It is quite rare that an actor becomes successful owing to his exceptional physique and then experiences such a brilliant and long-lasting career. This is the case of Alain Delon who, originally an obscure apprentice butcher turned legionnaire, is noticed by a photographer and then grabbed by the cinema.
What follows is well-known, since Delon is an artist of international repute. He is perhaps one of the French people most famous abroad since the '60s, with Brigitte Bardot and Charles de Gaulle.
In the beginning, he was merely a presence loaded with magnetism, a quality he was often credited with, and which fits his Sun in Scorpio, let's face it. However, magnetism was almost concealed beneath his classical handsome look, or more deeply hidden behind the characteristics of Libra, the sign of his Ascendant.
It must be noted that this Scorpio-Libra combination is often found in people who are eager to please and who more or less consider it a matter of life and death. By comparison, Brigitte Bardot, Delon's female equivalent in those days, also has the same Libra facet urging her to seek love, although her Ascendant in Sagittarius gives her the ability to free herself from such a compulsion.
It is almost the reverse for Alain Delon. He was born with the belief that he was the most handsome person, which enabled him to mask a certain roughness, but also a great deal of profundity. Indeed, in the integrity of his ego, the actor does seem to be quite tormented, and in his interviews, he often admitted that he had problems finding or retaining happiness. As if he were never entirely satisfied with his long successful career, veering between nostalgia (Libra) and bitterness (Scorpion). The latter feeling is strengthened by the natal chart's prominent planets and aspects.
Firstly, by Mars, an important planet for anyone born with the Sun in the 8th sign, since Mars is its traditional ruler. In Delon's chart, Mars is in the 4th House and indicates some degree of aggressiveness at home, or the possibility to build one by dint of hard work. Perhaps both alternatives are relevant? In any case, it is not with the members of his family that he is at his best, for he often fights with them – sometimes with his children for instance, as we have seen – and he refuses to patch up, out of pride. Furthermore, his Mars forms many aspects, which turns this planet into Delon's main dominant. Mars makes a T-Square with the Moon posited on the Descendant, as well as with the Ascendant axis. This pattern provides an extra indication that Delon has difficulties in positioning himself vis-ŕ-vis people. He tends to feel offended although he is often responsible for the way in which the dialogue develops. Exceedingly touchy, he listens only to his instinct, and he reacts without any psychological brake. On the other hand, the strong point is that everyone knows where one stands, including himself. Delon is not the type of Scorpio to mull over his revenge. He would rather thrust his sting before retreating into his palace. This peculiarity benefits Delon's interlocutors, since it is all about honest combativeness. A trait he displayed since his youth, and which he never lost, whatever the cause he stood up for.
However, when a decision is taken by someone else, it is probably the Moon, his other dominant, who takes over. She is in the 7th House, associated with exchanges with people. In Aries, and therefore ruled by Mars, the Moon draws to Delon directors and patrons who open for him the royal path to fame.
We cannot but think of Luchino Visconti who certainly offered Delon his most beautiful roles, such as The Leopard and Rocco and his brothers. There are few instances in which an actor delights his director to this extent. Visconti seems to spare no effort to make Delon look his best, exactly like what he would have done with a woman. Later, with Jean-Luc Godard, even though the relationship was very different, it was also a kind of feminine gentleness which was the typical feature of the cooperation between Delon and Godard.
In any case, it is very different from the series of whodunits which marked the '70s, a period during which Delon went through the entire detective genre. He played the gangster, the accomplice, the cop, and of course, the righter of wrongs. Incidentally, he even starred in Scorpio, a title which suits him perfectly well! We find here again the hallmarks of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, the latter being in the 10th House of career (although not angular).
After underlining that Delon's name will remain in the history of cinema, we also analyse a few astrological aspects related to his private life. With the Moon in Aries in the 7th House, the statement is the same as above: he is attracted by strong-minded women, although he eventually quarrels with them. But his Venus in Virgo in the 12th House is quite surprising. She describes a modest Alain Delon who does not wear his heart on his sleeve, who may suffer from secret turmoil, and who dreads being abandoned.
Alain Delon

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Alain Delon.
Since 2014, this unbeatable seducer has been living alone, and he refuses to "play the role of the aging actor accompanied by a beautiful young woman to whom he would have nothing to say because he would be out of step", as he confided himself. This attitude, actually quite honourable and perceptive, suits Scorpio's pride even though it frustrates Libra's longings. The transits of Saturn in Scorpio and of Uranus on the natal Moon in Aries probably did not improved the situation. We also observe, for those interested in karmic astrology, that the lunar nodes were put to severe testing in early 2014. After several health problems in the summer of 2014, the following year seems less challenging, and a sunny spell is most likely to occur in 2016 when Jupiter crosses the Ascendant.
Sun 14°48' Scorpio, in House II
Moon 10°48' Aries, in House VII
Mercury 27°17' Libra, in House I
Venus 28°34' Virgo, in House XII
Mars 7°46' Capricorn, in House III
Jupiter 29°47' Scorpio, in House II
Saturn 3°30' Pisces, in House V
Uranus 3°03' Я Taurus, in House VIII
Neptune 16°17' Virgo, in House XII
Pluto 27°24' Я Cancer, in House X
North Node 14°41' Я Capricorn, in House IV
Lilith 15°55' Я Libra, in House I
Fortune 11°17' Taurus, in House VIII
Vertex 17°22' Aries, in House VII
East Point 10°52' Libra, in House I
Ascendant 7°17' Libra
House II 2°32' Scorpio
House III 3°26' Sagittarius
House IV 9°11' Capricorn
House V 14°09' Aquarius
House VI 13°38' Pisces
House VII 7°17' Aries
House VIII 2°32' Taurus
House IX 3°26' Gemini
Midheaven 9°11' Cancer
House XI 14°09' Leo
House XII 13°38' Virgo
Ascendant 7°17' Libra
Midheaven 9°11' Cancer
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved