed with the power to make crowds dream. Furthermore, this Ascendant is sextile the Jupiter in Virgo and Uranus in Libra duet, themselves sextile Neptune.
For those versed in karmic astrology, let us observe that the South Node is involved (it is on the first degree of Libra), and turns the North Node in early Aries into the focal point of this minor triangle. The message to be remembered is quite clear, since it indicates that Rudd should end up symbolising the bold and creative principles of the first zodiac sign. However, this will happen after some learning, thanks to his communication skills and his taste for exchanges (the sextile is a very intellectual aspect and relates to contacts).
Before he achieved fame, Rudd studied at the University of Oxford, being half-English by his mother. Concurrently with his studies, he managed to try his hand at drama. Back in the United States, in 1992, he found small parts in several series. It was with Clueless that he was eventually noticed on the big screen, in 1995. Once he got a foot in the door, Rudd kept on playing rather supporting roles in not always unforgettable films, as mentioned above.
In a interview given to the French press (L'Express), Rudd revealed the secret of his apparently easy success: "I do not worry too much about what people think of me. I am lucky that I enjoy the parts I am offered, and I trust my capacity to choose the films which suit me. Even though in the end they do not become what I expected, I can discern what I like, and I try to make my decisions accordingly". This quote illustrates well the mental work accomplished even without realising it. Beneath the deceptively clumsy facade, Aries expresses itself in all its splendour: I am what I am; you must take it or leave it.
In 2015, Rudd smashed the box-office with Ant-Man, a blockbuster, the 12th film based of the cinema world of Marvel. At long last, the actor was entitled to wear the superhero's clothes which fit his Aries-Cancer with Sagittarius dominant component so well. While he is a high-level burglar, his character must learn to behave like the saviour of the universe and to face appalling dangers. Actually, if we look at the transits of those days, it was the moment when Uranus transited Rudd's Midheaven and headed towards his planets in Aries in the 10th House (the career). Even though this occurred during a square to Pluto (deep transformation), we can see that its effects worked on the public, who approved his radical change of genre.
Paul Rudd

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Paul Rudd.
During the second semester of 2017, Rudd remains under the influence of the square transiting Pluto sends to the natal Sun. This shows that the metamorphosis process continues, though perhaps in a less ostentatious way this time. As for transiting Uranus, he activates Natal Saturn, trine transiting Saturn. The comedian may experience a period when his past and any inner blocks are brought to light in a positive manner.
Afterwards, in early 2019, he will have to pay attention to transiting Jupiter arriving on his natal Moon and his natal Mars in Sagittarius. Since the Fire element is highly active, all this should be synonymous with good luck for Rudd.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Paul Rudd:
Sun 16°42' Aries, in House X
Moon 8°13' Sagittarius, in House V
Mercury 14°16' Aries, in House X
Venus 19°49' Я Aries, in House X
Mars 14°20' Sagittarius, in House V
Jupiter 29°10' Я Virgo, in House III
Saturn 27°03' Aries, in House X
Uranus 1°20' Я Libra, in House III
Neptune 28°21' Я Scorpio, in House V
Pluto 23°11' Я Virgo, in House III
North Node 0°11' Я Aries, in House IX
Lilith 12°36' Gemini, in House XI
Fortune 19°07' Pisces, in House IX
Vertex 13°33' Sagittarius, in House V
East Point 9°48' Cancer, in House XII
Ascendant 27°36' Cancer
House II 17°31' Leo
House III 11°20' Virgo
House IV 11°35' Libra
House V 18°19' Scorpio
House VI 25°41' Sagittarius
House VII 27°36' Capricorn
House VIII 17°31' Aquarius
House IX 11°20' Pisces
Midheaven 11°35' Aries
House XI 18°19' Taurus
House XII 25°41' Gemini
Ascendant 27°36' Cancer
Midheaven 11°35' Aries
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved