Aries, Aries rising, Mars dominant, or strong 1st House

At the swimming pool or at the seaside, you have ants in the pants. Should you have to make a choice, it is the ocean or an invigorating climate that you opt for, would it be just to let off steam. Whatever the environment may be, the idea of spending the day outdoors is delightful. You are as excited as a child impatient to practice the most physical activities. Because you are fearless, you excel in the art of diving. You easily perform the most difficult figures or swan dives. Then you swim many lengths non-stop, doing the crawl at a brisk pace if possible.
At worst, it is boredom and not fatigue which may stop you, since you rapidly lose interest in everything. Fortunately, you are soon tempted by a different sport, for instance by a beach volleyball game, just to improve your tan. Although it is certain that you will not bask in the scorching heat, you should take the precaution of protecting yourself from the sun.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aries, Aries rising, or Mars dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 1st House.
Taurus, Taurus rising, Venus dominant, or strong 2nd House

Because you usually work hard during the year, you fully relish taking a well-deserved break by the seaside. You associate the beach with all kinds of pleasures: feeling the caress of the sun on your skin, sipping a refreshing cocktail under your umbrella, smelling the fragrance of monoi from your suncream. The exercise would not be thorough if you could not slip languidly in a deliciously warm water such as that of the Mediterranean Sea.
It is out of the question to go to the seaside without having foreseen a nice picnic with the appropriate cool box, or without having spotted the little hut where you will savour a gazpacho, a mixed salad, or some fresh fish. Finally, you indulge yourself with a nap, your favourite moment.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Taurus, Taurus rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 2nd House.
Gemini, Gemini rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 3rd House

The beach becomes your new playground as soon as sunny days arrive. It is useless to underline that you love them, especially for their convivial aspects. You do not bother to seek a wild coast. You go for fashionable locations offering the advantages of civilisation. You sometimes mix business with pleasure and find a little job in this dream environment: swimming instructor, swimming pool supervisor, beach vendor, since your volubility works wonders. You always find the right word to relax grumpy people, to reassure shy people or families, and perhaps to win them over.
Of course, your reflexes come back at full speed. Whether you are there to rest or to work is minor. The summer cannot be really satisfactory without pleasant prospects of flirting, or more if you hit it off. Your butterfly nature prompts you to try everything, and you remain flippant.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Gemini, Gemini rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 3rd House.
Cancer, Cancer rising, the Moon dominant, or strong 4th House

The beach is entirely your element. It conjures up memories of childhood, when your parents had to get you out of the water to go back home. Once on the shore, maybe that of a lake, cradled by the wavelets' gentle lapping, you lose all sense of time. You close your eyes, abandoning yourself to pleasant and nostalgic thoughts.
In the middle of your activity, you are up for preparing the afternoon snack, or for building sand castles with the children. Given your protective nature, you are often the first person to run after them to reapply sunscreen on their skin, or to give them a T-shirt. As far as you are concerned, you are very careful not to expose yourself to the sun for too long. One ought to bear in mind that the essential thing is to take a rest.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Cancer, Cancer rising, or the Moon dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 4th House.
Leo, Leo rising, the Sun dominant, or strong 5th House

By arriving at the beach as if you walked onto the stage, you send a quite clear message to people around you. Everyone must look back when you pass by. You carefully prepare your appearance. You wear the most fashionable and expensive outfit. Swimsuit, sunglasses, tunic and shorts are branded. Even the beach towel is a must-have. This year, it will be round, preferably wide and bordered with a fringe, so as to create a little zone of luxury different from the others.
Then you get out of your basket a whole range of promising sun care products. Creams having all protection factors, body and hair velvety oil, and even shimmering lotion. Your tan is almost a full-time job. You spare no effort to perfect it, which explains that you are more likely to be found in Monaco or on the Costa Smeralda than on the shores of the North Sea.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Leo, Leo rising, or the Sun dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 5th House.
Virgo, Virgo rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 6th House

You are subtle when it comes to selecting your beach. It must have a temperate climate and be located near cultural centres, though far from crowds. You have thought of everything for everyone. You have various SPF creams to suit different profiles. You also have caps or hats, refreshing wipes, handkerchiefs, and a waterproof bag in which to slip wet swimsuits. You systematically take a first-aid kit, as you are obviously slightly hypochondriac.
You have change to pay for quick snacks, beach toys, armbands, atomizers, and serious publications, including scientific magazines. Indeed, it is out of the question to sunbathe like an idiot, for it is not your style. To unwind, you opt for intellectual games such as sudokus, chess, or crosswords. This is the least for you.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Virgo, Virgo rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 6th House.
Libra, Libra rising, Venus dominant, or strong 7th House

At the beach, the swimsuit is the essential item. People always rely on you to review what is trendy, inevitable, bold, or unacceptable this year. Before spreading your towel, you glance around. You understand at lightning speed whether you have any flirt competitors or rivals because, yes, this is part of your beach activities, if you are single. You do so in all subtlety, with sidelong looks, a little smile, or a smart way to promote yourself, pretending to be engrossed in a magazine.
And even if you are attached, you enjoy observing what is going on. Therefore, the odds are that your destinations will be an urban swimming pool or an elegant and exclusive beach such as The Hamptons' or the French Riviera's.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Libra, Libra rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 7th House.
Scorpio, Scorpio rising, Pluto dominant, or strong 8th House

So, is it you, the person putting up a parasol away from people, and behaving in a mysterious way? While families rush towards stretches of water at the hottest time of the day, it is quite early in the morning or even at night that you appreciate the beach. You are not too fond of the sun, and getting tanned is none of your concern. Sometimes, you spend the whole summer with a milk-white skin, clearly indicating that your preoccupations are definitely elsewhere.
You love to hide behind huge dark glasses, a scarf, or a hat pulled down low over your forehead. In all cases, you cannot stand anything artificial on the pretext that it is summertime. Or you may be at the other end of the spectrum, and since you do not use sunscreen, you may get sunburnt. In this regard, you are attracted to the magnetism of volcanic beaches. You cannot help it.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Scorpio, Scorpio rising, or Pluto dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 8th House.
Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, Jupiter dominant, or strong 9th House

You do not talk about a beach but about beaches, those of the whole world. You prize the Bahamas' pristine sand as much as Lanzarote or Hawaii's black sand. You generally prefer unobstructed seashores washed by the calm ebb and flow of the tide. Nothing is more amusing than running across the foam, playing football, or riding a horse, which is even more pleasant. If the background could be sand dunes and a pine forest, you would be over the moon.
In any case, your main purpose is to enjoy natural elements. You may be fond of swimming-pools, because socialising is the other facet of personality, in addition to your taste for travels and exoticism. It is by suggesting sports activities to everyone that you become well-known. As for your complexion, you tan without even realising it.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, or Jupiter dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 9th House.
Capricorn, Capricorn rising, Saturn dominant, or strong 10th House

You want your beach to be deserted, wild, or inhospitable, so that it belongs to you alone. You do not understand why people are keen to put their towel right near to that of an unknown neighbour, with, as a bonus, loud music coming from one knows where, noisy outboard engines, and children's screams. No, you are not a misanthrope although but you may almost become one under unfriendly or annoying circumstances.
In your case for example, you go to the swimming pool only if you can do all the lengths you deem necessary for your health. You have a secret weakness: to stride across the rocks for hours, and to listen to the roaring waves. The coasts of Brittany, or perhaps a mythical place such as Big Sur in California, are meant for you.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Capricorn, Capricorn rising, or Saturn dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 10th House.
Aquarius, Aquarius rising, Uranus dominant, or strong 11th House

From a sociological standpoint, you are astonished that so many people laze unconsciously in a burning sun. You find it quite odd, because it would never occur to you to behave like them, far from it. It may happen that the swimsuit fever has not affected you in time, and that you find yourself without a swim costume on D-Day. It does not matter. You prefer to stroll about wearing shorts and a tank top, a cap on your head. While diktats leave you indifferent, on the other hand, you do not like to get sunburnt.
To speak the truth, you are more interested in the charms of the beach at dusk. You then need a group of friends around a camp fire, guitars, and a decor similar to that of California. You reinvent the world at will, until the moment you fall asleep on the warm sand.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aquarius, Aquarius rising, or Uranus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 11th House.
Pisces, Pisces rising, Neptune dominant, or strong 12th House

You are the wahine or the Triton of the beach. No need to look any further. Your ideal is Polynesia, Saint-Bart, or the Seychelles of course. It seems that, all of a sudden, you find again your biotope and your universe. In any case, you feel completely comfortable in a pareo, with a huge straw hat and flip-flops. Your gait becomes lazy. You merely accept to stretch out an arm to grasp the drink that someone helpful is kind enough to bring to you. Ideally, you would lie down on a big lounge chair with easy-to-read novels or magazines within reach. You equally appreciate the charms of a hammock rocking you to the rhythm of the waves. Oh, paradise by the seaside!
As if it were not enough, you happen to sniff your bottle of suntan lotion scented with vanilla or exotic flowers. In fact, you do not hesitate to repeat that if you could live on the beach the whole year long, you would readily do so.
You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Pisces, Pisces rising, or Neptune dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House sometimes two houses you may want to also look at charts having a strong 12th House.