He is said to be the artist or the Master, probably the best tennis player ever. Dithyrambic qualifiers abound when people mention Roger Federer.
Quietly, for over ten years, he has been part of the top three tennis players worldwide. Moreover, he has the longest record in history as number 1 in the list of professional players (ATP). To be thorough, it must be underscored that he also won 17 Grand Slam titles, almost all the Masters 1000 (the most important tournaments in the world): these are the most outstanding feats of a very long list of victories, with still many more to come.
Regarding his astrological profile, let's begin by saying that the god of tennis has the Sun in Leo, a royal sign which suits him perfectly well. With the Ascendant in Virgo, however, his pride is under control, and he displays no arrogance. This is proven by the fact that on the rare occasions when he went through a rough patch, he always kept on trying again and again. In 2013, he experienced his worst period in sport. No one heard him complaining about his back pain, because he preferred to resume his training with a new famous coach, Stefan Edberg. Then, he decided to change his racket, at last, in order to gain more power. One other intriguing fact is that he seems to embody Swiss positive values, body and soul: always fair-play, reliable, serious, and honest. He is his country's best ambassador.
Specialists in mundane astrology underline that the chart of Switzerland is marked by Virgo and Leo, like its champion. Virgo is highlighted in the last Swiss Constitution, whereas the National Day, which refers to the founding pact and the union of the first cantons, is on 1st August, and emphasises Leo.
Although Roger Federer is not arrogant, he is definitely proud, which is the characteristic of champions. It is out of the question that he lets anyone sit on his throne. He always knows how and when to tighten his game, which drives his competitors crazy. Virgo has undoubtedly been helpful, as well as his Mercurian dominant. Indeed, he masters the art of strategy, and he excels at protecting his body from exhaustion in the long run. In addition, the Mercury-Virgo blend endows him with exceptional communication skills. As a result, he is fluent in German, in French, and in English, constantly finding the right word to make his contenders feel comfortable, as well as the tournament organisers, and he has the audience in the palm of his hand. Yes, Roger Federer is clever, sharp, and intelligent, all qualities pertaining to both Mercury and Virgo, which makes him the antithesis of a backwoodsman.
Let's look at another major asset, his aura and magnetism. His powerful Venus on the Ascendant, and the sign of Libra tenanted by three planets, though collective, are features which get along well with Leo's innate charisma. This is obvious when Federer enters a stadium. A thrill immediately runs through the spectators, who are all fond of the Roger Federer style, regardless of the place of the world Federer appears. Like a rock star, celebrities come to watch him and applaud him. Besides, it is not surprising that, owing to Venus' spell, he charmed the circles of art and fashion, including the American high priestess of Vogue, the awe-inspiring Anna Wintour.
But make no mistake. With his Ascendant in Virgo, Roger Federer does not attract the way Cristiano Ronaldo does. He does not pose for photographers in underpants, nor does he promote any facial toning device (!) The man from Basel would rather pose on a red carpet with his Rolex, or a glass of Champagne... After all, he was born with the Sun in Leo, good grief!
Does it mean that beneath his perfect image, Roger Federer has no flaws? He's got some, whew! Firstly, let's mention a difficult character which was probably tamed in childhood. He did not work too hard, relying on his talent, like Venusian people often do. On the other hand, he expressed his discontent by breaking his racket or through sudden bouts of anger. With the Moon in Scorpio, who would be astonished? In Federer's chart, the planet, conjunct Uranus and the Black Moon, gives some degree of restlessness. Nowadays, although he may still have such intense, sometimes destructive emotions deep down, he manages to contain them or even to conceal them.
Finally, there may also be a Federer mystery or riddle, which turns him into a peculiar sportsman. But how is it possible to know the recipe? Let's not forget that the 12th House, the most secretive place of the zodiac, shelters a prominent Sun-Mercury conjunction. Fortunately - indeed he has plenty of luck - it seems that his success rests on sound foundations.
The other quite striking feature of the chart is that all the planets are in the Eastern hemisphere. This suggests unfailing determination, even though it means that Federer uses the Leo proverb, "Me, first". The father of four children – twice, he had twins, here again, he had to behave differently from people – he leaves to his entourage and particularly his wife Mirka, a former player, the task of dealing with logistics. Federer's priority is tennis, a sport for which he has a devouring passion.
The planetary pattern of his chart is a bowl, which indicates a distinctive personality, courageous but quite self-centred.
Roger Federer

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Roger Federer.
Until last summer, it is most likely that Federer has fully benefitted from the return of Jupiter in Leo, which enabled him to be successful again in 2014. The current exact square Uranus sends natal Mars, and that from Jupiter to the natal Moon, may explain that Milos Raonic defeated him in the Paris Masters quarter-finale in late October. But 2015 looks very promising: Jupiter's retrogradation in Leo keeps on showering him with gifts. With this planet, there is a risk of exaggeration, excessive optimism or overeating. It must be noted that Federer will go through an excellent period during the summer, and that he will begin to feel the effect of a different, very slow transit, that of Neptune arriving on the Descendant axis.
Later on, transiting Neptune will start to trine his natal Mars, surprisingly not very strong in the chart, though important for a sportsman of course. Therefore, it is most likely that Federer will find new and larger forms of fulfilment, and that he will enjoy these long successes in a totally relaxed way.
Sun 15°38' Leo, in House XII
Moon 20°45' Scorpio, in House III
Mercury 13°28' Leo, in House XII
Venus 17°41' Virgo, in House I
Mars 13°57' Cancer, in House XI
Jupiter 7°18' Libra, in House II
Saturn 6°12' Libra, in House II
Uranus 26°03' Scorpio, in House III
Neptune 22°16' Я Sagittarius, in House IV
Pluto 21°56' Libra, in House II
North Node 1°36' Leo, in House XI
Lilith 23°21' Я Scorpio, in House III
Fortune 16°08' Sagittarius, in House IV
Vertex 16°50' Aquarius, in House VI
East Point 2°18' Virgo, in House XII
Ascendant 11°01' Virgo
House II 3°32' Libra
House III 1°55' Scorpio
House IV 6°09' Sagittarius
House V 12°21' Capricorn
House VI 14°25' Aquarius
House VII 11°01' Pisces
House VIII 3°32' Aries
House IX 1°55' Taurus
Midheaven 6°09' Gemini
House XI 12°21' Cancer
House XII 14°25' Leo
Ascendant 11°01' Virgo
Midheaven 6°09' Gemini
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved