A New Approach to Astrology

The Zodiac and Valentine's Day

Disclaimer: with astrology, it is possible to decipher our behaviour or to get a glimpse of the future. This is a theory which cannot be systematically tested. On the other hand, one may wish to follow an easier path, which puts into practice the principles listed in astrology textbooks. In a way, this is precisely the type of practical exercises that we suggest in this Lifestyle column.

We recommend that you follow our advice with both a light and observing mind. Beyond entertainment, the aim is to understand how each of us behaves in various fields; thus, we can better define and fathom, by deduction, how we have developed our natal predispositions. In addition, why wouldn't we be able to guess the talent(s) which we could harness in the future, according to our astrological profile.

The following information is given for signs in their purest form. Depending on the case, it is advisable that you check your planetary dominant or the sign of your Ascendant, the position, quality and aspects of the significators of the area involved, and if applicable, the position of the planets associated with it. For instance, for family affairs, examine the 4th House and its ruler, as well the Moon; for romance, examine the 5th House and its ruler, as well as Venus, etc.

The large number of books we have read, and more particularly, the experience we have drawn from the study of thousands of charts, urge us to be cautious. However, we thought that it may be interesting to provide a few concrete indications, which will turn out to be accurate, quite often.

You can also read dozens additional lifestyle articles on different topics.

Aries, Aries rising, Mars dominant, or strong 1st House

Valentine's Day for Aries, Aries rising, Mars dominant, or strong 1st House

Good grief, Valentine's Day! Whether you are a male or a female, you did not realise it was there. Because time flies, and you are always rushing. Too busy to joke around? Come on, you ought to make an effort, now or never.

Madame, you may without problem play it in style, either in a blood-red dress, your favourite colour, or in black leather and laces. The main thing is to set your sweetheart on fire. You can even bewilder him by taking the initiative of preparing the programme. He will love it, because you are an Amazon.

Sir, make up for your lack of organisation, start an improvisation which will warm her heart. Offer her a surprise tour, so that both of you feel the exhilaration of this special moment with all your amorous ardour. And why not challenge each other's imagination by striving to celebrate this Valentine's day in your personal spontaneous way? Indeed, Aries enjoys being unique, and this is the opportunity for both of you to prove it.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aries, Aries rising, or Mars dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 1st House.

Taurus, Taurus rising, Venus dominant, or strong 2nd House

Valentine's Day for Taurus, Taurus rising, Venus dominant, or strong 2nd House

You are absolutely convinced that there is no Valentine's Day without aroused sensuality.

A good starting point could be a little inn, friendly and cosy, with a nice table covered with a white tablecloth and a romantic bouquet of flowers. It is obvious that you verified the rating of the chef beforehand. Be careful, if the wine does not suit you, you may not be in the mood for love. And why not check the aphrodisiac power of certain foodstuffs?

Have oysters, dishes with spices or ginseng, and finish up with a chocolate dessert of course. With the candlelight, the ambiance will turn mellow, and under the effect of good food, you will only have one thought, to end the evening on a high note, one-to-one. And since your sensuality applies to many fields, why wouldn't you have a last glass of champagne while listening to your favourite pieces of classical music?

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Taurus, Taurus rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 2nd House.

Gemini, Gemini rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 3rd House

Valentine's Day for Gemini, Gemini rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 3rd House

Valentine's Day? Quite a pleasant idea. Let us hope that your partner or your spouse is tolerant, because you consider that it is the celebration of friendship as well as love.

Singles, couples, seniors, or children, all those whom you meet are greeted with an out loud "Happy Valentine's Day", with a large grin and a pirouette, because you have moved further already. You do not forget florists, since you are always interested in anything related to commerce. It is the opportunity for you to study a few sociological behaviours.

If you must really lend a hand, you tend to let the mood of the moment express itself. Avoid too formal restaurants, those awaiting their customers in reverential silence. You would get bored to death. A funfair, a good film, or even a meal at McDonald's would better fit your juvenile tastes. The important thing is to have a good laugh and to create a moment as light and bubbly as champagne.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Gemini, Gemini rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 3rd House.

Cancer, Cancer rising, the Moon dominant, or strong 4th House

Valentine's Day for Cancer, Cancer rising, the Moon dominant, or strong 4th House

You may not acknowledge it straight away, but you are easy to please on this occasion. To you, Valentine's Day is outstandingly romantic and tender. You remember scenes of comedy in which estranged lovers make up and exchange a long kiss, in the rain of course. You are so stirred by poetry!

On a personal level, a few lines handwritten by your sweetheart, in verse or in prose, would constitute the perfect gift. And you are also fond of old-fashioned rites such as opening a soft pastel envelope rather than reading those words in an e-mail... Florists adore you, regardless of your gender, because nothing is more irresistible than an armful of red flowers, red as love.

In short, if it were up to you, you would celebrate Valentine's Day by the book. But you will realise with some nostalgia that tradition is not what it used to be. Therefore, the only thing to do is to find a partner who can make you experience those emotions again, like in the good old days.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Cancer, Cancer rising, or the Moon dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 4th House.

Leo, Leo rising, the Sun dominant, or strong 5th House

Valentine's Day for Leo, Leo rising, the Sun dominant, or strong 5th House

What would your most brilliant idea be for an unforgettable Valentine's Day? Spontaneously, you would set very high standards. It is most unlikely that you will end up in a fast-food restaurant because you made no reservation in the poshest place downtown.

In a corner of your head, you also see this moment as a challenge to be taken up. First of all, because you want to impress your partner. Then, because you want everyone to admire you, since you are convinced that they all share your opinion!

Besides, it is out of the question to start celebrating directly after work or any other duty. You seek something exceptional, and you may suffer from delusions of grandeur. Those who buy the stock of a florist's window display, who rent a helicopter to fly to cloud nine, who book a box in the best theatre of the city are definitely a bit Leo! You also like public announcements and, why not, the diamond exhibited on a brocade tablecloth at the end of the evening.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Leo, Leo rising, or the Sun dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 5th House.

Virgo, Virgo rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 6th House

Valentine's Day for Virgo, Virgo rising, Mercury dominant, or strong 6th House

"Better alone than in bad company". This proverb may be coined by a Virgo, and this is what you retort to those who yield too easily to the sirens of Valentine's Day. Actually, you are well-informed. Valentine's Day used to be celebrated by singles and not by couples.

Whatever the category to which you belong, sincerity is the most important thing. If you stick to history, it is because you regret that Valentine's Day has become a commercial operation. One more! After Christmas, Epiphany, or Mother's Day and Father's Day, some people found a good reason to line their pockets. But without your participation.

On the other hand, gestures of love are precious to you. In your corner, quietly, you reserve this moment for the person whom you love. It will be the opportunity to deliver a symbolic speech on the significance of your commitment, which you take very seriously.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Virgo, Virgo rising, or Mercury dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 6th House.

Libra, Libra rising, Venus dominant, or strong 7th House

Valentine's Day for Libra, Libra rising, Venus dominant, or strong 7th House

So, for you, it will be the whole shebang: flowers, on a Bristol board, an invitation to a most exclusive place with violins crying, the film "Valentine's Day", and a bag of pop-corn. In brief, you are aware that on this occasion, you can be a starry-eyed girl or a passionate suitor.

However, avoid putting too much pressure on your partner, who may feel forced to overdo in order not to be beaten. As for you, if you are given free rein, you will ponder about your best attire, and also about all the ingredients required to experience a memorable evening. Indeed, style is almost as important as content.

One more comment. You steer clear of killjoys who criticise the conventional and mercantile aspects of this festival. In Libra's mind, who loves to be in love with love, Valentine's Day is the perfect feast par excellence.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Libra, Libra rising, or Venus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 7th House.

Scorpio, Scorpio rising, Pluto dominant, or strong 8th House

Valentine's Day for Scorpio, Scorpio rising, Pluto dominant, or strong 8th House

In order to seduce you, your partner needs to rack his brains, because you want to be amazed. Unless you challenge him to do so.

Here are a few clues: give him a rendezvous in what seems to be a dark den (even if it is your home!), lit with candles only so as to create a mystical, medieval, or in all cases, a magic atmosphere. Nothing petty, definitely not.

As a Scorpio with a predisposition to eroticism, you will spare no effort to make the evening torrid. You will arouse your partner by wearing a sexy outfit and accessories such as for example spike heel shoes if you are a female, or just by playing up your sultry gaze if you are a male. You can start your verbal jousting and send penetrating looks which clearly reveal that you are mainly interested in a sensory trip. You leave chaste sweet nothings to other people...

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Scorpio, Scorpio rising, or Pluto dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 8th House.

Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, Jupiter dominant, or strong 9th House

Valentine's Day for Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, Jupiter dominant, or strong 9th House

As you are sociable and a bon viveur, you will fully enjoy Valentine's Day, regardless of how it will be celebrated. Let us recall that Sagittarius, male or female, appreciates to play the role of Don Quixote, and loves to display his chivalrous soul. When it comes to rolling out the red carpet to charm your partner, one can count on you.

What also appeals to you is to learn how it is celebrated across the world. You are a great traveller, and you know that in Asia, in China, and in Japan particularly, people are fond of customs related to Valentine's Day. The Land of the Rising Sun even plans various sorts of "love chocolate", made for this occasion.

Ideally, you will feel like going on a jaunt yourself, quite far if possible, just to show your partner that his best choice is to follow you everywhere!

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Sagittarius, Sagittarius rising, or Jupiter dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 9th House.

Capricorn, Capricorn rising, Saturn dominant, or strong 10th House

Valentine's Day for Capricorn, Capricorn rising, Saturn dominant, or strong 10th House

Oh la la, Valentine's Day… what is it, but a silly time-wasting invention? It is obvious that it is utterly difficult to persuade you to celebrate this special day.

Actually, you need to be prodded into it. You even rely on your partner to show you how he/she has planned to prove his/her love. And in silence, you observe carefully. What setting was chosen? Did he/she have the good idea of thinking about privacy? You just hate to show your feelings in public. Besides, you tend to choose a simple and comfortable outfit, so as your sweetheart sees you in your most natural daily appearance.

Indeed, to you, love means long-lasting story. Although you do not rule out exceptions, your partner must be aware that it is not a game.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Capricorn, Capricorn rising, or Saturn dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 10th House.

Aquarius, Aquarius rising, Uranus dominant, or strong 11th House

Valentine's Day for Aquarius, Aquarius rising, Uranus dominant, or strong 11th House

Against the tide. This is how you wish to – possibly – celebrate Valentine's Day. Although it is out of the question to sink into mushiness, you would love to receive an unexpected invitation, for instance through your social networks, for the day just before or just after the official date. Or downright for the day you would pick yourself!

It is useless to underline that you consider this project more like a celebration of friendship than of Love with a capital L. It is not that you are unable to commit yourself, but you see it as a function, and therefore, you much prefer groups to tête-à-têtes.

Your partner would be well-inspired to display his feelings in a direct manner, and to offer you the type of gadgets or kitsch things that you are fond of. You will throw your arms around his neck for the trouble given, and also if he happens to suggest a weird restaurant for that special evening.

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Aquarius, Aquarius rising, or Uranus dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 11th House.

Pisces, Pisces rising, Neptune dominant, or strong 12th House

Valentine's Day for Pisces, Pisces rising, Neptune dominant, or strong 12th House

Gazing into each other's eyes, and holding hands. It is well-known that anything sentimental has the power to move you, you and the little siren or the little prince lying within you.

If he is smart, your Valentine will find the right setting for making a declaration of love. It could be a hill-perched castle with a stunning view, or even better, a small fisherman's restaurant by the water's edge of course. Your sensuality, which is acute, gets easily stirred when all your senses are stimulated, even though aestheticism is more important than taste bud treats.

On that evening, champagne is a must, because you want everything to be perfect and magic. You are sensitive to the kind of enchantment which makes you feel that you are immersed in the fusion you passionately seek. You even secretly dream of being abducted by your lover on Valentine's Day!

You will find on Astrotheme thousands of natal charts of celebrities who have the Sun in Pisces, Pisces rising, or Neptune dominant. The former are sorted in popularity order, whereas the latter are sorted according to the strongest dominant. Since each planet also rules a House – sometimes two houses – you may want to also look at charts having a strong 12th House.