William and Kate's long-awaited son, christened George William Alexander, and called Prince George of Cambridge, has a chart which perfectly reflects the background of hereditary monarchy and its unusual stakes. Born with the Sun in the sign of Cancer, the little prince has the same sign as his father, but he also has the sign of Princess Diana, an astrological fact which would have changed, had the birth occurred just forty-five minutes later, in which case he would have been a Leo! The first observation, the importance of inheritance, is one of the keys of the natal chart, in many respects.
Firstly, Cancer endows him with the human sensitivity and the heart qualities which have been profusely mentioned about Princess Diana, and which William seems to have already inherited. But this sign also rules traditions and family. In this sense, the third heir in line to the British throne is very unlikely to reject his roots. On the contrary, he may feel that this heavy feature is an inherent part of his personality. Heredity may also be understood as an homage to his mother, through his Moon posited in Capricorn, her Sun sign. Unlike what is praised in many Western societies – there is nothing negative or positive in this statement – George Alexander will come across as gentle and sensitive (too much?), while beneath the appearances, his psyche will be much stronger and resistant. Indeed, there is a contrast between his Sun, the symbol of masculine and social identity – obviously fundamental for a person of his rank – and his Moon, which represents his ego and his emotions, which are kept under control in Capricorn.
To deepen the analysis of the role of heredity in this chart, we must consider the Ascendant. It is in Scorpio, an excellent omen for a well-asserted character, which will have to reckon with a propensity for wild urges. It must be recalled that this sign, in analogy with the bare nature of this period of the year, is associated with death. This may take on symbolic forms, such as for instance what is referred to as psychological mourning or forced detachment. In the case of George Alexander, these issues may prove to be crucial, because in addition to the Scorpio Ascendant, the 8th House is highlighted, and Pluto is a dominant planet. Many converging factors suggest that he may experience joys and ordeals which are typical of the Scorpio – 8th House – Pluto equation: power, end of things, instinct, possessions, struggles in order to draw resources from the depths of oneself, in a nutshell. Needless to say that this blend of Cancer personality, with the Moon in Capricorn against a Scorpio backdrop, promises to be interesting. It must be underlined that, owing to the potency of the Water element, he will be attuned to the collective trends of his time, and he will display a great deal of empathy.
On the other hand, he may tend to bear long-lasting grudges. Since he is rather introverted, maybe shy, and in any case reserved, he will not appreciate that his private life is under public scrutiny, a situation he is exposed to, due to his high social status. However, with his Sun trine his Ascendant, he will easily be able to behave according to his motivations. In other words, he will remain true to himself, whatever outer events may be.
As we assess the astrological Houses, it becomes clear that, whether he likes it or not, the last Windsor must come to a compromise with material realities. As already mentioned, the 8th House is of major significance, because his Sun is posited there, and moreover, the 2nd House is also powerful since it is tenanted by Pluto, ruler of the Ascendant. Luckily, the two planets are not in opposition, but it is most unlikely that George Alexander can bypass thorny issues about inheritances. There is a possibility that, from an early age, he undergoes the effects of the death of an elder person: although in 2013, no one knows whether he will ever ascend the throne – and should this occur, who will be the person he will succeed – we can safely foresee that this problematic is ineluctable. The North Node (destiny axis) in the 12th House (end of cycle) is conjunct Saturn. This confirms his huge sense of responsibilities regarding the history of the British monarchy and its future in a society marked by mutations. Undoubtedly, Queen Elisabeth II leaves a difficult challenge to her successors, because of her lengthy reign and her capacity to remain at her place during WWII, facing the end of the colonial era, as well as the independence of the Commonwealth States. Who will be able to manage better than she did? It seems that, as soon as the child was born, this central question – or its repercussions, since Charles or William come before him in the line of succession – is written in his astral programme.
To discuss less onerous aspects of the natal chart, let us look at his affective life. In this area, George Alexander seems destined to experience smooth and reasonable romances. With Venus in Virgo and the Moon in Capricorn, he will probably choose the lady of his life guided by his reason and not by his heart. Faithfulness and altruism will influence his decisions. With the House of partnerships in Taurus, ruled by Venus in Virgo and in the 9th House, he may engage in a love marriage, but in line with his ideals. As far as his assets are concerned, he will demonstrate innate generosity, both in his actions and his feelings, which will make him likeable in general. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Cancer describes a person endowed with discreet but very powerful attractiveness, because his undertakings are always carried out willingly, with sincerity and enthusiasm.
Prince George of Cambridge

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Prince George of Cambridge.
Born in a period of transition, namely in the context of a Uranus-Pluto square, though “softened” by the Water grand trine which has been prevailing since the beginning of the summer of 2013, George Alexander can rely on his own Mars-Saturn-Neptune configuration to achieve his ideals. The first years may be clouded by some degree of loneliness, when Saturn transits his 12th House then his Ascendant, until the end of 2017. It is as if his parents felt compelled to shut him in an ivory tower, at least until then. In 2019, it is most likely that his personality will blossom, since Jupiter transiting his Ascendant will make him less introverted and more self-confident. This bodes well for his first steps at school, and maybe for travelling abroad!
This is what can be said at this stage about this fascinating chart. For the moment, George Alexander needs to live his childhood and develop harmoniously.
Sun 29°59' Cancer, in House VIII
Moon 28°17' Capricorn, in House II
Mercury 13°32' Cancer, in House VIII
Venus 0°08' Virgo, in House IX
Mars 6°07' Cancer, in House VIII
Jupiter 5°58' Cancer, in House VIII
Saturn 4°59' Scorpio, in House XI
Uranus 12°31' Я Aries, in House IV
Neptune 4°52' Я Pisces, in House III
Pluto 9°47' Я Capricorn, in House II
North Node 13°40' Я Scorpio, in House XII
Lilith 14°54' Я Cancer, in House VIII
Fortune 25°29' Taurus, in House VI
Vertex 10°14' Cancer, in House VIII
East Point 22°05' Sagittarius, in House I
Ascendant 27°10' Scorpio
House II 29°24' Sagittarius
House III 11°10' Aquarius
House IV 20°37' Pisces
House V 19°38' Aries
House VI 10°39' Taurus
House VII 27°10' Taurus
House VIII 29°24' Gemini
House IX 11°10' Leo
Midheaven 20°37' Virgo
House XI 19°38' Libra
House XII 10°39' Scorpio
Ascendant 27°10' Scorpio
Midheaven 20°37' Virgo
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved