Aries and Leo Ascendant in your horoscope
What a flamboyant knight! Would this be exaggerated? Not really. With this sign combination, it is obvious that you fear nothing. The alliance of your Ascendant's leonine sense of honour with the fiery soldier essence of your Aries Sun produces an explosive mixture.
You are fundamentally honest and spontaneous, you know what you want, and owing to your Leo Ascendant, when you meet people for the first time, you come across as a self-controlled and even invincible person who is difficult to throw off balance. You loathe fatalistic or timid people who give up at the slightest problem or danger.
You are very optimistic, and you proudly show your courage and your tenacity. Whenever people seek your opinion, your assistance, or an advice, you rush to offer your support, provided the person deserves it. You are particularly sensitive to the admiration you arouse.
There is nothing wrong with this, so why don't you acknowledge it? In the worst cases, you are slightly pompous and you make blunders, but you are forgiven thanks to your communicative warmth and your total lack of pettiness.
These texts about the sign of Aries and Mars might interest you.
You can also read the meaning of the other 143 sign and Ascendant combinations.
Examples of charts with the Sun in Aries and the Ascendant in Leo
You can find dozens of celebrity horoscopes with the Sun in Aries and the Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme.
The Ascendant and the Sun in sign
If you have a doubt about your sign or your Ascendant, you can get it immediately.
The rising sign, i.e. the sign which crosses the eastern horizon at the moment of birth, is a major element of the natal chart because it describes our general behaviour and our outward appearance and indicates how people perceive us when they meet us for the first time.
It is important to grasp the difference between the Ascendant sign - the rising sign - and the Sun sign, i.e., the sign in which the Sun is posited at the moment of birth. Unlike the Ascendant, the Sun sign refers to the deepest part of us which is more genuine but less accessible because it is meant for our friends and relatives only.