To sum up in one sentence the essence of Oliver Stone's horoscope, we could begin by saying that it enables him to express in a critical and lucid manner a feeling of deep revolt. These two epithets are typical of the influence of Virgo tenanted by a tight Sun-Mercury conjunction. Mercury is strongest, since he is the ruler of the sign, and indicates the need to express one's intellect very concretely. This is all the truer that the Moon in Taurus supports the Sun and Mercury. These features are the main assets of this filmmaker, an emblem of the American cinema since several decades, who surpasses the other great names with his talents as a writer.
As of today, he has written almost all the scenarios of his films, after having made a name for himself by participating in other people's films. Not insignificant people, since they include Brian de Palma, Alan Parker or also Michael Cimino. The 7th Art enables him before anything else to turn ideas into images, and to protest against the injustice of certain social issues.
However, it all started in a quite classic fashion. He was lucky enough to have been born in New York in a middle class family. His father was in the world of finance, and his mother travelled a lot, especially in France, her natal country. Quite quickly, young Oliver decided to stand on his own two feet, giving up his studies at Yale to discover Asia, then to write a novel. He already felt the pressing need to set down his impressions on paper.
Nevertheless, the Sun in Virgo wants to be credible, and with his seriousness, Stone needs to experience all the things he describes. In 1967, people would talk only about the Vietnam war. Therefore, Stone decides to volunteer in the US army... This choice is very Scorpio, the sign rising on the Ascendant in Stone's chart. If we add the Midheaven surrounded by a potent Pluto in the 10th and by Saturn – still in the 9th House – we spot the main traits of the chart. Indeed, Scorpio as well as these two slow-moving planets highlight the social and professional area and reveal a gnawing anguish which is the drive of Stone's life. His experiences in Vietnam, rather traumatic, constitute a watershed. "I left for Vietnam as if for a film by John Wayne, a war between cow-boys and Indians, in which we played the role of cow-boys... It took me a long time to understand the truth", Stone declared in hindsight.
Back in America, he resumes his path as a creator where he left it – he who had already studied filmmaking gets nearer to Hollywood productions. Success is long to come, but this gives him the opportunity to try his hand at various genres. Being influenced by Mercury, he is a jack of all trades. It is in the eighties that his talent is obvious. Since then, he has always been in the limelight. He writes the scenario of Scarface, then directs Platoon in 1986. The astrologer is not surprised that it is with a war movie that Stone's planetary and zodiacal dominants are brought to life. It is the first opus of a trilogy inspired by real life, the second one being Born on the Fourth of July, then When Heaven and Earth Change Place.
Struggling in favour of justice is a principle dear to his heart. Libra, a very powerful sign also, stands as a counterweight to all the dark influences we have just mentioned, with the presence of Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune. The three planets are in the 12th House and give the need for redemption after trials. Stone expresses very well this issue in another adventure taken from a world he knows well, thanks to his father in particular: Wall Street. He describes the prevailing cynicism and untrue relations. It was acclaimed by the public as well as by the critics, owing to Michael Douglas. In 2010, which means over 20 years later, Stone creates the continuation of Wall Street. Money Never Sleeps is released with some delay because of the sub-prime crisis, but this topic, which is an excellent one, hits its target again. Who else, except a person born with the Sun in Virgo could denounce in such a convincing way the excesses of his time?
He keeps on exploring the flaws of the American society, whether with political films such as JFK, or with social themes, including the famous Natural Born Killers, which stirs up controversy. The story of a couple of serial killers, devoid of emotion because they grew up in a violent background, upsets the apple cart again. Some people consider it a eulogy of crime, whereas Stone, once more, has chosen to show what other people try to embellish or minimize. With a T-Square pattern linking the MC, Pluto, Saturn, Venus, and the Moon, Stone is without equal when it comes to bond love to death or tragedy...
In the autumn of 2016, the biopic Snowden is among the most awaited releases. As usual, Stone fights a very modern evil, that of information in the era of new technologies. It is obvious that he is not ready to retire. He keeps a keen eye on his peers' passions and recently pointed a finger at Nintendo game, Pokemon Go, that he deems a raid of capitalism into the private sphere. With a very tenanted South hemisphere and strong 10th, 11th, and 12th Houses, he feels compelled to get involved in collective actions or in humanitarian struggles.
Oliver Stone

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Oliver Stone.
In 2016, Stone benefits from nice transits, which is surprising given the general mixed bag of the context. The transit of Jupiter on his Sun, which we add to the trine of Saturn in Sagittarius on his Midheaven clearly indicates professional success. Stone experiences it with wisdom and soberness, a privilege of maturity... Later on, Jupiter moving in Libra in a quite active part of Stone's sky suggests that he may feel like concentrating on his favourite concerns, i.e. advocating the cause of humanism.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Oliver Stone:
Sun 22°07' Virgo, in House XI
Moon 16°31' Taurus, in House VII
Mercury 22°41' Virgo, in House XI
Venus 8°07' Scorpio, in House I
Mars 23°54' Libra, in House XII
Jupiter 28°02' Libra, in House XII
Saturn 5°11' Leo, in House X
Uranus 21°44' Gemini, in House VIII
Neptune 7°45' Libra, in House XII
Pluto 12°35' Leo, in House X
North Node 15°29' Я Gemini, in House VIII
Lilith 27°39' Scorpio, in House I
Fortune 25°32' Gemini, in House VIII
Vertex 8°46' Gemini, in House VIII
East Point 11°53' Scorpio, in House I
Ascendant 1°09' Scorpio
House II 29°26' Scorpio
House III 1°57' Capricorn
House IV 7°03' Aquarius
House V 10°10' Pisces
House VI 8°14' Aries
House VII 1°09' Taurus
House VIII 29°26' Taurus
House IX 1°57' Cancer
Midheaven 7°03' Leo
House XI 10°10' Virgo
House XII 8°14' Libra
Ascendant 1°09' Scorpio
Midheaven 7°03' Leo
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved