
Kyle Maynard, born March 24 1986, (time unknown), Washington (DC)
[77.01W 38.54N / 5W00]

50' 41' 22° 22' 28° 14' 45' 33' 19° 29' 46' 19° 19' 08' 17° 41' 15° 05'
Author: Joey Leonardo
Credits: Sent to me by the owner
Licence: Public domain
Born:Monday, March 24, 1986 (time unknown)
In:Washington (DC) (United States)
Sun: 3°46' Aries  
Moon:15°05' Virgo   
Dominants: Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces
Pluto, Sun, Moon
Fire, Water / Mutable
Chinese Astrology: Fire Tiger
Numerology: Birth Path 6
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