A New Approach to Astrology

Analysis of Bernard Arnault's astrological chart

Astrology at the Service of Character Analysis

Daily news regularly puts the spotlight on all sorts of famous people. Although we are not fond of juicy information, we inevitably have an idea about a given political figure, a movie star, a Royal Highness, or a skilled sportsman.

Those well-known faces draw our interest and seem familiar to us, because we watch their successes or their setbacks day by day.

Astrology may also be considered as an interesting filter to better define their personality, and to guess whether the events they experience are confirmed by their planets' activities. Astrology does not reveal everything, of course, but using the dominants and other peculiarities of the natal chart, we can see whether the astrological portrait matches the collective image or offers unsuspected additional nuances.

After a focus on Zoe Saldana and the compatibility of Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, here is an article about the French multi-billionaire businessman Bernard Arnault.

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Bernard Arnault

A Pisces with Several Planets in an Angle

The founder of the luxury brand LVMH has become one of the wealthiest men in the world – at times, the number one like in December 2019, depending on the stock market price – although he is a self-made man with no inheritance or special help.

We are dealing here with a person born with the Sun in Pisces, whose chart is outstanding mainly because there are three planets in an angle, therefore strong, with a very prominent Moon. Indeed, she is on the Midheaven in Taurus. We can immediately take into account several symbolic areas in analogy with this sign, in which Bernard Arnault distinguished himself professionally.

After his graduation from Polytechnique, he took his first steps in his family's small company, that he converted into a real estate enterprise, a Taurus field. We rapidly skip a few stages to find him again in 1984 as a businessman who detected the potential of the Christian Dior firm.

He has already moved away from what he was familiar with, probably attracted by this jewel of French fashion par excellence. The Moon in Taurus seems to match the Dior style. She still forms a trine with Jupiter, who endows her with a deep understanding of feminine tastes, and also of what the crowds expect from beautiful things. This aspect evokes in us the countless customers standing in line throughout the world at the entrance of Vuitton shops.

Although the Moon makes the social and professional path extremely easy for Arnault, she clashes with Mercury in the 6th and Pluto in the 12th. Excess of mishandled emotions may cause communication issues or (seldom) business failures. Furthermore, it must be underlined that Arnault made powerful and adamant enemies who can harm him on occasion.

The fact remains that such a privileged Moon, in exact conjunction with the MC, in sextile with the Sun (harmonious aspects between luminaries always offer sound protection), and Mars (energy, and here control of emotions with the Moon), could probably do nothing except to propel her owner to professional summits and fame.

Taurus and Pisces Encourage Aesthetic Tastes

As we examine more closely the planets in Pisces, and firstly the powerful Sun-Mars conjunction, we remark a Yod pattern with Pluto and Neptune, whose significant energy is pointing at this duet.

The Moon supports this conjunction very steadily and produces a perfect synergy between career, professional destiny (the MC), contracts and associations (the Sun in the 7th House).

As for Venus, on the angle of the Descendant, she adds her part of easiness in matters involving aestheticism (fashion, beauty, perfumes, among others).

Thus, the emphasis on Pisces, on the Moon and on Venus in dominants, illustrates Arnault's artistic dispositions. Moreover, his second marriage was to a pianist, and he set up the Louis-Vuitton Foundation devoted to contemporary art. Quite a symbol, which reflects his desire to leave a mark for generations to come.

It is interesting to note that at the moment of the launch of the Foundation (in the autumn of 2006), Uranus transited natal Sun-Mars, confirming that Arnault amazed everyone and intervened in a field where he was not at all expected.

Saturn in an Angle Explains Arnault's Behaviour

Let us analyze another dominant, a demanding Saturn rising in Virgo while the Ascendant is in the last degrees of Leo. Here, Arnault's portrait begins to become more clearly outlined. Of course, the Ascendant in Leo contributes to this identification with, and this personification of, luxury. As we shall see further down, he managed to impose himself at the head of LVMH after shrewd maneuvers.

However, perhaps quite quickly, he realized that he was capable of shouldering such a prestigious group despite his relatively humble origins. Luckily for him, Saturn in the 1st house gives him the seriousness, the capacity to make efforts, and the rigor required to take the lead. He does not make grand gestures; on the contrary, he works hard, with method, intelligence, and perseverance to fulfill his goal.

Saturn is partly responsible for making Arnault unpopular in some cases. At times, he comes across as slightly cold and aloof, or even stern and bossy. The real face of Leo, tinged with the Saturn-Virgo energy finally. Let us underscore that this must be moderated because of his romantic Venus in Pisces and his Moon in Taurus. The former brings him sensitivity and finesse, and the latter, warmth and a bon viveur side.

The 7th House Shows the Importance of People and Partnerships

Now, let us discuss the main characteristic of the chart, a very strong 7th House – relationships, people, contracts, marriage, partnerships – which is most highlighted with three planets, among which Venus, who opposes natal Saturn.

Arnault ought to balance the contradictory tendencies prompting him to desire to seduce – or to live in a world dependent on "Venusian" contracts – and the sense of duty stopping him in his tracks.

As we have seen, Arnault's Sun in the 7th is linked by a very tight Yod (configuration called the Finger of God) to Pluto and to Neptune. Both trans-Saturnians point to the Sun, ruler of the chart, who is posited in the House of contracts, and in conjunction with Mars.

This is why in Arnault's story, successes are often associated with takeover bids, questionable deals, or bankruptcy situations. It was the 1987 stock market crash which enabled him to buy LVMH shares cheaply; later on, disagreements between heirs helped him consolidate his power. It is well-known that the Yod connects two quincunxes and a sextile in a pattern which activates above all the energy of the planet linked by quincunxes. In this case, the Sun, in his own sign. This is a very powerful tool, when used wisely by an evolved and informed person. Therefore, to sum up, one may say without making a mistake that Arnault turned each transaction into an achievement, and... into gold.

Financial Strength Stems From Neptune

Inspired action. This is how to define the talents having enabled Arnault to become one of the richest men in the world. In the 2nd House, that of money earned through one's work, the presence of Neptune, well-aspected, gives Arnault intuition. He "feels" what will permit him to function financially. And Neptune is a planet which amplifies, although his role is vaguer than Jupiter's. Actually, Neptune has no limits.

Furthermore, he forms a nice trine with Mercury in the 6th (work, routine, small practical things of life). This suggests accomplishment through the blend of work and money, as well as the trade of small accessories. As we are aware, this is one of the ideas which allowed the LVMH firm to win new market targets.

Besides, as mentioned above, it is most likely that Arnault would not have reached such successful heights without the support of a well-disposed planet ruling the 8th House, that of Stock Exchange and speculation. It is again Neptune who plays this role.

Much remains to be said on the features promoting his opulence, particularly quincunxes such as that between Mars and Neptune, which deserves a few words. Arnault felt the urge to act and give shape to artistic creations in order to manage the challenge of this aspect.

Several Upcoming Transits

In 2020, it is Arnault's natal Jupiter who undergoes the conjunction of the three transiting planets in Capricorn: Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. Presently, the latter, a social planet, is staying in Aquarius until the summer, but it will come back on Arnault's Jupiter this autumn. Since Jupiter is excellent in the natal chart (trine Moon, trine MC), these transits are promising for the creativity and the prosperity of his group, even though he does not really need it.

As for Neptune, he is leaving the passage also in conjunction with Mars and with the natal Sun. In recent years, Arnault firmly cemented his affluence (the planet was in the natal 2nd House).

At a time when we are experiencing the big economic and public health crisis, we may be tempted to say that Arnault's chart obviously provides him with the ability to limit the damage. The slow-moving planets transiting natal Jupiter in Capricorn certainly incited him to participate in the struggle against the coronavirus. For instance, he forsook his April and May 2020 salaries, as well as any variable pay due for the year 2020. His decision applies to each and every executive staff members. LVMH had several million of masks shipped from China, and will manufacture them.

In like manner, the French luxury group declared that it will produce meaningful quantities of disinfecting gel to be donated to French hospitals battling on the front line against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a more distant future, transiting Uranus will conjunct the natal Moon and the natal MC by the end of June 2022. This very crucial and unique transit (Neptune's cycle spreads over a 164-year period) will last several months, with a second important passage in April 2023 (due to its retrogradation). Within two years, Arnault's career may take a different turn or experience a radical and unexpected transformation, whether with the establishment of a new foundation having humanitarian objectives such as Bill Gates' for example, or any other project modifying drastically his current activities.

Bernard Arnault
Display the Detailed Horoscope
Date of birth
Saturday, March 5, 1949
City of birth
Roubaix (59) (France)
DominantDom. Planets
DominantDom. Elements
Chinese astrological sign
Earth Ox
Birth Path
6' 1½" (1m87) tall
Biography of Bernard Arnault (excerpt)
Bernard Arnault (born 5 March 1949 (birth time source: Didier Geslain, birth certificate n° 590)) is a French billionaire business magnate, and art collector. Arnault is the chairman and chief executive of LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton SE, LVMH, the world's largest luxury-goods company. In April 2018, he became the richest person in fashion, topping Zara's Amancio Ortega. He was also briefly...

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Bernard Arnault.

You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Bernard Arnault:

Astrology: horoscope and birth chart of Bernard Arnault (Placidus) Image taken from the horoscope, birth chart and astrological portrait of Bernard Arnault, born March 5, 1949, 5:00 PM, Roubaix (59) (France) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 04' 14° 46' 17° 17' 45' 26° 17' 17° 43' 18° 43' 26° 30' 13° 47' 14° 43' 28° 57' 51' 14° 34' 54' 24° 12' 25° 58' 18° 22'
Select an object to display more information
Sun 14°46' Pisces, in House VII
Sun Aspects
Sun conjunction Mars orb 2°31'
Sun inconjunction Neptune orb 0°11'
Sun sextile Moon orb 2°56'
Sun inconjunction Pluto orb 0°02'
Sun sextile Midheaven orb 3°56'
Sun conjunction Venus orb 10°41
Moon 17°43' Taurus, in House X
Moon Aspects
Moon conjunction Midheaven orb 0°59'
Moon square Mercury orb 0°39'
Moon sextile Mars orb 0°25'
Sun sextile Moon orb 2°56'
Moon square Pluto orb 2°59'
Moon trine Jupiter orb 6°29'
Mercury 18°22' Aquarius, in House VI
Mercury Aspects
Moon square Mercury orb 0°39'
Mercury square Midheaven orb 0°20'
Mercury opposite Pluto orb 3°39'
Mercury trine Neptune orb 3°47'
Mercury semi-sextile Mars orb 1°04'
Mercury trine Uranus orb 8°08'
Venus 4°04' Pisces, in House VII
Venus Aspects
Venus opposite Saturn orb 2°13'
Venus opposite Ascendant orb 5°07'
Venus trine Uranus orb 7°33'
Sun conjunction Venus orb 10°41
Mars 17°17' Pisces, in House VII
Mars Aspects
Sun conjunction Mars orb 2°31'
Moon sextile Mars orb 0°25'
Mars sextile Midheaven orb 1°25'
Mercury semi-sextile Mars orb 1°04'
Mars inconjunction Pluto orb 2°34'
Mars inconjunction Neptune orb 2°43'
Jupiter 24°12' Capricorn, in House V
Jupiter Aspects
Jupiter trine Midheaven orb 5°29'
Moon trine Jupiter orb 6°29'
Jupiter inconjunction Uranus orb 2°18'
Saturn 1°51' Я Virgo, in House I
Saturn Aspects
Saturn conjunction Ascendant orb 2°53'
Venus opposite Saturn orb 2°13'
Saturn sextile Uranus orb 5°20'
Uranus 26°30' Gemini, in House XI
Uranus Aspects
Uranus sextile Ascendant orb 2°26'
Venus trine Uranus orb 7°33'
Jupiter inconjunction Uranus orb 2°18'
Saturn sextile Uranus orb 5°20'
Mercury trine Uranus orb 8°08'
Neptune 14°34' Я Libra, in House III
Neptune Aspects
Sun inconjunction Neptune orb 0°11'
Mercury trine Neptune orb 3°47'
Neptune sextile Pluto orb 0°08'
Neptune semi-square Ascendant orb 0°37'
Mars inconjunction Neptune orb 2°43'
Pluto 14°43' Я Leo, in House XII
Pluto Aspects
Mercury opposite Pluto orb 3°39'
Moon square Pluto orb 2°59'
Neptune sextile Pluto orb 0°08'
Sun inconjunction Pluto orb 0°02'
Pluto square Midheaven orb 3°59'
Mars inconjunction Pluto orb 2°34'
North Node 26°17' Aries, in House IX
Lilith 7°45' Aries, in House VIII
Fortune 1°54' Scorpio, in House III
Vertex 25°58' Capricorn, in House V
East Point 13°47' Leo, in House XII
Ascendant 28°57' Leo
House II 18°56' Virgo
House III 15°01' Libra
House IV 18°43' Scorpio
House V 27°09' Sagittarius
House VI 1°27' Aquarius
House VII 28°57' Aquarius
House VIII 18°56' Pisces
House IX 15°01' Aries
Midheaven 18°43' Taurus
House XI 27°09' Gemini
House XII 1°27' Leo
Ascendant 28°57' Leo
Ascendant Aspects
Saturn conjunction Ascendant orb 2°53'
Venus opposite Ascendant orb 5°07'
Uranus sextile Ascendant orb 2°26'
Neptune semi-square Ascendant orb 0°37'
Midheaven 18°43' Taurus
Midheaven Aspects
Moon conjunction Midheaven orb 0°59'
Mercury square Midheaven orb 0°20'
Mars sextile Midheaven orb 1°25'
Pluto square Midheaven orb 3°59'
Sun sextile Midheaven orb 3°56'
Jupiter trine Midheaven orb 5°29'
Display Parameters
Calculation Parameters

* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved