
Emily Greene Balch, born January 8 1867, 07:00 PM, Jamaica Plain (MA)
[71.07W 42.19N / 4W44, 11:44 PM UT]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 21° 48' 10° 07' 14' 13° 15' 51' 12° 15' 21° 04' 43' 15° 44' 25° 37' 21° 45' 13° 04' 26° 00' 28° 57' 12' 18° 18' 25'
Author: Unknown authorUnknown author
Credits: -Nobel prize picture and has been released by her societies and websites.
Licence: Public domain
Born:Tuesday, January 8, 1867, 7:00 PM
In:Jamaica Plain (MA) (United States)
Sun: 18°18' CapricornAS: 15°44' Leo
Moon:21°48' Aquarius MC: 5°14' Taurus
Dominants: Aquarius, Leo, Taurus
Jupiter, Sun, Moon
Houses 6, 7, 5 / Fire, Earth / Fixed
Numerology: Birth Path 4
Pageviews: 9,448
Positions of Houses
House 1 15°44' Leo
House 2 6°45' Virgo
House 3 2°50' Libra
House 4 5°14' Scorpio
House 5 11°44' Sagittarius
House 6 16°18' Capricorn
House 7 15°44' Aquarius
House 8 6°45' Pisces
House 9 2°50' Aries
House 10 5°14' Taurus
House 11 11°44' Gemini
House 12 16°18' Cancer
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