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Astrological charts with Lilith in the 12 signsYou will find on these pages the celebrity horoscopes having Lilith in the 12 signs with an interactive chart and excerpts of astrological portrait. Advertisements
Lilith or the Dark Moon is the empty focus of the lunar orbit, the other focus being the Earth. It symbolizes the debt, or the karmic consequences of our deeds. It means dearth, unfathomable fear, foolish challenge, sufferings which lead to growth, the limits of earthly bearable pain, and therefore, the possibilities to surpass oneself, the ambivalence of desire and denial, as well as the ability to metamorphose oneself, and to turn an ordeal into a redeeming experience. Just like Pluto, Mars, and Uranus to some extent, Lilith has a strong and active sexual symbolism. It is the snake of the garden of Eden, the foolish temptation, and the refusal to submit to our desires. Lilith spends approximately nine months in each sign, and its yearly motion is roughly of forty degrees. It is commonly believed that its domicile is in Scorpio, its exaltation in Aries, its detriment in Taurus, and its fall in Libra. The position of the celestial bodies, as seen from the Earth and the place of birth, is established in connection with a system of coordinates based on the horizon and the zenith. For each astrological chart, the time and place of birth are processed in order to get markers that are specific to the individual. This is how it becomes possible to materialize the positions of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon in the window of heaven known as the Zodiac. The celestial belt where the Sun relentlessly follows his course, when seen from the Earth, is divided into twelve equal parts called zodiacal signs. It all works out as if all the human features were represented within the whole twelve signs. Each sign reflects an independent and strong typology, complementary to the other signs, expressing by itself its nature and its personality with its characteristics, its tendencies and its motivations.
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