Planet in House
Planet in Sign
Astrological charts with the East Point in the 12 housesYou will find on these pages the celebrity horoscopes having the East Point in the 12 houses with an interactive chart and excerpts of astrological portrait. Advertisements
The East Point is a fictitious point at the intersection of two great circles, the Ecliptic and the great vertical circle (Prime Vertical) in the East of the birthplace, linking the East, the Zenith, the West, and the Nadir. It is always located in the East of the chart, around the Ascendant. The East Point is sometimes considered to be a second Ascendant, less important, but also related to how one is seen by other people, and to how one expresses one's personality. Astrological houses describe a specific field of experience in the native's real life. The 12 houses indicate how the person functions, whether in his interactions with other people, his work, his money, or his love affairs, etc. As with the 12 zodiacal signs, there are 12 astrological houses, and each house is in analogy with one of the signs. However, contrarily to signs, which spread invariably over 30 degrees of the zodiacal circle, house sizes may greatly vary from one house to the other. House calculations are based on the exact birth time.
House in Sign
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