Latest Improvements to the Astrology Forecasts - Version 2 and 2.5
Our forecasts based on transits have been considerably improved and become "intelligent". Instead of displaying a mere series of transits, we systematically compare each interpretation with the configuration of the natal chart. For instance, all the cases of recurring transits are interpreted. Likewise, mixed conjunctions, i.e. when the transited planet is under stress, etc. are interpreted. A new revolutionary aspectarian is available: clicking on any transit takes directly to the interpretation.
Exclusive improvements for the detailed reports (Monthly, Quarterly, Grand Horoscope, 12 Month and 2 Year forecasts) version 2.5
- For each order, two reports are now offered instead of one: the default report without the Moon's transits, for more clarity and less volume, and the same report with the Moon's transits, more detailed,
- The readability of the aspectarian has been improved,
Details of the improvements of our new version 2.0
- The volume of the interpretation texts is increased two or threefold. In more than 95% of the cases, they are unpublished and more varied,
- New interactive aspectarian: clicking on any transit of the graph takes directly to the interpretation. aspectarian laid out in two pages (one for the standard forecasts) featuring all the additional cases processed, with six colours instead of five (processing of mixed and soft conjunctions),
- Processing of recurring transits - repeating a natal planetary link - with monitoring of all the cases: calculation of the strength and the quality of the transit with an increase or a reduction of the harmonious aspects, mildly positive, negative or slightly negative of the transit when both planets or the planet and the angle are linked in the natal chart by a minor or a major aspect (11 aspects processed),
- Detection of afflicted planets in the natal chart with selective processing of transits by conjunction: new case of mixed or harmonious conjunctions depending on the quality of the transited planet; if it receives at least one major challenging aspect from another planet, the conjunction is mixed. Otherwise it is harmonious; when an angle is transited, the conjunction is deemed mixed only when there is a challenging major aspect with the transiting planet involved,
- Transits to the angles are now interpreted for the five major aspects, including the detection of mixed or harmonious conjunctions, instead of two aspects in the former version (conjunctions and oppositions),
- New cases of transits processed in a more fine-tuned manner, such as for example differentiating oppositions from squares, and sextiles from trines for transits to the angles,
- More compact and convenient lay out.
Exclusive improvements for the detailed reports (Monthly, Quarterly, Grand Horoscope, 12 Month and 2 Year forecasts) version 2.0
- Processing of collective transits: all transits to slow and very slow-moving planets (Jupiter through Pluto) are also interpreted, except those of the Moon since its effects on slow-moving planets are insignificant,
- Detection and processing of transits to the Ascendant ruler (including when it is a slow or very slow-moving planet) with calculation of the strength of the transit,
- Processing of the fast planet's transits (from the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus).