
Alexander Pope, born May 21 1688, 06:45 PM, Londres
[0.10W 51.30N / 0W01, 06:46 PM UT]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 25' 40' 14' 21° 59' 45' 10° 04' 19° 01' 28° 22' 20° 13' 13° 02' 27° 09' 18° 58' 10° 47' 55' 30' 48' 19° 30'
Author: Michael Dahl
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Licence: Public domain
Born:Friday, May 21, 1688, 6:45 PM
In:London (United Kingdom)
Sun: 1°25' GeminiAS: 20°13' Scorpio
Moon:18°58' Aquarius MC: 10°04' Virgo
Dominants: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio
Neptune, Uranus, Pluto
Houses 6, 7, 8 / Earth, Water / Fixed
Numerology: Birth Path 4
Pageviews: 13,528
Positions of Houses
House 1 20°13' Scorpio
House 2 20°44' Sagittarius
House 3 0°16' Aquarius
House 4 10°04' Pisces
House 5 10°41' Aries
House 6 3°00' Taurus
House 7 20°13' Taurus
House 8 20°44' Gemini
House 9 0°16' Leo
House 10 10°04' Virgo
House 11 10°41' Libra
House 12 3°00' Scorpio
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