With the Sun and the Moon in Cancer, Courtney Love has the privilege of experiencing harmoniously feminine and masculine archetypical values. Her will is permeated with the sign's emotional characteristics, which makes her a sensitive person who attaches more importance to the fulfilment of her personal life than to social success. the Moon is in her domicile in Cancer, and therefore, more potent than the Sun. Often absorbed in her thoughts, Love's approach of reality is not always very simple. However, her imagination and her generosity are vivid. She possesses all the features of a child-like woman. It is logical that she achieved worldwide celebrity for having being the muse, often castigated, and we shall get back to it, of the singer Kurt Cobain.
She was born Courtney Michelle Harrison before she chose the pseudonym which made her famous. She is also the granddaughter of a novelist and the daughter of a hippy mother. One might as well say that all the ingredients are gathered to orient her towards a precocious artistic career, or anyway, to prevent her to become part of the mainstream. She met with her first success when she became the leader of the group Hole. Owing to her Libra Ascendant, she is constantly anxious to please, and she wears the mask of kindness and pliancy (genuine ones, thanks to the influence of Cancer). Nevertheless, at first sight, she may tend to overdo in order to seduce even if it means to pander to people's desires.
At 20, her main objective is to roam the world, prompted by her luminaries in the 9th House. The earth is not too big for her, and her biography mentions that she travelled to England, Ireland, as well as Japan, before settling in Los Angeles. Her return to natal California was not permanent, for she met Kurt Cobain, the most typical grunge rock star, who lived in Seattle. The lovers are burning with passion, as it can be expected with the conjunction of the duet Mars and Venus in Gemini and in the 8th House in Love's chart. The couple is mobile, very adolescent, a bit reckless, and very talkative.
One must not set aside the fact that their affair has its share of romanticism, given a beautiful trine by Neptune in the 1st House. It is obvious that she has been deeply in love with her idol. Although no one noticed it, she managed to convince him, since the marriage in Hawaii and a pregnancy followed immediately after, which corresponds totally with the importance of the Water element in her natal chart.
The importance of Water and of Neptune also implies dangers of going off course. Love and Cobain seem to enjoy showing themselves in the worst possible light. Their relationship is very erratic, and they consume drugs to excess without hiding it. Many of their fans wondered how their child, the little Frances Bean Cobain could cope, and Child Welfare services requested the tribunal to strip both parents of their authority. For a person marked so strongly by the sign of Cancer, Love probably experienced this ordeal as an electroshock which gave her the strength to pull herself together. She said so in a documentary which had enabled her to mend fences with her past and with her daughter.
Although in this regard, Love can rejoice at such an outcome, she had to live her love affair to the depths of hell with the singer who committed suicide in 1994. Albeit Love did not retain the media's attention for many years, they allowed her to enjoy the posthumous celebrity of her mythic spouse. This is not surprising, because Jupiter in the 7th House, the House of marriage, forms a nice sextile with her Sun-Moon duet.
Afterwards, Love got back on the saddle amazingly, without turning her back to artistic life. She chose several small film roles which were interesting even though they did not make a big impact on the public. In 2000, she picked up the guitar again, and continued her tours in the style which had made her famous before Cobain. Actually, fashion opened the path to redemption. She became the muse of Yves Saint Laurent in 2013, and one of the stars of the Milan Fashion Week in 2015. This fits her Libra Ascendant marvellously well.
It must be added that she is also an all-rounder endowed with flair. The support of Mercury conjunct the Midheaven is not negligible, despite the square the planet sends to the Ascendant. Some people may think that Love is unstable or scheming. The truth is perhaps that she tends to change her mind or to shift her path according to the relationships she starts. In 2016, the serene Grunge Queen launched her own capsule collection for a brand, Nasty Gal, proposing to renew the style which was her glory in the nineties – though smoother of course.
Courtney Love

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Courtney Love.
As for transits, Love still undergoes the opposition of Saturn to her Venus-Mars pair, which probably affected her and imposed the ordeal of seriousness or loneliness on her. Fortunately, she will be freeing herself of this burden in the autumn 2017. She should end up gaining in maturity.
Simultaneously, for several months, her Sun has been going through a more difficult opposition from Pluto, which will last quite a long time and will involve the Moon. The farthest planet of the solar system will compel Love to progressively lay herself bare, which this time will enable her to be more genuine and in harmony with her true personality.
You will also find below the interactive horoscope of Courtney Love:
Sun 17°39' Cancer, in House IX
Moon 23°16' Cancer, in House IX
Mercury 1°38' Leo, in House X
Venus 20°25' Я Gemini, in House VIII
Mars 15°46' Gemini, in House VIII
Jupiter 19°36' Taurus, in House VII
Saturn 4°33' Я Pisces, in House V
Uranus 7°18' Virgo, in House XI
Neptune 15°08' Я Scorpio, in House I
Pluto 12°10' Virgo, in House XI
North Node 2°04' Я Cancer, in House IX
Lilith 29°23' Я Sagittarius, in House III
Fortune 1°57' Scorpio, in House I
Vertex 4°01' Gemini, in House VIII
East Point 4°41' Scorpio, in House I
Ascendant 26°20' Libra
House II 24°31' Scorpio
House III 26°13' Sagittarius
House IV 0°13' Aquarius
House V 3°11' Pisces
House VI 2°09' Aries
House VII 26°20' Aries
House VIII 24°31' Taurus
House IX 26°13' Gemini
Midheaven 0°13' Leo
House XI 3°11' Virgo
House XII 2°09' Libra
Ascendant 26°20' Libra
Midheaven 0°13' Leo
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved