Having in one's hands the horoscope of a person who is the archetype of a sign happens quite seldom. This is the case with Jake Gyllenhaal, who will probably recognise his traits if he reads the character and the peculiarities of Sagittarius.
He has four planets in this sign, but above all, as we will find out, everything concurs to endow Sagittarius with power.
To begin with, let us mention the tight Mercury-Neptune partile conjunction located near the Sun, posited six degrees further down. One of Gyllenhall's basic characteristics is therefore his mind, as well as his thinking process and the style of his communication, which are typical of the 9th sign. One might as well say that Gyllenhall displays a great deal of enthusiasm and of passion in all the fields blending intellect with inspiration. According to the lyrics of a song written by Alain Souchon, Gyllenhall is thirsting for ideals, drawn to the stars...
More seriously, the way Gyllenhaal functions shows that he wants to go further and further in his work as an actor, whether through his roles, or by trying a hand at production. The self-assured and directive facet of Sagittarius needs to freely express itself, bearing in mind that Neptune adds an almost religious connotation which is in any case supported by an approach higher than that of a mere human being. Therefore, it is not surprising that Jake Gyllenhaal is interested in demanding and committed films, as it is often reported.
He has not hesitated to rake a few risks in his profession, and he was very successful, since he literally stole the show in the role of a gay cow-boy in Brokeback Mountain. The film was awarded a Golden Lion and enabled him to go further into the emotional register, quite symptomatic of this planetary position. We must add that the Mercury-Neptune conjunction on a Sagittarius background does constitute the key of the chart, because the aspect also sends a nice sextile to Pluto, the planet of ambiguities and extremes. Sexuality, murder, possession, and absence, are themes which interest Gyllenhaal and offer him the opportunity to show his worth.
He is quite well-known for his capacity of transformation. Like several other highly regarded Hollywood actors, Gyllenhaal readily lost a few kilos or developed his muscles to play such or such role. Actually, he confessed that he needs to be totally immersed to properly feel his role.
His additional Sagittarius facet, a quite different yet relevant one, is the ease and the assets which come from his family and seem to follow him everywhere. He was born in a European Jewish family well established in Swedish film circles. He received the typical Swedish aristocracy upbringing. According to his parents' wish, who wanted him to become aware of his privileges, it was in a homeless shelter that he spent his 13th birthday! This is an inheritance which also suits Sagittarius, gladly Don Quixote around the edges.
Venus is in Sagittarius too, but does not have the lead role. She is still in conjunction with Uranus, who is in late Scorpio. Therefore, there may be an irresistible propensity to fall in love at first sight, particularly with unusual women. On the one hand, as if he were a magnet, Jake Gyllenhaal attracts the fair sex, which swoons over his looks. On the other hand, he is probably fickle but not nasty, only quickly tired of his conquests.
To add even more flamboyance, let us observe his Ascendant in Leo which strengthens Sagittarius' natural confidence, while Leo emphasises the importance of the personal aura. Put together, these two signs may indicate a born leader.
As to the North Node, i.e. life path for those versed in karmic astrology, it is found exactly on the Ascendant. This is an extra factor which confirms the purpose of Jake Gyllenhall's mission, which is to assert oneself without inhibition, and if possible, to reign over Hollywood.
To complement the list of his mass seduction weapons, the comedian can also rely on three planets in Libra, which gives a flexible and sweet way to impose himself.
Jake Gyllenhaal

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Jake Gyllenhaal.
He may be given a good opportunity soon with the Oscars, in February 2015. Indeed, owing to his performance in the thriller Night call, he is among the favourites for the title of Best Actor. With a powerful Jupiter in an excellent position, transiting his Ascendant and almost trining his natal conjunction in Sagittarius, as well as with several other rather auspicious factors, we tend to believe that the chance to earn an award is very good. However, we shall not go any further in this direction because, on the one hand, it is difficult to know the exact time of the results, and therefore of the transits, and on the other hand, we do not have the detailed chart of the other candidates.
In any case, 2015 is very promising for Jake Gyllenhaal. This fortunate trend is most likely to grow stronger as progressed Uranus in Aries slowly forms a trine with the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius and then with the Sun.
The only reservation is transiting Saturn on natal Venus in early Sagittarius, bringing in his wake the illusive influence of Neptune in Pisces. However, our handsome Sagittarius with a Leo Ascendant is probably too self-centred and too busy defending his vision of the world to be concerned about the transit of Saturn.
Sun 28°26' Sagittarius, in House V
Moon 7°02' Gemini, in House X
Mercury 22°07' Sagittarius, in House V
Venus 2°23' Sagittarius, in House IV
Mars 21°35' Capricorn, in House VI
Jupiter 8°27' Libra, in House III
Saturn 9°00' Libra, in House III
Uranus 27°47' Scorpio, in House IV
Neptune 22°37' Sagittarius, in House V
Pluto 23°56' Libra, in House III
North Node 11°40' Я Leo, in House I
Lilith 21°47' Я Scorpio, in House IV
Fortune 3°37' Pisces, in House VII
Vertex 23°39' Sagittarius, in House V
East Point 0°27' Leo, in House XII
Ascendant 12°13' Leo
House II 5°12' Virgo
House III 2°38' Libra
House IV 4°56' Scorpio
House V 9°34' Sagittarius
House VI 12°35' Capricorn
House VII 12°13' Aquarius
House VIII 5°12' Pisces
House IX 2°38' Aries
Midheaven 4°56' Taurus
House XI 9°34' Gemini
House XII 12°35' Cancer
Ascendant 12°13' Leo
Midheaven 4°56' Taurus
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved