When a natal chart has many squares and oppositions (angles of 90° and 180°), the astrologer knows by experience that although these aspects are difficult to deal with, they may also be a force and an asset if they are tamed. All the more so when they connect the main planets with the key axes of the chart, which is the case of Infanta Cristina of Spain.
Let us examine the major planet, precisely, the Sun, shining brightly in the 10th House, the House of social standing, in loose conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and with the North Node. How could it be possible to better suggest a brilliant destiny filled with honours, glamour, pomp, and wealth? The Sun in Gemini provides an adolescent way to experience this grandeur. So far, all is well, except that the Sun, Jupiter, and the North Node form two squares with the Ascendant and with Saturn, respectively. The angular position of these planets heralds an issue which, for the time being, comes down to a diagnosis: a terrible lack of self-confidence. Instead of being a spoiled child, as sometimes reported, Cristina is insecure, questions her appearance and her influence on other people, while being wary of them. The rest of the chart analysis is in the same vein. Mars in the 1st House offers energy, but since he squares the Sun, opposite Saturn, he brings about clumsiness. Cristina behaves with assertiveness in order to compensate her shyness, which may come across as aggressiveness. On the other hand, she is deeply inhibited and passive when Saturn prevails...
Moreover, the Moon in Sagittarius in the 4th House inclines to rebellion too. Actually, this planet urges her to put some distance with the royal family, and to behave like an Amazon. However, because Saturn also influences the Moon, emotions are kept under tight control. Looking at her past, it is necessary to recall that Cristina used to be the most popular child of the King and the Queen of Spain, and that she is currently experiencing a slow descent to hell which may even jeopardise the Spanish monarchy. Indeed, since the beginning of the year, she was charged by a judge with tax evasion and money laundering. All this, from an astrological viewpoint, is utterly obvious. The Moon in Sagittarius probably prompted her to marry a successful sportsman who does not belong to her circle. Some may remember her very romantic wedding (celebrated under the sign of Libra, she herself having the Descendant in Pisces). In those days, i.e. in 1998, Cristina symbolised the modern monarchy in Spain, an independent and happy one. She has four children. What looks like a nice fairy tale, and also conjures up a certain Diana, with a special way of thumbing her nose at the system and the duties implied by the crown, finally turns against her. Too many conflicting energies!
It is necessary to pay attention to the Grand Cross which dominates the whole chart and involves more than four planets. Let us remind that this heavy configuration links together signs of the same mode, mutable signs in the case of Cristina. Since she is Mercurian on two accounts, the Sun and the Ascendant, her personality is twice as much fundamentally unstable. Of course, she can avoid going round and round in circles amid contradictory energies, as it is sometimes the case with a Cardinal Cross, thanks to the motion implied by the Mutable element. But this is not always sufficient. Therefore, what can Cristina rely on, with this type of chart? Well, on Venus, who is going her own way, unrelated to the Grand Cross. In Cancer, the planet of love endows Cristina with a great deal of gentleness and with unfailing fidelity to her family and her roots. It is certain that it is not deliberately that she has put the monarchy in such a difficult situation. Her Venus also shows her affection for her husband, whom she is not separated from, despite his wrongdoings. The only thing she told the judge repeatedly was that she was not informed of anything and that "she fully trusted him". A very sentimental answer, entirely in line with Venus in Cancer. Cristina can also count on the sextile which Mars sends to Neptune, and which enables her to implement solutions which are at the same time imaginative, shrewd, and concrete. To get out of trouble, she should be able to prepare a smart communication strategy totally devoid of aggressiveness.
The influences she undergoes remain to be evaluated. The current mundane Grand Cross mainly involves cardinal signs, and non-mutable signs like in her natal horoscope. On the other hand, generally speaking, the current energies echo with an issue existing in the natal chart. How to solve this without damage, when one is going round in circles? The Houses involved are the 2nd House – with Mars' slow retrogradation throughout the first semester of 2014, therefore the money earned – the 4th House, i.e. the family, the roots, the home, with the transit of Pluto, the 8th House, i.e. the end of things, with the tricky transit of Uranus suggesting a dramatic turn of events, and finally the 11th House, with the transit of Jupiter pointing to unfortunate overconfidence in partners.
Infanta Cristina, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca

You can also read the Astrotheme astrological portrait of Cristina of Spain.
What does the future have in store? Next fall, Jupiter, one of the dominants of the natal chart, reaches the 12th House and indicates that Cristina is completing a cycle. Mid-term prognoses warn that isolation may become even more absolute when Saturn in Sagittarius activates the natal Grand Cross in early 2016. However, let us bear in mind that the purpose of astrology is not to announce such events as the downfall of a person or a monarchy, but only to underline the bad patches which must be faced. How Cristina will react to such influences remains to be seen. If she can overcome them with courage and hindsight, it is certain that she will end up stronger and tougher, even though it is no easy feat.
Sun 22°14' Gemini, in House X
Moon 15°30' Sagittarius, in House IV
Mercury 24°19' Gemini, in House X
Venus 8°43' Cancer, in House X
Mars 22°41' Virgo, in House I
Jupiter 11°58' Gemini, in House X
Saturn 17°02' Pisces, in House VII
Uranus 10°59' Virgo, in House XII
Neptune 17°46' Я Scorpio, in House III
Pluto 13°47' Virgo, in House I
North Node 13°51' Я Gemini, in House X
Lilith 25°00' Capricorn, in House V
Fortune 7°40' Pisces, in House VI
Vertex 19°46' Aquarius, in House VI
East Point 8°46' Virgo, in House XII
Ascendant 14°24' Virgo
House II 9°05' Libra
House III 8°34' Scorpio
House IV 11°54' Sagittarius
House V 15°55' Capricorn
House VI 17°10' Aquarius
House VII 14°24' Pisces
House VIII 9°05' Aries
House IX 8°34' Taurus
Midheaven 11°54' Gemini
House XI 15°55' Cancer
House XII 17°10' Leo
Ascendant 14°24' Virgo
Midheaven 11°54' Gemini
* A planet less than 1° from the next House cusp is considered to be posited in the said House. 2° when the AS and the MC are involved