A New Approach to Astrology

The Zodiac Goes to the Sales

Disclaimer: with astrology, it is possible to decipher our behaviour or to get a glimpse of the future. This is a theory which cannot be systematically tested. On the other hand, one may wish to follow an easier path, which puts into practice the principles listed in astrology textbooks. In a way, this is precisely the type of practical exercises that we suggest in this Lifestyle column.

We recommend that you follow our advice with both a light and observing mind. Beyond Gourmet, the aim is to understand how each of us behaves in various fields; thus, we can better define and fathom, by deduction, how we have developed our natal predispositions. In addition, why wouldn't we be able to guess the talent(s) which we could harness in the future, according to our astrological profile.

The following information is given for signs in their purest form. Depending on the case, it is advisable that you check your planetary dominant or the sign of your Ascendant, the position, quality and aspects of the significators of the area involved, and if applicable, the position of the planets associated with it. For instance, for family affairs, examine the 4th House and its ruler, as well the Moon; for romance, examine the 5th House and its ruler, as well as Venus, etc.

The large number of books we have read, and more particularly, the experience we have drawn from the study of thousands of charts, urge us to be cautious. However, we thought that it may be interesting to provide a few concrete indications, which will turn out to be accurate, quite often.

You can also read dozens additional lifestyle articles on different topics.

Sales for Aries, Aries rising, Mars dominant, or strong 1st House

Sales and promotions for Aries, Aries rising, Mars dominant, or strong 1st House

When the sales officially start, the medias show images of the most addicted customers rushing into their favourite store as soon as the doors open. It is true that you, Aries, seldom have the patience to line up at the entrance. Nonetheless, at the same time, you want to win this competition.

Therefore, all means are permitted. There are two hypotheses. Either you are at the head of the pack of clients able to wake up at dawn, and you succeed in outpacing everyone; or you manage to be the first one to arrive, for instance by attending private sales taking place before D Day.

Quick, alert, and sometimes a bit rude, you snatch the items you like from the hands of your competitors. Of course, you find sport accessories or unique creations irresistible.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aries, Aries rising, or Mars dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 1st House.

These texts about the sign of Aries and Mars might interest you.

Sales for Taurus, Taurus rising, Venus dominant, or strong 2nd House

Sales and promotions for Taurus, Taurus rising, Venus dominant, or strong 2nd House

Sales are a tradition which suits you well, even though some people foresee their disappearance, given the more or less clever promotions which are organised throughout the year. However, you are attached to such usual rendezvous, and you prepare them carefully.

To begin with, you spot the "investments", in other words, branded items, whether in the departments of clothing, electronics, or interior decoration. You are interested in quality above all. You will not go out of your mind for a 10% discount on articles which are shoddily manufactured or made in tawdry stuff.

You cannot resist beautiful cashmeres, cosy and timeless shawls, or silk bed sheets. You are aware that you will enjoy these little pleasures during many years while sparing your wallet.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Taurus, Taurus rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 2nd House.

These texts about the sign of Taurus and Venus might interest you.

Sales for Gemini, Gemini rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 3rd House

Sales and promotions for Gemini, Gemini rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 3rd House

Taking this activity as a game, sales prove to be a pleasant exercise. Since you are gifted for commerce, you do not fall into the trap of misleading discounts or any attempt at kind manipulation. No, you cannot be taken for a ride.

You know how to navigate through the shelves, and you often engage in conversation with the other customers. Firstly, because you smartly try to find out if you missed a good bargain, and secondly, because you simply and naturally enjoy comparing situations from a sociological viewpoint.

Having said this, you may also be a fashion beast, in which case you relish digging up items which will remain in fashion during the forthcoming months. Leisure and gadgets are the two great favourites to which you succumb without complexes.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Gemini, Gemini rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 3rd House.

These texts about the sign of Gemini and Mercury might interest you.

Sales for Cancer, Cancer rising, the Moon dominant, or strong 4th House

Sales and promotions for Cancer, Cancer rising, the Moon dominant, or strong 4th House

Talking about sales conjures up touching images of your childhood, when your grandmother meticulously cut in the newspapers advertisements for promotions not to be missed.

Actually, you are nostalgic for the period when consumption was less frantic than nowadays, when clearance sales met real production needs. The purpose was to liquidate stocks which might not have a second chance elsewhere and thus, to offer very attractive perspectives.

Nevertheless, you may need time to make up your mind, lost in thought, unready to take action. Do not hesitate any more. You can find what you are looking for among stocks of bistro crockery, or apparently hand-made crochet shawls. Fortunately, not everyone shares your tastes, because you are unwilling to fight against more determined customers to get marked down articles.

These texts about the sign of Cancer and the Moon might interest you.

Sales for Leo, Leo rising, the Sun dominant, or strong 5th House

Sales and promotions for Leo, Leo rising, the Sun dominant, or strong 5th House

You are fond of beauty, luxury, and refinement. You frown at the prospect of mixing with the crowd to get your hands on acrylic sweaters or padded jackets which are already losing their feathers. You couldn’t care less!

What you refer to as "sales" are the famous private sales. You would be prepared to sell your soul to the devil against an invitation formally sent to you. You already picture yourself entering an elegant boutique in some posh district. To your frustration, several much sought-after labels never go on sales.

In any case, you quiver when you think that you can put on branded clothes of the very last collections. Therefore, what you are interested in is wearable, noticeable, preferably blazing. Useful accessories or garden furniture are not your priority. You stare wide-eyed at discounted precious jewellery, the most glamourous sunglasses, or a flashy leather jacket.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Leo, Leo rising, or the Sun dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 5th House.

These texts about the sign of Leo and the Sun might interest you.

Sales for Virgo, Virgo rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 6th House

Sales and promotions for Virgo, Virgo rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 6th House

Thrifty by nature, you do not hesitate to wait for the sales to find a good bargain. You are even a pro in this regard. You manage to prepare the ground, spotting what you are interested in, then establishing a precise pricelist.

If necessary, you resort to competition. Indeed, your sign being ruled by Mercury, the god of commerce, you are anything but scatterbrained. Purchase decisions are always controlled by reason, and you are not prone to impulse buys.

People find you for instance in the home appliances area of a discount store. You have the patience to listen to the patter of a presenter, and then you check the directions for use of the coveted device. You are the only person who can leave back home with a formidable vacuum cleaner, accessories for DIY works, as well as end-of-line crockery, plain but useful and shockproof.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Virgo, Virgo rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 6th House.

These texts about the sign of Virgo and Mercury might interest you.

Sales for Libra, Libra rising, Venus dominant, or strong 7th House

Sales and promotions for Libra, Libra rising, Venus dominant, or strong 7th House

You welcome the sales season, provided they do not become synonymous with ugly destocking. Concerned with aesthetics, you steer clear of containers bursting with already crumpled clothes, old books or useless gadgets having a packaging which indicates poor quality and, above all, disinterest from clients.

Male or female, you yield with equal eagerness to anything frivolous but so delightful: gorgeous make-up sets, embroidered silk ties, laces, precious perfumes... You have a real knack for bumping into them at the right time, limiting yourself to specific brands or shelves.

You do not stay until the shop closes, panting, red, and dishevelled. Actually, who could believe that you go to the sales? Some people would jokingly say that you are dressed up to the nines.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Libra, Libra rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 7th House.

These texts about the sign of Libra and Venus might interest you.

Sales for Scorpio, Scorpio rising, Pluto dominant, or strong 8th House

Sales and promotions for Scorpio, Scorpio rising, Pluto dominant, or strong 8th House

In your case, the sentence “All stock must go!” is totally meaningful. You definitely need to clear out, to get rid of whatever has become useless, so as to encourage the regeneration of your environment as well as of your state of mind.

This principle, in other people, also affects you. Therefore, you do not purchase like a mad or a raging person. You wait until you find something that you have been desiring for a long time and of which people have grown tired. In general, you are not interested in the last fashion. You prefer to create your own style, whether in terms of clothing or in all your choices.

Purple or such other particular colour is no longer trendy? If you are fond of them, then, you should go for them without fear. Let us hope that salespersons will be aware that you drive a hard bargain. Regardless of what you fancy, you negotiate until the very end.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Scorpio, Scorpio rising, or Pluto dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 8th House.

These texts about the sign of Scorpio and Pluto might interest you.

Sales for Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, Jupiter dominant, or strong 9th House

Sales and promotions for Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, Jupiter dominant, or strong 9th House

A priori, sales are not your cup of tea. Like other Fire signs, you do not like to watch the price tag, a behaviour that you deem too petty or down-to-earth. This is absolutely not your temperament, that of a big spender or a carefree person.

However, when you consider sales as an obstacle race, then their playful or adventurous aspect may tremendously attract you. You may even be able to jump on a plane to benefit from unbeatable offers, for example those for Boxing Day in London or in New York.

You feel that the special nature of this period is amusing; its exoticism is most likely to add a touch of excitement that motivates you. Finally, you may return back home with useless stuff, but you will keep lasting memories of the experience.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, or Jupiter dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 9th House.

These texts about the sign of Sagittarius and Jupiter might interest you.

Sales for Capricorn, Capricorn rising, Saturn dominant, or strong 10th House

Sales and promotions for Capricorn, Capricorn rising, Saturn dominant, or strong 10th House

A businessman or a businesswoman, you always keep a close watch on the sales season. However, you do not rush headlong in the sometimes subtle traps set for compulsive consumers. In your case, getting an extremely good deal is of the utmost importance.

No excessive fantasy, no glamour, but safe bets and useful and lasting items. While some people spend a fortune on impulsive buys, you use your pocket calculator. No salesperson, not even the best one, is able to persuade you.

Better than anyone else, you know how to seize opportunities. For instance, if winter has been mild, you look for a quality padded jacket, for there are tons of them left. You have an additional asset, because you are strong enough to run a marathon which would leave anyone exhausted. Time remains your best friend.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Capricorn, Capricorn rising, or Saturn dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 10th House.

These texts about the sign of Capricorn and Saturn might interest you.

Sales for Aquarius, Aquarius rising, Uranus dominant, or strong 11th House

Sales and promotions for Aquarius, Aquarius rising, Uranus dominant, or strong 11th House

Bear in mind that you are Mr Geek or Ms Techno. Therefore, you are among the first ones who test the sales using new technologies.

With your computer keyboard, your tablet, or your latest model of smartphone, you have unravelled the secrets of Black Friday or of Cyber Monday a long time ago. In addition, you have implemented a few tips to surf comfortably at all hours of the day or night.

On Twitter for example, you look at hashtags providing clues to various discounts on the articles you are interested in. This is how you know in advance the percentage of rebate offered, and you fill your caddy as soon as possible in order to avoid the dreadful “sold out” which defeats any participant in the sales game.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aquarius, Aquarius rising, or Uranus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 11th House.

These texts about the sign of Aquarius and Uranus might interest you.

Sales for Pisces, Pisces rising, Neptune dominant, or strong 12th House

Sales and promotions for Pisces, Pisces rising, Neptune dominant, or strong 12th House

In the sea of promotions, you let yourself be carried by the stream. You leave to other people rational methods, trickeries, or calculations. You prefer intuition.

Sometimes at odds with figures and accounts, you must be careful not to let various discount percentages deceive you. You happen to be perplexed looking at the blue or red tags indicating different rates that you have a hard time converting. Phew… Sales are almost a job, and you do not feel like insisting.

Nonetheless, you are often successful, or perhaps, you have a natural flair. You land in the right place at the right time to get your dream bag or those cosy cushions for your sofa. In the end, you may recycle immediately the money saved in comfort products such as scented bath salts or home fragrances.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Pisces, Pisces rising, or Neptune dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 12th House.

These texts about the sign of Pisces and Neptune might interest you.