It is not always easy to assess the influence of the signs or the planets by looking at a physiognomy. However, Meryl Streep is a special case. First of all, her Sun sign, Cancer, provides her with delicate features as well as with a transparent and radiant complexion, through which the slightest emotion shows. To say the least, she is expressive, a quality which helped her throughout her career.
All astrologers agree that Meryl Streep is above all a solar person. Indeed, the Sun is her strongest dominant, and rules her Leo Ascendant. The Sun's attributes prevail over those of Cancer, as far as her noble appearance is concerned: her deportment is tinged with natural distinction, and her mouth forms warm smiles or slightly scornful pouts when she is upset. The leonine nature of the Ascendant can but offer a long fair hair fluttering in the breeze like a veritable mane. With Pluto, a generational planet, in the 1st House, she is endowed with the capacity to reflect the constructive and burning passion of her day. Whether in the role of Karen Blixen, a romantic writer in love with a hunter of wild animals in Africa, or in the role of a mother, much more sensual and secret than what her family and relatives deemed ("The Bridges of Madison County"), she has a knack for bringing her characters to life and for making us feel their emotions as if we experienced them ourselves.
Regarding her personality, it is striking to note that the majority of the elements of her natal chart rather indicate tradition and academicism, with only a few exceptions. On the affective side, Venus is also posited in Cancer, which provides the qualities of a mother and, to a lesser extent, of a lover. It seems that Meryl Streep was very protective with her first love, whom she tenderly attended to until he passed away after a long illness. She has always cared for her four children, her top priority. And since her 12th House is strong, she spared no effort in order to protect them from her public life.
The Moon in Taurus confirms the above tendencies and adds a bon viveur and country-style facet. Although she was born in New Jersey, in a family both cultivated and modest, Meryl Streep often played the role of simple women who must struggle to make a living or to keep their benefits. However, one must bear in mind that still waters run deep. In other words, one must beware of this sweet blonde, because her Sun is on the same degree as Uranus, on Cancer's doorstep. This conjunction has two specifics in astrology. Firstly, Uranus is combust, meaning that he is "burnt" by the Sun and that as a result, his influence is somehow distorted. Secondly, the two planets were just entering Cancer at the moment of birth. The Sun's ingress occurred in the course of the day, whereas Uranus, who stays approximately seven years in a sign, arrived in Cancer a few days earlier. In our view, this conjunction suggests a unique and unusual way to experience tradition. Once again, through her roles, Meryl Streep often represented women striving to free themselves from fetters. Her private life, so discreet, is some sort of incongruity in Hollywood, since she is married to the father of her children since 1978!
Incensed by many Oscars, and considered since several decades the greatest artist of her day, Meryl Streep has nothing more to prove. She remains eternally young, owing to the fact that Gemini is among her dominants. In addition, she loves to learn and to renew herself. At the age of 65, she still looks lively and full of humour, as if she were a starlet. Besides, her Mercury gives her the capacity to learn. She is able to catch any foreign accent, and she never hesitates to go back to the drawing board to polish her work. She is not satisfied to be a comedian with an incredibly subtle play, and she also excels in lightness. Thus, she was seen in musicals – with the Moon in Taurus, the voice can be beautiful – such as "Mamma Mia", which was the opportunity to fully express her joie de vivre, as well as the humour and the nostalgia of a background marked by Cancer-Leo and Gemini.
In 2014, she is once more nominated for her role in "August: Osage County" (the 18th selection!). Astrologically speaking, she is in a quite dynamic impetus thanks to the assistance of Neptune in Pisces, in separating trine with her Sun. But because she has no extra significant support, it is difficult to make a prognosis.
Meryl Streep

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Meryl Streep.
Thereafter, like for all cardinal signs, following a stormy spring during which she will undergo the wrath of whimsical Mars against her Venus, the summer heralds a splendid lull. Jupiter enters Leo, and 2015 is most likely to be exceptionally good. It may be necessary to carefully follow the transit of Uranus on the career axis, supported by a wise Saturn in the 5th House at the end of the year.
The progressions of the current year suggest that fast and interesting events are likely to take place, since the Moon conjuncts the progressed Ascendant. With progressions, timescales are difficult to define, but it is certain that this transit is an asset for Streep's recognition. As if she still needed any!
Sun 0°43' Cancer, in House XII
Moon 14°24' Taurus, in House X
Mercury 10°17' Gemini, in House XI
Venus 18°25' Cancer, in House XII
Mars 8°50' Gemini, in House XI
Jupiter 0°32' Я Aquarius, in House VI
Saturn 1°34' Virgo, in House II
Uranus 0°44' Cancer, in House XII
Neptune 12°24' Я Libra, in House III
Pluto 14°51' Leo, in House I
North Node 23°28' Я Aries, in House X
Lilith 1°24' Я Aries, in House IX
Fortune 16°25' Gemini, in House XI
Vertex 18°44' Sagittarius, in House V
East Point 15°53' Cancer, in House XII
Ascendant 2°45' Leo
House II 23°03' Leo
House III 17°38' Virgo
House IV 18°40' Libra
House V 25°21' Scorpio
House VI 1°41' Capricorn
House VII 2°45' Aquarius
House VIII 23°03' Aquarius
House IX 17°38' Pisces
Midheaven 18°40' Aries
House XI 25°21' Taurus
House XII 1°41' Cancer
Ascendant 2°45' Leo
Midheaven 18°40' Aries
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved