Beautiful and perfect. Can appearances be trusted? Jessica Biel, who had her first child with Justin Timberlake in the spring of 2015, is perhaps completely different from what one may imagine.
She was born with the Sun in Pisces, a sign which often gives a personality difficult to figure out. In her case, the solar sign is not what matters most. It is paired with an Ascendant in Sagittarius, the nature of which is very different, since Pisces and Sagittarius only have the mutable mode in common. It is worth underlining that Sagittarius shelters Uranus, the most powerful planet in the chart. Posited near the Ascendant in the 1st House, this planet rules Venus and Mercury in Aquarius. In other words, the Sagittarius-Aquarius combination and the dominance of Uranus give Biel a much freer and independent personality than if she were a typical Pisces.
She was born in Missouri and has frequently moved house since she was a little girl. Artistic professions attracted her very early. This jack-of-all-trades' curiosity is definitely the prerogative of the mutable mode and may instil some degree of instability.
Jessica Biel has a complex horoscope full of configurations, and she has many assets too. There are two clear hints pointing to good luck. On the one hand, a nice trine links Jupiter, ruler of the Ascendant, to the Sun in Pisces. Despite the discrepancy just mentioned between Pisces and Sagittarius, the Jupiter-Sun trine provides the means to bridge the gap. In a sense, Biel can be self-reliant and can seek social success. This is actually the source of her fulfilment, and even a prerequisite.
On the other hand, a grand trine in Air signs connects major planets and endows her with many abilities. It links the Moon in Gemini in the 7th House (partnership, marriage) to her trio in Libra in the 10th (career) – namely Mars, Saturn, Pluton – and to Mercury in Aquarius. When Biel started out, the Air element and the three planets in Libra probably oriented her towards fashion. When she was a teenager, she dreamt of musicals, but it was as a model that she made a name for herself.
With the emphasis on Venusian signs, Biel has the physique of a mermaid, as already underlined. We could go as far as to talk about a classic beauty, with the regular and sensual features of her face and her statuesque. Nevertheless, under the influence of Sagittarius, she does not want to be merely reduced to her appearance. In several interviews, she declared that she attached little importance to the fact that she has been elected "the sexiest woman" in the world. She pursues different ambitions. She attended university and earned a diploma in French, a language she masters, which is not very common for an American. As we know, Sagittarius symbolises higher education and foreign matters.
Biel also decided to impose herself in the cinema industry, a very Uranian field. Although she married a singer who is a playboy, she is determined to be more than just Mrs Timberlake. During her pregnancy, in early 2015, she worked on several projects at the same time to the extent that her husband became worried about her health. The birth of their daughter Silas, on 11 April, is probably promising for the parents. She is a little Aries, marked by Uranus like the mother. Expect bolts of lightning!
Jessica Biel

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Jessica Biel.
The transits show that Jessica Biel is certainly going through a crucial time. Indeed, Saturn has transited the natal Ascendant in early Sagittarius and is travelling towards it in retrograde motion and again in direct motion throughout 2015. This suggests that Biel may experience maturity and perhaps restrictions affecting directly her personality. Simultaneously, she is getting the results of the dream pursued for a long time as transiting Neptune in his own sign begins his conjunction with the Sun, a striking influence for anyone born with the Sun in Pisces.
Although she is a star, she undergoes the same pangs than those of any mother who must simultaneously deal with her social status and her own ego. In the meantime, Uranus activates the planets symbolizing her professional projects (opposition to Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in the 10th House). The private reform is not devoid of temper tantrums...
In August 2015, transiting Jupiter reaching the Midheaven heralds a major period in terms of public image. Biel will have to arbitrate between cradle and spangles because the planet will oppose Neptune who will transit her Sun during the winter 2015-2016. Nevertheless, everything should take the right direction for this self-willed Pisces.
Sun 12°22' Pisces, in House III
Moon 17°07' Gemini, in House VII
Mercury 15°58' Aquarius, in House III
Venus 0°30' Aquarius, in House II
Mars 18°29' Я Libra, in House X
Jupiter 10°15' Я Scorpio, in House XI
Saturn 21°26' Я Libra, in House XI
Uranus 4°36' Sagittarius, in House I
Neptune 26°51' Sagittarius, in House I
Pluto 26°37' Я Libra, in House XI
North Node 21°09' Cancer, in House VIII
Lilith 28°00' Sagittarius, in House I
Fortune 26°04' Leo, in House IX
Vertex 13°54' Cancer, in House VIII
East Point 23°27' Sagittarius, in House I
Ascendant 0°49' Sagittarius
House II 3°29' Capricorn
House III 13°58' Aquarius
House IV 22°14' Pisces
House V 21°23' Aries
House VI 13°10' Taurus
House VII 0°49' Gemini
House VIII 3°29' Cancer
House IX 13°58' Leo
Midheaven 22°14' Virgo
House XI 21°23' Libra
House XII 13°10' Scorpio
Ascendant 0°49' Sagittarius
Midheaven 22°14' Virgo
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved