How to rise to international celebrity rapidly? Whereas some people chase after this status, some other, like Dakota Johnson, have accumulated good reasons to obtain it without too many efforts. To this aim, a mythical family may prove helpful, beginning with parents whose names are Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, even though they ended up divorcing. Then, it is the stepfather, not less well-known, who started Johnson off, since the latter was given a little role when she was 10, alongside her mother, in a film by Antonio Banderas, Crazy in Alabama. After a detour to try modelling, it is in the much awaited movie adaptation of the bestseller Fifty Shades of Grey that the young woman succeeded as an actress.
Having said this, people were obviously lying in wait for her "demonic" character of Anastasia Steele. This perfectly matches the chart's two prominent attractive signs, Libra sheltering the Sun, but also a quite powerful Scorpiot. These features seem enough to embody an innocent girl who falls in the arms of a businessman indulging in SM practices. This ambivalence is increased by additional planetary positions: Libra's sometimes suggestible sides are weakened by the dynamising presence of Mars conjunct the Sun; Venus is at home, in the grip of the 8th sign's values, separating from Pluto (it cannot be considered a conjunction because the orb is too wide). However, the ruler of Scorpio imposes his law on the House of career that he governs... It is also necessary to take a closer look at Saturn, ruler of the chart. Ruler of the Ascendant, Saturn conjuncts Neptune, opposes Jupiter, and squares the Sun-Mars duet. In other words, we are dealing with a T-square, a pattern believed to be quite tough, and which seems to be the major feature of the horoscope.
What does this infer? Firstly, that in the destiny of Dakota Johnson, good luck shows up on a silver platter, with Jupiter in the 6th House. Nevertheless, opportunities are not devoid of some sort of disillusion. Indeed, Saturn and Neptune look quite stuck in the 12th House, that of ordeals and solitude, since they have no other direct support except their good position with the MC (career). In itself, the Saturn-Neptune pair indicates melancholy, a trait typical of a Libra-Capricorn component.
We could underline an additional astonishing feature for a person coming from a family of performers: Dakota Johnson's chart has no Fire element. Therefore, she may lack spontaneity and entrepreneurial spirit. Excellent in contacts (Libra), striving to demonstrate her qualities, and ambitious (Capricorn), she does not shine directly by herself. This is probably the reason why, despite the film's box-office success – foreseen of course – she seems to rely on opportunities coming her way instead of being active and enterprising herself. Anyway, she does not need to worry about her professional future, since she will be on the bill of three releases within a short period of time: Chloe and Theo, in the role of a beggar, Black Mass, in the role of the lover of a Mafioso played by Johnny Deep, and A Bigger Splash, a new adaptation of the cult film The Swimming Pool with Romy Schneider and Alain Delon starring.
In the romance department, despite her status, Dakota Johnson remains quite discreet. With Venus in Scorpio, and the Moon in Sagittarius, she belongs to the category of fierce amazons who prefer their freedom or their career to any smothering love affair. Besides, family life is not particularly highlighted in the chart, as if she gave priority to projects and associations (strong South-eastern hemisphere).
Looking at her transits, we observe immediately that this young woman has been experiencing a very special period for several years. She is among the people affected by the mundane Grand Square formed by Uranus and Pluto. Her natal Sun, Mars, and Jupiter underwent a first round of disruptions between 2013 and 2014. She may have been enjoying a lull recently, but she will have to brace herself for the impact of this configuration on her Ascendant.
The Ascendant is challenged by the conjunction of transiting Pluto. This planet is so slow that not everyone will experience such a phenomenon in one's life. The consequences, not always visible, translate into a deep, lasting and meaningful transformation of the ego, of one's personality. In Johnson's case, it is interesting to pay attention to the direct link with the career (Pluto being the ruler of the natal 10th House). Therefore, we see again the "demonic" note of her career as a plausible result of this conjunction.
Dakota Johnson

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Dakota Johnson.
Let's point out the importance of Neptune – image, dream, imagination – transiting exactly on the MC in Pisces at the launching of Fifty Shades of Grey in 2015. This corresponded undoubtedly for the comedian with a phantasm of popularity come true.
She can expect an easier context when transiting Jupiter turns direct on her natal Sun and Mars in the winters of 2016 and 2017, as well as on the MC, at the end of 2017 and 2018. In principle, these years promise to be enriching both literally and figuratively.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Dakota Johnson:
Sun 11°34' Libra, in House IX
Moon 5°10' Sagittarius, in House XI
Mercury 25°48' Virgo, in House VIII
Venus 25°40' Scorpio, in House X
Mars 9°54' Libra, in House IX
Jupiter 9°56' Cancer, in House VI
Saturn 7°45' Capricorn, in House XII
Uranus 1°36' Capricorn, in House XII
Neptune 9°40' Capricorn, in House XII
Pluto 13°48' Scorpio, in House X
North Node 24°36' Я Aquarius, in House II
Lilith 6°04' Scorpio, in House X
Fortune 11°16' Pisces, in House II
Vertex 24°37' Leo, in House VIII
East Point 0°46' Aquarius, in House I
Ascendant 17°40' Capricorn
House II 25°33' Aquarius
House III 3°32' Aries
House IV 5°16' Taurus
House V 0°57' Gemini
House VI 23°49' Gemini
House VII 17°40' Cancer
House VIII 25°33' Leo
House IX 3°32' Libra
Midheaven 5°16' Scorpio
House XI 0°57' Sagittarius
House XII 23°49' Sagittarius
Ascendant 17°40' Capricorn
Midheaven 5°16' Scorpio
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved