Triple Capricorn and Unfailing Tenacity
We are dealing with a typically Capricorn person. Indeed, the Sun is in conjunction with Saturn with a very tight orb of 11' in this sign, in which the Ascendant too is posited. This double Capricorn is so to speak a triple Capricorn. Let us see what gives such strength to this sign, from both a psychological and factual viewpoint.
To be marked like this by this winter sign turns Val Kilmer into a focused person, cold, sturdy, and even slightly lonely. In his case, the appearance matches the way he actually functions. In other words, he led all his life according to his ambition, for which he managed to show perseverance and tenacity.
Nothing could make him stray from his course, once his vocation is chosen. Put differently, a Capricorn person has an imperative need to be fulfilled by his work, his career, his social destiny. It does not necessarily about have a prestigious position offering honors (on the contrary, Capricorn almost scorns this kind of trivialities); it is about showing what one is capable of and about embracing one's lot courageously.
Born in Los Angeles, Kilmer's parents have no special ties with the cinema. However, because he makes his choices alone, he decided very young to devote himself to comedy and to attend training courses at Hollywood Professional School.
He also started on stage playing Hamlet, a character which fits a true Capricorn like a glove. It was not surprising that Kilmer was convincing.
Saturn in Domicile and Code of Silence
With Saturn, ruler of the chart (ruler of the Ascendant) and conjunct the Sun, Kilmer is utterly discreet. The fact that these two important planets are in the 12th House – linked to private life and hidden matters, among others – indicates that Kilmer is rather secretive.
The general public knows very little about him. Thus, when he got sick in 2015, he refused to give information on his health; he did so only when forced by the medias' probing questions. This way of retreating into silence and faith, with a dash of ascetism, is quite typical of Saturn. With age – Kilmer just celebrated his sixtieth birthday on 31 December 2019 – he emanates some sort of melancholy too.
To qualify this portrait, let us nevertheless underline that Kilmer's personality also includes less stern facets. Indeed, the nice Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius echoes his debut in Top Gun, in the company of Tom Cruise, which brought Kilmer celebrity almost overnight.
He played lieutenant Tom Kazansly – alias Iceman, again a very Capricorn-Saturn nickname – competing to be at the top of Top Gun ranking. As such, this Jupiter-Mars combination in the sign symbolic of wide horizons is telling. Thanks to this film, Kilmer became able to embody chivalrous and fearless heroes.
Neptune in Scorpio Enabled Him to Be Jim Morrison
His voice is one of the strings to his bow. Neptune in the 9th House, though in conjunction with the angle of the Midheaven, is also prominent. This is often the case for many inspired actors. Owing to his talents for music and singing, Kilmer was Jim Morrison in the film The Doors. There was no dubbing for this mind-blowing performance during which his charisma was obvious.
As we have just mentioned, the Jupiter-Mars duet contributed to highlighting Kilmer's physical presence, appeal, and capacity for action. As for Neptune, the planet is perfect for helping the communication with crowds.
Posited in Scorpio, Neptune enables Kilmer to be a very "sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll" Jim Morrison. Yet, this was not a foregone conclusion, because Oliver Stone, the director, did not immediately imagine Kilmer in the role of the leader of The Doors.
But Kilmer learnt over fifty songs by heart and, to transform himself, imposed an iron discipline on himself. Finally, the public and the reviewers were all won over. Which proves that with Capricorns, hard work always pays off.
Transits at the Time of His Comeback
After a rough patch, during which he has been more withdrawn due to his illness, it is probable that Kilmer will stage his comeback in 2020. In April, he will publish his memoirs, I'm Your Huckleberry: A Memoir; the title refers to one of his famous reply.
He will be very much awaited in Top Gun: Maverick, in which he resumes playing with Tom Cruise. The blockbuster is scheduled to be released in the summer.
Astrologically speaking, in this beginning of year, we note the transit of Jupiter on the Sun-Saturn natal pair. This coincides of course with a definite highlighting, for this transit involves Kilmer's major planets.
Later on, Jupiter will meet transiting Pluto and Saturn, who are already in conjunction with the natal Ascendant. While the influence was felt a few months ago – we are talking about slow-moving planets – it must be pointed out that the climax of the aspect occurs in 2020.
With the Ascendant at 23° Capricorn, Kilmer is affected, almost down to the degree, by the big current mundane conjunction. How will he experience it? Perhaps, as a good Capricorn, he will not make a show of it; however, this transit will certainly bring about a need to assert (Saturn and Jupiter) and transform (Pluto) his personality. Clues are positive in Kilmer's case, since the Ascendant receives no tough aspects.
Val Kilmer

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Val Kilmer.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Val Kilmer:
Sun 9°14' Capricorn, in House XII
Moon 5°22' Aquarius, in House I
Mercury 24°28' Sagittarius, in House XI
Venus 27°58' Scorpio, in House X
Mars 20°04' Sagittarius, in House XI
Jupiter 18°40' Sagittarius, in House XI
Saturn 9°25' Capricorn, in House XII
Uranus 20°33' Я Leo, in House VII
Neptune 8°41' Scorpio, in House IX
Pluto 6°02' Я Virgo, in House VIII
North Node 28°04' Я Virgo, in House VIII
Lilith 20°24' Я Gemini, in House V
Fortune 19°29' Aquarius, in House I
Vertex 27°21' Leo, in House VII
East Point 8°10' Aquarius, in House I
Ascendant 23°21' Capricorn
House II 4°08' Pisces
House III 12°44' Aries
House IV 13°02' Taurus
House V 7°15' Gemini
House VI 29°17' Gemini
House VII 23°21' Cancer
House VIII 4°08' Virgo
House IX 12°44' Libra
Midheaven 13°02' Scorpio
House XI 7°15' Sagittarius
House XII 29°17' Sagittarius
Ascendant 23°21' Capricorn
Midheaven 13°02' Scorpio
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved