
Lucien Febvre, born July 22 1878, 07:00 PM, Nancy (54)
[6.12E 48.41N / 0E25, 06:35 PM UT]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 29° 45' 18° 11' 18° 41' 24° 57' 27° 56' 18° 46' 17° 47' 15° 50' 35' 12° 51' 13° 24' 37' 51' 40' 42' 26° 16' 25° 51'
Author: Unknown authorUnknown author
Credits: This file comes from Gallica Digital Library and is available under the digital ID btv1b10219609x/f1
Licence: Public domain
Born:Monday, July 22, 1878, 7:00 PM
In:Nancy (54) (France)
Sun: 29°45' CancerAS: 15°50' Capricorn
Moon:2°40' Taurus MC: 17°47' Scorpio
Dominants: Taurus, Leo, Capricorn
Moon, Saturn, Pluto
Houses 7, 3, 2 / Earth, Fire / Fixed
Numerology: Birth Path 8
Pageviews: 9,941
Positions of Houses
House 1 15°50' Capricorn
House 2 6°34' Pisces
House 3 19°49' Aries
House 4 17°47' Taurus
House 5 8°07' Gemini
House 6 26°01' Gemini
House 7 15°50' Cancer
House 8 6°34' Virgo
House 9 19°49' Libra
House 10 17°47' Scorpio
House 11 8°07' Sagittarius
House 12 26°01' Sagittarius
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