A Harmonious Moon in Gemini
Jim Carrey is indisputably one of the most important celebrities of the American and international cinema, although his destiny has never been linear. Born in Newmarket, a small Canadian town, he grew up in a rather humble environment, far from Hollywood.
However, very quickly, his father noticed his precocious talents: he trained himself to make faces in front of the mirror, and participated successfully in his school shows.
Does he owe his assets to the Moon in Gemini, whose emotional mobility and sensitiveness are well-known in this sign? In any case, it is more or less the only planet which matches these personality traits, because the rest of the chart is paradoxically rather introverted and serious as we shall see.
Nevertheless, it should be added that the Moon in Gemini is very nicely linked to Jupiter and Mercury in Aquarius and in the 3rd House, which produces a cocktail of skills gathering rapidity, subtlety, sense of communication, aptitude to understand, humor, as well as eccentricity and originality (through Aquarius).
Anyway, his father encouraged him to perform in cabarets, then to try his luck further. At first, he did not fare too well, for he had to work in his father's factory at 16, since he had given up school.
Stamina and Profoundness of the Capricorn-scorpio Duet
A person born with the Sun in Capricorn and the Ascendant in Scorpio has profoundness and stamina, even if there is a background of anxiety or of stress.
In Carrey's chart, these two signs are roughly equally strong – with a slight advantage for Capricorn. His personality is complex, and he does not readily reveal his feelings.
He is some sort of cold enthusiast, much more persevering and enduring than the average person, very ambitious without showing it.
Subsequently, he managed to exploit all his assets to make the crowds both laugh and cry laugh. He easily attracts sympathy whereas, actually, he remains mysterious.
Getting back to his biography, despite his mitigated first steps, Carrey was not the type to abandon his projects. Therefore, at 19, he went off to the Californian promise land with 1,000 dollars in his pocket and probably an unshakable faith in his destiny.
Indeed, he told Oprah Winfrey that in those days, he used to stop on the heights of Los Angeles and to picture himself as a star – what he would become, even though nobody supposed so yet.
The Mysticism and the Quest for Meaning of Trans-saturnian Planets
A part of his personality pushes him toward a certain mysticism. Thus, his natal chart particularly highlights trans-Saturnian planets.
Uranus plays the lead role, conjunct the Midheaven and in the 10th House, that of career. Ruler of Aquarius, he can be considered as also conjunct the Dragon Head (in the 9th), which increases the "chosen" side, as astonishing as it may be.
Besides, his professional path is quite unpredictable, in accordance with the influence of this planet. His definite easiness probably comes from the fact that Uranus rules a beautiful duet formed by Jupiter and Mercury in Aquarius as indicated above.
Although in conflicting aspect with the Ascendant, these two planets give excellent communication and seduction powers. This is all the truer that they are in the 3rd House. Difficult to do better in terms of intellectual and stage performances.
Neptune Conjunct the Ascendant Muddies the Waters
Regarding Carrey's attraction to the unknown, Neptune's role is important, as he is the second trans-Saturnian planet on the Scorpio Ascendant. In this position, the ruler of Pisces gives a strong aura, talent, and the capacity to arouse empathy. This quality enables Carrey to slip into the skin of any character and to imitate it perfectly well.
He can play all the roles – tough guys, villains, comics, or even madmen – always concerned about jostling the audience. Indeed, he resembles nobody.
Finally, a third slow-moving planet, Pluto, is among the dominants. In the 10th House, ruler of the chart, he sends ordeals to Carrey in order to strengthen him. Square to the Moon but trine to Mars and sextile to the Ascendant, Pluto explains the deep depression Carrey underwent for years – he mentioned it publicly – caused by the fact that his image as a humorist did not fit into his much more difficult daily life.
The Ambiguous Influence of Pluto on Planets in Capricorn
Incidentally, let us note that his quite hectic romantic life follows this trend too. Married twice, having experienced numerous affairs, he even went through considerable problems when his partner committed suicide in 2015.
The ensuing years were some kind of slow descent into hell, because he had to face legal proceedings following a letter left by his ex-girlfriend mainly accusing him to have driven her to end her life.
Luckily for Carrey, the courts closed the case at the beginning of 2018. Anyway, it is striking to see that this bad streak occurred when Pluto arrived on natal Mars and during the retrograde motion of Saturn in Scorpio (second part of 2015).
Carrey progressively felt better as he used the weapons of Capricorn. He shut himself off. At 56, he told Radio Times that he spends a lot of time alone, but that he enjoys it, and therefore, it is fine; that although it may seem strange to some people, he appreciates solitude. He likes to read, to paint, and to work on sculptures; that he meets new people.
Later on, the series Kidding served as a therapy helping him to get back on his feet. He explained that, thanks to this series, he can talk about depression, a disease he knows very well; he added that during the past few years, he went through a personal rough time, that he was hurt by currents which could have killed him, and that he just got back on the saddle whereas everything indicated that he would drown.
A Challenging Year 2020
Regarding the 2020 upcoming transits, it will be interesting to see how he will experience the passage of the Saturn-Jupiter and Pluto trio. They will be on the degrees where the natal Sun and natal Venus are posited in Capricorn.
There is also the return of Saturn, who will make a first trip in Aquarius in the spring of 2020 (before his first retrogradation), as soon as the summer starts. Let us hope that Carrey will be able to get rid of the past for good so as to come full circle and start a new auspicious period.
In any case, he remains one of the most prominent personalities in Hollywood. Kidding, the new original drama series in which he plays a depressed presenter of a children's television program, is really very successful.
Last month, Carrey earned the Charlie Chaplin Britannia Award for Excellence in Comedy, which acknowledged his comic actor skills.
Jim Carrey

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Jim Carrey.
You Jim also find below the interactive horoscope of Jim Carrey:
Sun 26°43' Capricorn, in House III
Moon 17°12' Gemini, in House VIII
Mercury 14°44' Aquarius, in House III
Venus 24°17' Capricorn, in House III
Mars 17°55' Capricorn, in House II
Jupiter 14°11' Aquarius, in House III
Saturn 1°35' Aquarius, in House III
Uranus 29°46' Я Leo, in House X
Neptune 13°17' Scorpio, in House I
Pluto 9°48' Я Virgo, in House X
North Node 18°10' Я Leo, in House IX
Lilith 23°41' Leo, in House IX
Fortune 24°43' Gemini, in House VIII
Vertex 26°11' Gemini, in House VIII
East Point 1°24' Sagittarius, in House I
Ascendant 15°12' Scorpio
House II 14°46' Sagittarius
House III 19°59' Capricorn
House IV 27°04' Aquarius
House V 29°19' Pisces
House VI 24°49' Aries
House VII 15°12' Taurus
House VIII 14°46' Gemini
House IX 19°59' Cancer
Midheaven 27°04' Leo
House XI 29°19' Virgo
House XII 24°49' Libra
Ascendant 15°12' Scorpio
Midheaven 27°04' Leo
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved